DtubeDaily | Contest | Guess what the price of Steem will be in a week from now and win 5 Steem!

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Nice and simple homies... guess how much Steem will be worth in a week from now and be in to win 5 Steem.
It is around 35000-36000 satoshis now. So just write a comment below letting us know how much you think Steem will be worth in BTC (satoshis) NOT in USD.

The one that gets closer to the actual price will win 5 Steem that I will send to the users wallet in a week from now.

Get your comments coming guys! Share this post, resteem it, link it to your friends, do whatever you want. But remember... only one will win the prize!

There is time to submit your entries until Saturday 28th included.

Best of luck to everyone!! And thanks for watching!

Outro Song: Jimmy Square - Not Red Foxy (No Copyright Music)

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48395 Brother Bruno!

38200 thanks :)

36900 sats

Thanks for the game! ;)


I have not learned to think in satoshis yet. So this is a good exercise for my mind. Going to hope it continues to climb. I'll predict it gets to about 38100.

30001 sats

Hola hombre!


42000 :)

Congrats @adetorrent!

At the moment of getting the rewards of the contest, Steem price was 0,00041831 BTC

Captura de pantalla 2018-05-01 a la(s) 11.34.40.png

You were the closest one, being off by just 169 Satoshis.

5 Steem will be sent to you shortly. Thanks for participating!!

Thank you, it has arrived !!






sup homie