RE: IFC Season 2 Round 19 - Assist IrvinesImages

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IFC Season 2 Round 19 - Assist IrvinesImages

in contest •  6 years ago 

Well, what an interesting conversation this has sparked. @ayushjalan, I too applaud your courage in voicing your concern and doing so in such a non confrontational manner. Although I must say I whole-heartedly dis-agree. If Irvines Images was a participant in this contest then I would certainly agree but the spirit of this contest is the finding and sharing of information and @apolymask only seeks to find information on how to help his father in a passion which they both share which is photography. I was also a part of this contest last season and had no problem with it then nor do I now. I would ask that you re-think your decision and write up a killer post even if it's just to share your appreciation of this incredible photography. No need to be embarrassed as it did take incredible courage for you to share.

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Thank you. That was very kind of you. I was still kinda scared that other contestants might look at me the wrong way, but glad that you didn't. I did indeed re-think what I said, and that's what made me apologize, especially after reading how much Paul has invested and worked for these contests.

Perhaps I didn't look at the situation from every angle and jumped into conclusions, which I'll be more carefully about from now on. Honestly, now that I think about it, if I invested that much in a contest that I started, I would also most probably want to promote myself too. Whether I would actually do it or not, I'm not sure.

About changing my decision and writing an entry, I don't know if I'll be able to do that or not. I mean, I'd love to, but I'm still standing by what I said, and more importantly, between all the things that are currently happening in my life right now, I barely get the time to write the articles that I had already planned for my own blog.

If Paul makes an exception for this round, I'm more than happy to make an entry in this comment section itself, but I don't think I'll be able to make a blog post about it.

Anyway, I'm glad about everything that you said. I read your entry too and I must say, it's amazing! You offered some really practical and helpful advice, and if I had to guess, I'm sure you will win this round. All the best :)

I'm not totally sure what you mean by making an exception in regards to an entry in the comment section but I think I get it and yeah you can, I've opened this up to people submitting entries via email and that would be similar. It would almost be better if you did it by email and then it would be less confusing, but if you don't want to post it on your own blog then.. Yeah you can do it here in the comments. We've actually made that exception before during the last season when people didn't understand they were suppose to make a blog post.

Ideally I think it's best if people make a blog post, though I want to open this up to as many people as possible and let them enter in ways that work for them, so.. Even if it's a lil more confusing for the judges I think perhaps next season I should adjust the rules a bit to not only allow people to enter via EMAIL but also to leave an entry in the comments section instead of making a blog post on their page.

Anyways.. If you do want to do that, feel free. I'll figure out the broader details in the future in regards to how we'll do it next season.

That's awesome! I think allowing people to make entries through comments will increase the total number of newcomers to the contest.

Although, I think people who are already familiar with it, would most likely want to make a blog post entry regardless, including myself.

I'll most likely make an entry after the next week when I return back home after travelling. The internet connection here is too weak to post pretty much anything. I'm actually surprised the eSteem app is working, haha!