MediBloc - A revolution in healthcare industry!

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

In this technologically advanced world, coming across amazing technologies makes me believe in the power of human's mind. Dr. Allen Wookyun Kho and Dr. Eunsol Lee founded an amazing technology which is definitely a revolution in healthcare industry. MediBloc a blockchain based platform which will allure many people out there.!mobbbbbb.JPG
(image created by editing)

As medical industry is huge and requires an enormous amount of data to be stored. Usually these are stored as digital or manual way. but is it a safe,reliable and economic means of storage?
According to now a days scenario, A big no!
Due to such a widespread amount of data across various healthcare organisation, 'The quality of patient care have diminished' the existing operating systems of different hospitals are not capable enough to meet the increasing demand of medical data of patients. they are not secure and even access to the data is limited more over it is less economical and the risk of data lost and hacked always persist.
(Image source -

#MediBlog is a immediate solution to all the health care record keeping problems around the world. in order to overcome all the limitations to the existing network they build their own blockchain. they basically empower the patients with full access to their medical records and much more.which will have a huge impact.
The working system of MediBlog is so simple and transparent.
(Image Source:google)
With three layers , as elaborated by the (above)image. Core, Service and Application, MediBloc manages to control data of many people with providing many features are High security, reliability, transpiracy, accessibility, interoperability and PHR.

(Image created by editing in reference of MediBloc Whitepaper)

It allows patients, practitioners, medical institutions to share a platform and create accounts, with respective roles and authority. Coming from these amazing features to the uses, with the best possible solution to the persisting problem. A secure storage of personal health report gives the patient overall control on their records moreover it saves time, money. Error are mere, practitioners can overview complete information only on patience's wish. researchers can have access to required health data. insurance claim, clinical trials, social networking and much more.
The timeline of MediBloc shows its rapid growth and a evidence that why Forbes named MediBloc as one of 10 Korean startups powering into 2018Capture.JPG(Image edited with reference to MediBloc White paper)

With many of its partners like Deloitte,oracle etc MediBlog is establishing a strong network. With partnerships it will endeavor to built more advanced and globally spread network image.png
(Image source-MediBloc Website)

So, I would conclude this blockchain platform to be revolutionary, moreover being an open platform so "anyone can freely develop applications and connect it with MediBloc platform"
All in all a futuristic technology.
For more research on the subject,

This is my entry for the contest by @orignalworks

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thanks for this valuble artice


nice post


Nice post @praditya , medibolc works gr8 whats ur openion ?

yes, it is a good technology.

Yes! :) gr8 work :)

These are great news and I remember there was another User who supported this too, so I'm definetely a Fan of this technology and it's good when people like you also share these imortant information.

yes, there are so many technologies which are beneficial and many are unaware about it. thank you for your appreciation:)