The love is just a word contest has come to an end with six (6) comments chosen instead of the initial 5 we thought for the contest. As it stands, the six commenters will get 2 SBDs each by tomorrow (7/05/2018). I am grateful for your contributions to this contest and the entries that have been so educative and there have been something to learn for everyone who read through the entries. Personally, I learnt from each entry. Although the search is over as i am happily married and blessed with children, there was still something to learn from every entry.
The two entries selected to round up the contest really made my evening reading through. Many people have had ceaseless experiences in love and most times even though the experience would want to keep you away, we still believe that love is better than the pains we feel. I have made a screenshot of one of the comments while the other is copied and pasted below.
Please enjoy the read and feel free to drop your comments.

@burlarj writes
They always say first love doesn't have an happy ending, I never believed it until I experience it, now I am scared to love again, cos my first love gave me a wound that takes a lifetime to heal... It happened 9 years ago, I fell in love with my neighbours daughter but it wasn't really my intention at the Beginning , it all started with friendship, I never knew friendship and being too close would make my heart decide for me, we played, talked and was always together most of the time, people were envious of our friendship, all was going well until I travelled and after few weeks, her thought struck me, I became so uncomfortable henceforth, I had to go back home, when I got home, she was happy to see me but I know things has changed.. Missing someone like that has passed the level of friendship, I didn't even know what love means then but I know something isnt right, after few weeks together, I confessed my feelings to her only for her to tell me she loves me just as a friend and nothing like dating can never occur between us ...i was rejected, I felt so dejected, there was nothing I could do to win her heart, I lost a friend and a lover that very moment as things can never be the same again, I couldn't bear the pain, I left town the following day to stay with my sister, but still my heart hurt, I was down for good six years, I couldn't relate with the world no more, I only work and work all day in other not to think about her, for good six years I bear the pain, atimes at night, when I remember her and the memories of our past flooded me, I shed hot tears.. Love is beautiful, it only takes the right person to make you love the word love... Don't fall for the wrong person and never blame your heart for loving someone ...the heart is never wrong, it only chooses that person that makes you happy!
The heart is never wrong to choose the person it decides to have feelings for. It is the will of men that leads them to make the one who loves them regret ever making that decision. No matter what, love is beautiful beyond words can explain.
Thank you all for the experiences you shared to make this contest a success. I really appreciate and i look forward to the next contest.
Love is really beautiful and no matter what the end result turns out to be, the ride is always beautiful. Enjoy the love ride! It is with Love from @outhori5ed; Love is all you need to make the world go round.