My Favorite Musical Instruments - MTF #15

in contest •  5 years ago 

Hi there :) I hope that you are having a good day.

This post is is response to a weekly contest, My Thursday Favorites, done by @marblely, for the #ccc community and anyone else who wants to join. Here you can find details about the contest, if you'd like to enter yourself:

My favorite musical instruments are definitely some of the more obscure ones out there. I’ve never been a huge fan of conventional instruments, though I couldn’t really say way. When I was in 6th grade, I was part of a marimba band as an extracurricular activity. I loved it, and had a ton of fun learning how to play music. I really want to someday be able to get back into that, but unfortunately musical instruments are very expensive. But, that is what leads to my first favorite instrument: a marimba.


These instruments are basically wooden xylophones, but have a very rich sound. I really enjoyed playing them. The one in the picture is $250, so maybe someday I’ll be able to get that. But, for reference, that is a very small travel version.

The next instrument that I would have to say is a favorite of mine would be a handpan, or the related steel tongue drums. They are essentially self-contained drum sets, but again have a very rich, resonant tone compared to some other instruments I have encountered. This website will allow you to play on one of them just by clicking the image or pressing the number keys on your keyboard. It sounds surprisingly good for what it is, and I’d highly suggest checking it out. The traditional handpan is called a hang, and can range into the many thousands of dollars as they are hard to make. Luckily, steel tongue drums are significantly cheaper and sound very good as well.

Here is a video of some handpan music, so that you can hear its awesome musical properties. I’ve started it a little after the beginning, as the intro is quite slow.

They just strike me as beautiful instruments, in both the sound and the minimalist nature of them.

Another instrument that I would someday love to learn to play, and consider one of my favorites, is the didgeridoo. This is a traditional Aboriginal instrument, and for essentially being a wood tube, the sounds that can be made with one are incredible.

My dad had one of these when I was growing up, and I regret that I never took the time to learn how to play. Someday, I will. I think the variety of noises that can be made is what really makes this instrument so impressive. There seems to be no end to what it can do. I’ve seen some really modern uses, in which they essentially make dubstep like music with them by beatboxing and playing the didge. Human ability never ceases to amaze me.

Until next time,


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Wow.. this is so cool @nmcdougal94! I never knew a marimba is a wooden xylophone and I have never heard of the handpan. The sounds are beautiful!! Aaah... the didgeridoo... takes some skills to blow that guy. I tried but ended up spitting into the didge 😅. Thank you so much for sharing. I learn everyday from you guys! :)