Win 20 steems contest.

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here is your change to win 20 steems from me if you are living in venezuela.

The rules:

  1. Resteem.
  2. Vote with 100% of your power.
  3. You have to be living in Venezuela.
  4. Pick a number from 1-100 put it in the comment.
    Number will be pick from (computer pick) 7 days for this contest.
    Winner got 3 days to contact me or price will go to the next contest.
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Oh shit.. im not a Venezuelan..

Venezuelan? I am here!! My number to participate is my age: 24. Thanks for this contest @dang007. 20 Steem will last just 1 week.

Venezuela <3 : " 98"

Epale Tascon ya te descubri!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am Venezuelan; number 72

Saludo a todos los venezolanos Tambien Soy venezolano Mi numero "47"

es por la edad de su hijo querido

It depends on the salary, if we talk about the minimum, which most people earn, are 460k bsf, which equivalent less than $ 5 (1$=120k bsf), $ 60 would be almost the gross salary during a year of work of a average Venezuelan(without counting bonuses and increases), every day, the dollar is worth more (that means, our currency is devalued every day), I will participate, if I win, I would like to help the children in my area with some food, for one of my projects in Steemit and for family use , more than just staff. I participate with the number 19.

Data Source: (Price of the dollar in Venezuela) (Minimum salary)

At first this was going to be just a comment, to someone who had answered your question, but apparently they have eliminated it, see you @dang007

I'm participating with the number 19

good to know. thk

Oye, si no los gano yo (que en realidad los necesito) espero que vayan para ti. Ayudar a la gente en estos tiempos aciagos es una gran acción.

How much is one day salary in your country in U.S dollar?

a few cents sadly :/

I hope you change your mind and stop canceling the challenge. I am venezuelan, my option is 24

¡Holaaaa! ¡Soy SuperMegaRecontra Venezolanisima mi pana! Mi número de participación es el 100, porque como dice la canción: Yo me quedo en Venezuela porque yo soy optimista. Ya que Apuesto al 100% por mi bella Venezuela.

Hey! I'm in with number 21. Thanks!

Hola, número 16 ♥

I'm from venezuela! my number is 26

Venezolana <N° 69>

Nice number... }:)

Many of you did not realize, but some people used the same number of others.
I will use one number that nobody has used, the 56.

20 Steem would last me 3 weeks and even more.
I live alone and I do not have children.

Hug @dang007

Varios no se percataron que usaron el mismo número de otros.
Yo usaré uno que nadie ha usado, el 56.

20 Steem me duraría 3 semanas y hasta más.
Ya que vivo solo y no tengo hijos.

Un abrazo @dang007

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

they are too lazy to go down the post to see if that number has been taken or not.
they will not win if their number hit someone else.

Sadly not everyone knows CTRL + F


Greetings, I'm Venezuelan. My number 67


Greetings, I'm Venezuelan. My number 67

How wonderful. Thank you, friend @dang007. I am Venezuelan. My number is 55.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for publishing this contest, my participation number is 78! It would be excellent if I won, good luck to all!

Gracias por tu iniciativa @dang007, voy a participar con el número 30.. Estoy siguiendote, espero verte algún día por mi blog.. Saludos.. Soy Venezolano

Hi, I'm from Venezuela, my number is 64

My number is #58! I wanted 21 because it's my lucky number but was taken already :( with that money I could buy food and camera accesories! And use a little bit to improve my SP


Ok with that amount I can buy one tire for my car. So one day for me!

Greetings from Venezuela! Im picking 75!

i'm from Venezuela. # 7

Hi @dang007, thanks for doing this for us. I choose number 48.

Hello there, i am from venezuelan. Number 1

Please let me ask if the contest in VietNam has results yet ? thanks you

Hello, greetings from Tucupido - Guarico. My number is 26. //
Hola, saludos desde Tucupido - Guarico. Mi numero es el 26.

