I feel like I shouldn't have to say this.

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

So i wake up a couple weeks ago seeing kids eat Tide Pods and i really have lost all faith in humanity already. When i was a kid we did wrong and we got our mouths washed out with soap, now these little assholes are eating soap on purpose. What the fuck is wrong with you. Now this week I see these fucktards are snorting condoms.........


Are you god damn serious right now?

What in the blue fuck is wrong with kids these days? When i was a young man we put these on our dicks and fucked people with them. Now they are a novelty item you shove up your nose? Are we so unsure now adays on what bathroom to use and so on that we have forgotten that it is more fun to go hump something than it is to choke yourself with a studded Magnum?
I literally searched and found this man screaming for 10 hours 2 minutes and 52 seconds to express how i feel right now. /give it a listen. Get on my level of disappointment. I listened to this all day at work and somehow I still hate these kids more than this guys voice.


I have 2 daughters and i swear to god if i caught them doing this I would be more dissapointed than if i found out they were knocked up at 15 years old my a trans species, gender queer, midget that was hooked on crack that worked for the circus.


How have we got to this point?

Has it been the fact that we no longer spank kids in schools? When i was a kid we got our asses whooped when screwed up. Is it the fact that we just drug our kids with ADHD meds instead of dealing with them misbehaving? Have we rotted their brains enough with youtube and shitty MTV that this is the new thing? Are they going to be able to sue Trogan / Magnum when they inhale one and it ends up in their lung? Are we going to be clogging up emergency rooms with kids with a glow in the dark rough rider or french tickler clogging an air way. Will the new badge of honor be a hole in your neck from the time you had to have a trach tube?



fucking idiots snorting condoms

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Trogan / Magnum should have had a warning label " do not put up your nose "

This is insane .

Hey i am not saying that somewhere in my confused youth i didn't at some point try and stick my pecker in some chicks nose just for the hell of it but this is totally different. On a side note if you can fit a fully loaded Magnum up your nostril you have some serious shit wrong with your nose.

LOL no I get it .
They just don't have any concept of getting a boot up their ass when they do stupid . then again when I was a dumbass and someone came up with the idea to snort a condom , his ass would be gone .
I just dont get it . and the soap eating WTF

I didn't read what you just wrote... It's a late April Fool's right?

Nope. This is American kids today. So sad

Next level: stick washing tablets into a condom, stick it up your nose and get it out through your ears...
Has this ridiculous eating tablets thing stopped?

Oh god no. I want no part of this crap.

yes the tide pod thing has really slowed down ......... for now.

HA! Man, I understand you 100%. Teens for some reason have an extremely low IQ or have friends that are idiots! I lost hope at the condom falling on your head prank now condoms are being used for this... I hope your kids don't do this. I can imagine if I did any of these dumb things I'm sure you and I would be in a world of pain lol. They probably do this just to put in on Instagram or Snapchat... ugh.

YES, I don't get it. I mean when i was a kid you were a failure as a parent if your kid smoked pot, 15 years later smoking pot is normal and so is snorting condoms

When I was a kid we liked eating pea pods.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

have 2 daughters and i swear to god if i caught them doing this I would be more dissapointed than if i found out they were knocked up at 15 years old my a trans species, gender queer, midget that was hooked on crack that worked for the circus.
It should be disappointed instead of dissapointed.

well fuck me running.

With or without a condom?

Ahaha,...sadly social media has become the new front runner to natural selection.