Cool Curator Contest #26 Winner

in contest •  6 years ago 

This is long overdue!

The Daddykirbs Cool Curator Contest has been so much fun. I'm very grateful to everyone that has participated for the 26 weeks that it ran. For now I'm not planning on continuing the contest. The winner for the last contest was never drawn, so I'd like to do that here today.

List of Entries


The Winner

Congratulations @luty !

Thank you to everyone who has participated to make this a fun contest here on Steemit!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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Congratulations to the winner @luty . A big hug!.

Thank you @marybellrg . I am so grateful for you and others who have made the contest great. I'm sorry to disappoint you. The contest is not returning. This was just the last drawing that was never accomplished for that last contest post.

Wow! Gracias @daddykirbs por la oportunidad de participar en tu concurso, premio inesperado! espero vuelvas pronto con los concursos, te extrañamos!

Felicidad Lucia...

Felicitaciones @luty. Te sigo.

Congratulations @daddykirbs for having such a fun cool contest for so long, we all got to meet some awesome people!
Congratulations to @luty as well and to the many others that were part of this!

Very happy to see our friend @daddykirbs returning from a natural break due to the death of his father. Returning to the activities to which we are accustomed and delivering awards, always very generous on your part, with which many participants have benefited especially Venezuelan colleagues. So there are no words to thank your goodwill and your ability to work. I also invite you to visit on YouTube your very educational programs of the work you do on your farm and the vicissitudes that happen to you in life.

Congratulations @luty

Un fuerte abrazo, a hug

Muy contenta por ver a nuestro amigo @daddykirbs regresando de una pausa natural por el fallecimiento de su señor padre. Retomando las actividades a las que nos tiene acostumbrados y entregando premios, siempre muy generosos de su parte, con el que se han beneficiados muchos participantes especialmente compañeros venezolanos. Asi que no hay palabras como agradecer su buena voluntad y su capacidad de trabajo. Tambien los invito a visitar en youtube sus programas todos muy educativos de las labores que realiza en su granja y las visicitudes que le pasan en la vida.

Felicitaciones @luty

Qué bueno que ya se hizo el concurso.
Felicitaciones al afortunado ganador.