Good offer but I am unlucky because I am not a Venezuelan.Very sad.

my number is 20

I'm from venezuela , number 17

20 steem would last me 1 month doing a basic market
Venezuela. Number 3

Hey! I am Venezuelan! My number is 11

How long would it last me? Well 2 months of food for a family of 6, minimum

I'm from Venezuela ✰
and my number is 81

In my home we are 3, and those 20 Steem can last a month and a half well managed. (Only in food)

numero :7

I´m venezuelan. My number is 88.

I from Venezuela bro and i choose the number 2

#42 hermano

Here a Venezuelan, I choose the number 8. Hey un Venezolano aqui mi pana, eligo el numero 8. Saludos desde el Zulia!!!

I guess trying wont hurt.

I'll take number 50

I'm from Venezuela and I'm living on Venezuela too. My number is 88.

Hi, i say 70 for me!

I pick the number 21. I hope to win!

Number 21, from Zulia Venezuela

i'm Venezuelan. N° 57

Venezuelan yup, I pick 46

Los Teques - Miranda, Venezuela :D My number: 20

Venezolano y en venezuela. 13 es mi número.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Venezolano, 54 para mi!

Edit: I posted this really late at night, I was sleepy, sorry for not answering your last question. It depends, 60 USD here in Venezuela is a lot and it would last a very long time if think it through really well. Personally, I would spend most of it on a MIDI controller (I'm a musician, it's a keyboard that you can connect to your pc so it can produce sound) and food for christmas and I think I would still have money left to spend on some other things.

I'm not sure if you know how much this platform is helping us, but steemit changed my life entirely (and I think it did the same for a lot of Venezuelans like me)

1 steem is 350.000 bolivares today, but tomorrow it will be 400.000 bolivares and so on, the inflation is getting worse and worse and this platform is helping us more and more.

Here a Venezuelan, I choose the number 6. Venezuela estado Zulia Nro 6 para mi

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for this contest bro. I'm from Venezuela. I choose number 12.

So, I have my close friend named Carlos from Venezuela, he's not on steemit. Can I enter on behalf of him?


Já, I'm venezuelan and knowing that my luck to win this sort of contests. For me is harder than sweep a staircase upwards, even so, let's give to this thing a shot.

My Lucky Number is:



Ok , contest back on but i still havent got an answer to my question.

Well, at this same instant: 1 Steem = $3.65. Then 20 Steem = $73.00 ~ VEF 8.195.585,17

So, I suppose that specifically for me al least, that kind of do$h would last me around 4 months my dear @dang007. :)

I'm participating with number 9 :D
Thanks for the contest! You rock

Im venezuelan I take number 13

vietnam cheering

i`m living in Venezuela, and the number i choosee iss: 7

Saludos desde Caracas - Venezuela mi numero a escoger es el "28"
:D vamos a ver si mi edad me da suerte :D

Here I am! 51

Venezuela!! -> 77!

Hey there, thanks for the contest. @davidleplaid somehow answer you question, but here is my answer: to bought some basic products, just as: Flour, rice, oil, meat, chicken... The average citizen spend between 500k Bsf - 1kkBsf monthly, (If we're talking of a good diet of course, there is people who only eat bread, or don't eat meat or chicken) ... by the actual change 60$ shold worth for 7.2kk BsF, It means, if were talking of a normal family (with 3 or 4 members on it) 60$ would last 6-7months.... But we're no putting a factor really important on this INFLATION... Just a few months ago 1$ = 40.000BSF, today it's 1$=120.000BSF. And you could something like "But hey, now you're winning more for every dollar" and hypothetically that's right, but when our money devualuated itself (or the dolars revaluate, it depends on how you see it) it's more hard to bought products, 'cuase the prices of almost ALL OF THEM are based on USD, that means, if the dollar was valuated in 40kBSF and now it's 120kBSF it has grow a 300%... so the products, has grow as minimum 330% their prices a few months....

I hope this answer, could worth for you. Thanks against for the contest. Also I pick the #32. Bless you!

Venezuela por aquí. 60

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Venezuela. My number 61

Venezuela. My number is 18

Hi, i'm from Venezuela - Maracaibo, my number would be 80. A minimun salary in venezuela it's about 5$

5 dollar a day?

