Mermaidvampire motivational video contest

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

Life is like a mist, for it appears for just a day and disappears tomorrow.
All that we are can quickly fade away,replaced with tears and sorrow.
Life has its mysteries and pains it causes us but the ability to get sustanance despite all is the key word,perhaps finding comfort and getting motivations from friends,families and most importantly from the word of God.
This video is dedicated to a friend here on steemit,the one that gives inspiration to people despite her health conditions.
I am a pharmaceutical student and of course I know what pain it takes to be a dialysis patient. Her strength moved me to do this video for her,just to let her know someone here cares,cherish and appreciate a strong woman like her.
Below is the link to the YOUTUBE video:

I would like to call the attentions of @sn0white, @samal,@humanearl to come join this motivational video contest.

Am sure you want to know what this challenge is all about, click here.


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