in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Are you good in guessing things? Are you good in looking things in a different way? If yes, you can join my first ever steemit challenge. This is my first time to conduct a contest. There are lots of contest out there and all of them are fantastic and very engaging. So today I want also to conduct my own contest which is open to everyone.

Today March 2, 2018 I want to launch my first contest ever, I hope that many people will join and enjoy this contest. Before I give you the mechanics, I want to give you my intention why I am making this contest and how I come up with this.

Last week I decided to practice photography 101, I am editing some photos and I bump into a mosaic effects and that time I ask my wife to guess what is the object behind the blurred image. Since that day I decided to offer this funny time of guessing things to more people. That is the birth of "Guess what challenge". Today I want to bring the fun and thrill of doing this challenge to all of you.

1 . Total amount of upvotes will go to the winners. In case there is more than 1 winner, the total SBD will be divided to all winners.
2 . If there is no winner for week 1 we will carry over the total amount to week 2 challenge. Meaning the prize pot will go bigger if there is no winner for that week. But if there is a winner he will solely take all the prize.
3 . This contest will run until March 8, 2018 11:59 AM Manila Time. Those who will submit their answer after 11:59 AM manila time will not be counted.
4 . On March 9, 2018 9:00 AM Manila time, I will release the correct answer and will send the prize to all winner/s.

1 . Upvote and Resteem this post so that many people have the chance to join
2 . Use the tag #guesswhatchallegeweek1
3 . Put your answer on comment below
4 . You may follow me

1 . Just guess what is the object in the blur image.
2 . The nearest answer could win the game.
3 . One guess per steemit account, no multiple answer.

Here are images to "Guess What Image for Week 1"

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Hmmmm, actually I'm not good in guessing stuffs so it takes time for me to make this comment hahahahaha
Hmmm, Week 1 of your steemit contest challenge, and we are in the steemit community. So I think this would be a good idea for your 1st Guess What Challenge. I think its . . .

3 Person using laptop (More like writing/reading steemit posts)

@coderzairos thanks for joining, I like your detailed answer :) Yep, Ohana rules. Let see if you'll take all the SBD on March 9. Keep posted and enjoy :)

I think it is a 3 small bottle and has a black inside :)

Thank you for joining @ezraabas, I will release the correct answer on March 9, keep posted!

Thank you for joining @iamkrystela, I will release the correct answer on March 9, keep posted!

I'm guessing those are picture of Binder Clips. The one you use on bulk of papers when paper clips are impossible to use. :D Hope my answer is right. :D

Thank you for joining @carloniere, I will release the correct answer on March 9, keep posted!

3 coke zero bottles on a white background/table.

Thank you for joining @jacinta.sevilla. your name is sounds rich :) hehe, I will release the correct answer on March 9 :) let's see if you win the prize.

Thank you lol makalumang pangalan xD

Nope, malakas ang dating ng pangalang sevilla

naks hehe salamat :)

3 baggage bags :)


Hi @d-isko.very thank you for joining. Keep posted for the winner/s.

3 bucket of chicken lol ;)


Hi @gyn you make me feel hungry. Chicken is my favorite. LOL
Keep posted for the winner/s.

Hi @gunter01 thanks for joining, Keep posted for the winner/s.

Hi where will we know the winner here?

I just release the winner.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Whats the answer hahahaha where can I find it?

Updated: I saw it already :) I'll join again

Just keep on joining, it is just for fun. Thanks for joining.

yes sir sumali po ko ule baka makatsamba hahaha God bless po. I know you have a good soul :)

My guess is that this is a picture of three binder clips. #guesswhatchallengeweek1

@arishatariq thank you for joining, keep posted for the correct answer <3

Hi @arishatariq congratulations you won our guess what challenge for week 1. Keep guessing.

YAAYYYY!! would love to participate in the next contests in future!💗🌟🌟

You can join the week 2 and the prize pot is higher than week 1. :)

is there any hint ? its so hard to guess.. hahaha

Hi @junebride, hehehehe I know you can guess it. Just give it a try. Follow what is in your heart <3 LOL

I think it is a picture of 3 boxes of some electronica layed out(musicboxes?)
Trying to put laptop on the other side of the room for better view.. tried it.. not working haha so save your effort :)

@annes-art thank you for joining. So cute when you said musicboxes hehehe. Let see ;)

3 black bottles


Hi @cheche016 cool great guess. Let see on March 9 who'll win ;)

3 empty Coke Zero Bottles with their cap on! hahha very specific.


Thank you mentor @maverickinvictus, very specific ah. Let's see

3 black rectangle baggage

Hi @lalasison my lovely wife, you don't need to join all my SBD is yours <3 hehehe

Three men sitting.

@abrahamcera, Almost there? Hehehe let's see on March 9.

Come on man. All I see are three people sitting. Or squatting. Hahaha

i guess that's the old steemit logo

@poorguy21, thank you for joining. Be excited who'll win the first challenge. Hope to increase more the pot :)

I guess it's 3 kids sitting next to one another.

@onenecha thank you for joining. Are you excited to know the answer? Let see on March 9:)

Yes, I am.

3star and a sun

Thanks @grayhaunds for joining, keep posted on March 9

flowers in the base...

@Tonie thank you for joining. Are you ready to know the answer? Let see on Thursday :)

A person striking a two thumbs up pose.

@alyciakiss thanks for joining. Very detailed answer. Let's see the correct answer on March 9.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Could this be A picture of three woman or man in a coffee shop enjoying the company of each other on a coffee break session after work?😁😊 this is really a fun contest can't wait for March 8, the unveiling of the image riddle hihihi😁😊😁😁 Congratulations on hosting your first contest!!😄😄 #guesswhatchallengeweek1

Hi @stephey thank you for joining. March 8 is approaching and all of us are excited :) Let see if you win the prize.

2 lovers siting on both sides with wine on the center table!!!hahaha:) lol!!

Hi @reginecruz :) I am happy every time I saw you in my post :) Let see tomorrow if you got all the SBD :)

THanks for joining and supporting :)

This is quite fun @joeysison. I love challenges like this. My guess is:
Three people or kids sitting and watching TV.

Hi @raquelita, good I love challenges too :) Brain exercise.

Hmm..a vehicle, not sure if its a car . But yeah my answer is it's a vehicle #guesswhatchallengeweek1

@wanderinggian21 your name is so cute :) heheheh like your answer kinda wondering. Peace, I am just joking. Tomorrow we will reveal the image :) THanks for joining dear

Hahahah... Thanks boss @joeysison

Table wd laptop then one person sitting on the chair.
Good morning thank you.

@olivia08 thanks for guessing, let's see tomorrow :) Thanks for joining.

three black rectangular baggage 😀😀

@nekenekai tomorrow we will see the correct answer, may be your answer is correct :) Let us see

I think that's three faceless people having a meeting hehe

@joyjoyharb hello, thanks for joining. we'll see tomorrow :)

I want to join but... Did you know I have seen this post from the very first day you've posted it?? But until now, I still can't guess what the picture is...

It's difficult... 😵

@maylyn09 hehehehe I like your honesty, hehehehe.

3 bottled water?


@jebsmith, thanks for joining. tomorrow I will announce the winner.