RE: $100 Graphic Design Contest: Make My First Header!

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$100 Graphic Design Contest: Make My First Header!

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

I would like to hereby submit my already-completed, sadly-overlooked, and totally inappropriately formatted design below:

Devil's Advocate 6.5.jpg

I will await your 100 SBD.

For the obvious complaint (& higher res):

Devil's Advocate 6 flipped.jpg

Edit: I agree to photoshop in the bleached-tips if my design is selected. It's the least I can do!

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@lexiconical this is by far the funniest thank you :)

Sir, you have made it clear that you are not only a gentleman and a scholar, but also a generous patron of the arts.



i dont know who you are, or where you came from, but you have my upvote and follow. BRILLIANT.

I promise your patronage of the arts will lead to further late 80's movie photoshops:

Back To The Future.jpg

AW HEAAALLLZZ YEAH! Lol already getting a return on my follow investment! 😂

I'll admit, I am pulling these from my post archive, but hey...that's why I keep it.

Devil's Advocate 1-2.jpg

Ok, ok, I think this one is actually early 90s.

I cant lolol! 😂 hey you made em you can do whatever you like with em!

You should go for this one @jerrybanfield 😂👌

Your support and eye for aesthetics are much appreciated.

Now that is quality! :-)

I try to give the people what they want.

This might be the greatest example of spec work ever.

You, good fellow, have an eye for talent.

Dude 😂😂😂😂

Pretty epic!

You can't force this kind of inspiration. You have to let it wash over you at a time and place of its own choosing.

I am merely a vessel through which this particular bit of human creativity decided to pass through.


you nailed it! perfect!

It can be difficult waiting for "artist's block" to pass, but occasionally a subject will provide you with some material that simply jumps off the page at you with obvious application potential.

You made me giggle 😁

Thank you, I do what I can with the crude tools to which I am accustomed.

In this case, MS paint. And google, lots of that.