A month, it's very critical here

5$ a day... We wished that lol :(

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well, u guy make more on steemit.

20 steems= $60 x bs100.000= 6000000 I think it would last a happy month hahaha

Salud men! i choise #33

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My number is 57

I want the number 29 greetings from Venezuela

I am Venezuelan; number 88

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Number 45 from Venezuela.

hola! soy luisangela, y mi numero es el 6 :)

I from venezuela 31

number 22 for me thanks!

Venezuela <3 99

I am venezuelan number 28.

venezolano y en Venezuela hasta morir!!! AMO MI PAIS (49)

Hi @dang007, I'm Venezuelan, my number to participate on 25, greetings

Hey @dang007 thanks for opening again the contest! To know how long will last 20 steem is hard because the inflation here is to high so 1 thing can cost today $1 and tomorrow $3.

Actually the salary is less than $5 and it's imposible to buy something with it. The people that have stores want to sell things to the price of dolar. My maths are bad but I think one full day of 8 hours in a normal job would give you 6 cents or something like that. And even if I'm wrong it would still be cents... :(

But if I try to explain it I can say it will last at least 3 months of food, not buying nothing imported and using some administration powers.

If they buy clothes and gifts 20 steem would last 2 seconds, almost everything is imported and that means expensive.

If they have to pay the rent and several things like medicins or something maybe could last 1 month and half.

For me it would totally last like 2 months because I like to secure the food here in my house, so I will buy as much food I could (that last long of course haha) so It would be food for several months in case of something bad happens I can be in peace. I don't like my mom to be stressed about the food, sometimes is pretty hard to find and could be really expensive. sometimes I feel like living in a movie :(

Hope you can have an idea of how much would last 20 Steem for any of us, I'm really glad that you make this contest.. You can't imagine how much is that for a venezuelan. Steemit has changed so many lifes.

You can use this page that tells you how much it worths 20 Steem

Venezuela, my number is 27

Hi, I'm also Venezuelan. My number is 8

Sup bro!! Thanks for this contest! Me voy a tomar la libertad de mostrarlo entre mis círculos, The number I choose is 23, Cheers!

Este mismo iba a elegir! Si ganas no te perdonare!! xD

Jajaaja oye pero se reparten el premio xD

oie pues no es mala idea, aunque no se si jon este de acuerdo jajaja

Hola soy joan @nei.shu soy numero 30 y los 20 steemiet ma durarian 3 semanas en gastos basicos. Gracias!

I'm venezuelan! My number is 31 i never win this kind of stuff anyway good luck everyone!

hello. I am Venezuelan. My number is 34.Thank you, friend @dang007.

Venezuela! (57)

How would you know if I am from Venezuela or not XD

I will check your post if u win.

Haha!! Really time consuming method but it is a clever move!

Don't worry I didn't play as I am not from Venezuela :)

Hi. @dangon007 how are you? Mi number is the age of my beautiful mother 64. I have not won 20 steem in a single publication so far. Thank you very much for this contest. Good luck for everyone 👍

Venezuelan, living in Venezuela
I choose 7, my lucky number

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is great!... I'm Venezuelan, I choose the number: 89... I would change them to BsF which is the currency that we use here in Venezuela and would definitely use them to buy basic products and food, taking into account the situation in the country and the economy is very difficult to buy with the salary that we earn here.


Im in, with 26 number! from venezuela

Hi! I'm venezuelan. My number is 17.

I'm from venezuela my number is 69. a hug and thanks for the initiative

are you sure u want to that number because someone else already got 69

I choose the number 06, is that available? :(

dont know.

then I'll keep the number 06! Thank you

Venezuela - 03

Venezolana , viviendo en Venezuela...mi numero 22, y 20 Steem durarían tres semanas ...Pueden durar màs si los inviertes.

Venezolana por aquí! Mi numero "23"

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @dang007.
I am Venezuelan and I live in Venezuela.
My number to participate is 31, because the year ends and we renew the hope for a better life.
20 steem would last me 15 days, because I will spend it slowly.
Thank you very much for your contest.
Merry Christmas!!!