Msp Music & Art Curation Contest Brought To You By Snibby the Cat! // Week 35 // 25 Steem Prize!

in contest •  6 years ago 

Msp Music & Art Curation Contest Brought To You By Snibby the Cat! // Week 35 // 25 Steem Prize!

The Msp Music & Art account is used to manually curate artistic posts and it also gives automatic upvotes to those who delegate to it.
This combination creates a balancing act to make sure the voting power isn't being drained.

Snibby the Cat wants to upvote ALL the creative posts on Steemit, but he also has a very tiny brain and doesn't understand that it isn't possible to do so.

Team leader and sheriff, Peanut the Cat, ran the numbers and determined that Snibby should only curate 10 posts a week.

Jeffy is jumping for joy as he was able to sneak past Peanut and upvote more than 10 posts!


Each week, Snibby the Cat will carefully select 10 original, creative posts to curate using the MSP Music and Art account.

Jeffy, Sophie, or Snibby may even upvote more if Peanut isn't watching!

Snibby decided upon a different prize structure moving forward. There are too many fantastic submissions to choose only one winner, so Snibby will choose his top 3 favorite posts and those Steemians will split a 25 Steem Prize!


MSP Music & Art Week 34 Winners!

First Place!

“Inktober”/ Entry 2/Trial by Comics
by @akarantain

Second Place!

Trial by Comics “Inktober”/Temptation of evil
by @rosiryscg

Third Place!

Fun / Msp Music & Art Curation / Week 34
by @razielmorales


MSP Music & Art Contest Rules

~Submissions must be in the form of a Steemit link

~Submit your Steemit link here in the comments

~Submissions must be original creative works: music, art, poetry, fiction, photography, etc.

~One entry per person please.

~You don't need to upvote this post, but a resteem would be appreciated so more eyes can see it!

~Snibby the Cat will choose 10 creative posts to be curated using the MSP Music & Art account.

~The Deadline for this week's submissions will be Sunday, October 21st.

~Snibby the Cat will choose his top 3 favorite posts and those Steemians will split a 25 Steem Prize!


Delegate to MSP Music & Art to Help Creative Steemians....and Help Yourself!

Msp Music & Art is an initiative to help creative members of the Steemit community.
The official name of the account is @msp-music.

You can help support even more creative Steemians by delegating!

**When you delegate to @msp-music you will receive automatic upvotes on your posts from the @msp-music account.

If you delegate over 100 SP you will also receive automatic upvotes from the @msp-lovebot account as well!**

The delegation/upvote percentages are as follows:

51-100 SP is a 10% vote

101-250 SP is a 15% vote

251-500 SP is a 20% vote

501-1000 SP is a 30% vote

1000-2500 SP is a 35% vote

2500-5000 SP is a 40% vote

Anything higher than 5000 SP is a 50% vote

The @msp-music account currently has 9,167 SP.

The @msp-lovebot account currently has 15,789 SP.

Click Here to delegate!


Snibby looks forward to seeing/reading/hearing all of your wonderful creative submissions!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Snibby is so generous, wanting to upvote all the good posts!
I so love that image at the top of the post! It is fabulous! 💙

Thank you Kitty!

wow beautiful art works, congratulationsssss <3

Hi dear @isaria .. this is my entry for today:


This is adorable. :)

thank you

congratulation to the winners :)
this is my entry :


thank you @isaria

Hola @isaria por aqui te dejo mi entrada de esta semana espero que te guste :)

I hope that also stuff made for a nice will also get some exposition

My Congratulations to the winners of contest, beautiful creations, really deserve their rewards. Here please find my submission for this week:


Hello dear @isaria Here is my entry for this Week MSP Music and Art Curation by Snibby the Cat <3


Resultado Final.png

Dragons! I love dragons.

I hope you like my fan art. @isaria
marcelin gif.gif
I mean it is a character of ADVENTURE TIME, the background and movements are totally original, and the pose is also original.

Thank you for the curation and general awesomeness you bring to the platform. I don't know if it's cool to share an open mic entry here, but this is one of my all-time favourite songs that I've written, so I'm going to offer this up. It's called Still My Mind, and is sorta October-ish, with a feel of thinning the veil between mind, body, and spirit. 💞

Wow I feel very happy and motivated to have received the second place. Thank you @isaria 😘

Here is a post that I made. Good night/morning. :)

eeeh¡ (celebration) how happy I feel @isaria . Thank you once again. This is very important to me.

felicitaciones a todos los ganadores especialmente a @akarantain muy buenas presentaciones artística snibby debe estar muy contento, saludos.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

hai, i want to opt out of contest, (give to someone little), but feature on isa show? can i do dat?

Sorry I saw this after the you get the updoots lol

its fine, i did quite well on it. rather see the prize doots go to the littles :)

Ok....but I gave you the steemcreative vote❤️

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

thats because you loves me ; ;) im doing a super creative goth story for tomorrow..

Nice! Send it to me after you post!

Hola isaria esta es mi entrada para esta semana espero te guste. Bendiciones para ti y mucho éxito a todos.

Happy and grateful for this support I love Steemit !!!

hi @isaria , my entry