RE: WIN a FREE Geodesic Dome Greenhouse (or chose $200 SBD& $200 SP) and Help Educate impoverished Bangladeshi Youth!

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WIN a FREE Geodesic Dome Greenhouse (or chose $200 SBD& $200 SP) and Help Educate impoverished Bangladeshi Youth!

in contest •  6 years ago 

I have had the school on my mind. Particularly this time of year, approaching Christmas and Milad for the kids at the school.
Last year I was more engaged with the school, I'm so glad many others have maintained where I have lapsed. With a great deal of help from my mother @bluerinse last year we sent them gifts and a number of warm hats that she made.
She also helped me ship a number of items to the school. I am quite house bound. My connection to the school gave me a sense of pride and purpose, I lack that at the moment and have been talking with Aziz about a new venture that is focused on the needs of the kids.

This is a wonderful thing you are doing. Last year I was able to raise the funds to give the mothers of the school new sharees for new year.

The feeling of satisfaction for me was a wonder thing. I am so grateful to @azizbd for enriching my life.
I would like the chance to win this for my own mother. She is a keen gardener and has also been my primary carer through my illness helping me to look after my children.
This is her current home made green house. 😂
She builds with the things she comes across in the street. This structure is one of her more functional ones.

Thank you for supporting the school. Your own gain is equal to that of those whose lives you seek to impact. I assure you the friendships and connections go both ways.

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That is a winning comment right there! She made all those hats!? wow! and her mini-hoop-house looks like it is supposed to be like that. She did a great job on both! Whether through the contest or otherwise I would sure love to get her hooked up with a dome! She could sell plant starts, seeds, and harvests, out of it to have it "pay for it's-self" in "no time" (how ever it is initially "paid" for). I wanted one, which is one reason I started building them 6 years ago....Still not quite there, but today I am starting a build on a 32' wide dome greenhouse for my close friend's parents, and I'm going to get to sort of have part of the garden inside! I'll hopefully be in Bangladesh then, but at least I'll get to see pictures! Anyway, my point is there are as many ways to get a dome as you can imagine, so if you want to put our heads together to see what we can imagine together, please feel free to contact me on discord at David Pantone#4210 ...I'm not sure how long this contest is going to take. If I get to keep reading great comments like yours, it will at least be pleasant and encouraging wait for the winner. The friendships and connections are what it's all about! <3

Wooow your mom did a great job with her upcycled greenhouse! If I had land I had always thought it would be cool to try one like I've seen people do out of old windows they scavenged, but one like hers could even fit on my balcony if I got a smaller rack! I'm going to have to keep an eye out for racks on craigslist now...

I think the one pictured is a flat packet purpose built set up. I asked her to send me some of her less conventional designs, I will compile a post 😂.
We have a local council clean up twice a year, it serves as an unofficial swap/ pickers event, you can put stuff out and your neighbours can take what they like before the garbage collection on the Monday. It's a pickers paradise.
I put out my daughters metal bed frame one year and was pleased when someone took it,
(I hate land fill and waste, I'm a crazy upcycler).
I discovered the bed frame at my mother's house, she had built it into her chicken coop. 😂

LOL! Hey, it works!