RE: It's time: Steemit Fantasy Football

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It's time: Steemit Fantasy Football

in contest •  7 years ago 

will ponder will ponder..

but ya I think we should have a tag that everyone can use any time we post league content. like something besides just "fantasyfootball", something unique to our league so we can click it and see all content

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For the tag, how about: FantasyTalk?

Here a pretty good list of possibilities for both league or tag names:

for the tag, what do you think about: sff2018

(sff being "steem fantasy football")

just quick and crisp, and then we can still name the league whatever

I'm thinking 'fantasytalk' seems too vague, like other people could use that tag for just general fantasy things

That works. Let's do dis!


I'm gonna make my first "sff2018" post later today or tomorrow or something.. and any post I tag with that, will contribute all liquid rewards to prize pool

feel free to beat me to the punch if you're inspired to do so :p

I don't think I can post today, but I will shoot for tomorrow. I'm with you on contributing all liquid post rewards using #sff2018 to the prize pool. You should announce it to the group. I'm sure they would love to hear this awesome news. We might even get more volunteers.

Did you get a chance to check whether your Discord channel is still active?

ya I'll def include that info about the tag and the rewards!

will check on Discord today.. what's your name on there in case I get it figured out?

My username is the same on Discord, MelloFello. Lucky I checked my Yahoo mail today. Almost didn't realize the draft was tomorrow afternoon. I have to figure out a way to draft at work without drawing too much attention.

ohh dang, work drafting!!

I feel like you'll pull it off. Only tidbit I can think to offer is, remember that if you put a player in the "queue" in the draft room..

I think what happens is the computer will draft them first, if you were to time out and not make a pick.

so like.. don't put a late round sleeper in your queue if there's a chance of timing out

it's probably a good reminder in general.. I played in a baseball league once where someone famously drafted middle reliever Aaron Fultz with their first pick, because of the queue