And the winners are... (Wednesdaycontest)

in contest •  7 years ago 

And the winners are... (1).jpg

Thank you all for participate in my contest last week.
I ask for quota that a Steemmonster could say.
The winners are.....

@onefatindian 20 SmartCash
@prince121 SBI
@thetimetravelerz SBI
@sarez A Steemmonstercard

You will get it in today.

Tommorrow - A new kind of contest.

Here is the winner with my own Steemmonstercard

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Good thing you commented. I stopped the bot so the votes stopped but I have voted all the missed votes now. Have a wonderful day! I have steemmonsters, too. I'm excited to play once they go live. Hahaha!

Thanks !
I like collecting cards and make some fun things with them. If I will play - maybe. It depends on my son and what he wants to do.

Thanks !
I like collecting cards and make some fun things with them. If I will play - maybe. It depends on my son and what he wants to do.

Hey @minimining,

This is awesome! I'm really happy that you liked my Steem Monster saying/quote. I went over it quite a few times to hear how it sounded 😀

"Fear not my righteous spear, for it is but one.
Dread the beast's shadow, as its barbed lined jaws yearn for your blood."

- Selenia Sky

However, there's always room for improvement!

I signed up for a SmartCash address just a few minutes ago: Sj1Wiub2iPWzf2Fo2Z8Uoy1ETKgi173FJ2

Thank-you so much for the reward!

Posted using Partiko Android

As we say in steemmonsterlanguge
Juhhi sscchhnnark gothi mothh....odg.
I will test to tip you with smartcash....soon.

Mkkucckk fllbuuthuu bblehhhrrg dong.

(thanks! lol)

I think you spell wrong. It should be dongh - not dong.

Sorry, "dongh"! lol

Σ$$$ Tipped @onefatindian Σ25 SMART! Comment @smartbot help to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is $0.041 USD per SMART. Current value of the tip is $1.03 USD. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit

@smartbot withdraw 25 Sj1Wiub2iPWzf2Fo2Z8Uoy1ETKgi173FJ2

You can use the following commands:

  • balance - displays your current wallet balance
  • address- displays your deposit address
  • withdraw <amount> <address> - withdraws the amount of SMART to address
  • tip <username> <amount> - sends the amount of SMART to username
  • terms - displays terms and conditions for using @smartbot

@onefatindian: Σ24.99 SMART has been withdrawn from your account to Sj1Wiub2iPWzf2Fo2Z8Uoy1ETKgi173FJ2. You have been charged Σ0.01 SMART withdrawal fee. Transaction 7ab08bb967ea0126df06199f20e7eb8f318882ee52b46f28773d6896196eb7d1 is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.

Hey @minimining, thanks so much for the 25 SmartCash tip - I love it!
I've never used a bot system like this before, so that was a very cool (and easy) experience 😃

Mind if I ask what your mining set up is for SmartCash?


I do not mining smartcash at the moment. I won some smartcash at a contest and they tiped me. So I want to tip the cash to someone else...
Today I am mining Dash, Electroneum, Steem and JSE coin.

But it is extremly easy way to tip. I love it. Much easier than send steem.

Thanks for the info, @minimining!
Great explanation :D

I agree, the tipping feature from this bot is awesome!

Congratulations to the winners!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats all winners.. Glad to see that i am also one of those winner..@minimining