RE: New Contest from @Xpilar 4/11-2017 "get free upvote"

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New Contest from @Xpilar 4/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)


The Sun is the ultimate source of energy for the earth. Solar heating during the day and nighttime cooling on a daily, or summer and winter scale on an annual basis, play a major role in air mass movement in the form of wind, both locally and globally. Likewise the evaporation of water on the surface of the earth by the sun so that it becomes clouds and from the clouds it rains and then the water flows to low places, it is clear the role of the sun in the hydrological cycle which is the movement of the water mass. The solar factor in the process of photosynthesis in plants shows its role in the biological activity that supports the life of living things on earth, both in the form of foodstuffs and in the cycle of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Climate as a mean long-term weather situation that varies or even changes. Factors influencing that change.
Climate as a mean long-term weather situation that varies or even changes. Factors influencing that change can come from human activities (anthropogenic) or from space (cosmogenic). Anthropogenic factors stem from increases in greenhouse gas emissions (greenhouse gas-induced gases), especially industrial-transport and carbon dioxide. The increase in carbon dioxide globally is associated with the emergence of global warming symptoms.
According to one model of the global climate system, a doubling of carbon dioxide could increase the global average temperature by about 1.5 to 4.5 degrees. Meanwhile, the evidence of atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements measured in various parts of the world shows increasing and global surface air temperatures also generally show an increasing trend.
On the other hand, anthropogenic factors are not always able to explain the symptoms of climate change. It turns out that as the anthropogenic activity continues to increase, there is also a decrease in surface air temperature, especially around 1940-1970. Global surface temperature data show a decrease even though carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases

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It's so amazing

Thanks my friends.

a great story @nafazul

Thanks @sultan-aceh.


Thanks you so much @hichemfetoui

Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!

Thanks you so much.

Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!


I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!

Thanks you

Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!


Thanks for sharing a good story!

Thaks you so much my friends.


Thank you for your good information @nafazul

You're welcome my