Dead Poems, Round 11, Contest and Community Building

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Dead Poems, Round 11

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The weekend is drawing to an end, and it is time resurrect a poem from the blockchain for one more week of life.

Here are the rules

  • Upvote and re-esteem this post.
  • The post must be at least a week old.
  • Vote for 1-3 other entries in the comment section. Do NOT upvote the original post. That is a wasted vote. Upvote the comment here.
  • I will choose from among the poets/poems that received the most votes and best quality comments and gave the best comments and did their diligent best to upvote 1-3 other entries.
  • Depending on the size of the payout, I try to reward as many people as possible.
  • Poems only, all forms of poetry welcomed.
  • Don't vote for yourself

Still waiting for last week's post to mature and then I will update this post and announce the prizes. We also had a benefactor in @rensoul17 who donated 1 SBD and also 0.893 steem. Please take a moment to thank @rensoul17 for the generosity.

Okay now ... go dig through the blockchain and find your favourite bones and bits:)

Good luck everyone:)

Prize update. The liquid payout of last's week's post was roughly 0.78 SBD that combined with @rensoul17 contribution and a little rounding up on my part, each participant from last week will receive 0.3 SBD.

The following people received payout.


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Here is my contribution ... click on the photo and it will take you there:)

Screen Shot 2017-04-10 at 12.02.07 AM (1).jpg

I read this before doing some work.. and now read it again.

the canvas tore apart when avowals unravelled

This line is almost dead-center and remained with me all day long. Why, I kept wondering. The word choice implies a non-judgmental and empathic viewpoint. This is notwithstanding the evident pain of the speaker. The more common expression about a disavowal would suggest betrayal, but this way it is explained as an unravelling. And so it is more disappointment which is expressed than deception and betrayal. We all unravell, and need not judge one another for it. I find in your lines, hints of love and healthy closure - to a degree more than most people are capable of finding. The kind that allows for the hopeful ending verses.

I really hope I am in the ball park here. Else, I look quite foolish. God bless you and thanks for your contributions to steemit.

I think you are indeed in the ball park:) Thank you, Trumanity:)

Interesting connection between art and life. The poem talks about closing a cycle and beginning another stage. It is perceived an atmosphere of tension, of discharges, of change of life in which the balance loses balance and inclines to cross the corner saving the interiority and being reborn, at the same time with new tools, new impetus. A new life without poison is presented as an option and is taken.
Excellent job, Pryde!

Thank you, ZC:)

I'll take this beautiful piece as a representation of the sought redress for us Eves and Venuses, gently and yet powerfully provided by our kin. Loved it, @prydefoltz.

I also loved the rhythm ♥

Thank you, Marlyn:)

I remember this one. Still: “A journey of wakening and self-empowerment"

Thank you, Denise:)

In a context of envy, the promises broke. There is a new beginning, a new life without ties. An impeccable work that calls us to dispel the bad and be reborn.

Thank you, CS:)

The verse goes, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", but I believe that a woman who manages to shake off the shackles of other people's expectations and live free might well be something to be in awe of. I love the language you've used here.

Thank you, Sumay:)


... avowals unravelled

And there's the rub.

In my experience, avowals don't ... unravel.

One of the parties, with premeditated and willful intent, shatters them ... and then immediately begins to spin the situation such that it becomes the other one's fault. Just as Adam immediately blamed Eve in Genesis ... "She made me do it!"

Of course, it just as often goes the other way. That's why it always interesting to hear both sides of the story. Whether Adams or Eves ... there's an awful lot of post-hoc liars in the world.

To quote, well ... me:

"One man, cannot give another man honor.
Nor, may another man take it away.
Honor, and dishonor, is something we do for ourselves."

You see, Pryde ... I can do Free Verse too. :-)


We do have a tendency to make poems about ourselves and that is part of the magic. That said ... you thought what I wanted you to think. LOL. Although, you give 'free will' a bigger role in your interpretation than it is likely to play in real life. There is your rub and it is no way connected to experience but interpretation after the fact. People are often ruled by forces ... biological drives and fear-driven psychological forces ... that makes logic, reason, and golden-rule behaviours sometimes hard-won. And so the avowal does unravel, even though it was meant at the time, and then the other is blamed as a way of satifising ... explaining away behavior that one partakes in but is not in moral agreement with.

But to the other side ... I doubt it is remembered but I am certain it has been re-fabricated many times over. Life is a messy relative and shifting emotional, ethical quandary. LOL. But it does make for great poetry and even comedy at times:)


Well Pryde, if more of these wayward people joined the army, they'd be more disciplined, wouldn't they? Like soldiers. And, if they spent a bit of time studying Aristotle, they might learn a thing or two about Virtue Ethics.

You don't have to respond ... I'll give myself a spanking.

I couldn't resist. :-)

BTW, this Dead Poem's Contest was a great idea.


The eyes of the water insomniac
they blink again
in the light of a new ray.

Well achieved and beautiful this image.
We are responsible for our lives. What we do in it, good or bad, will return again and again. The shore is not abandoned, there will be collected what we sow.

I can't decide if this poem is a direct indictment of people who litter the oceans, or an indirect accusation of people who litter other people's lives with nonsense. Either way, the imagery is strong.

Yes, it is a claim to love our oceans. It is easier not to throw garbage than to pick it up. .

The eyes of the water insomniac
they blink again
in the light of a new ray.
One, two ... the thunder resounds
in the kingdom of the seagulls.

To me the ocean is alive and speaks of oneness. Even in the darkness, it cradles and watches. Loved this piece:0

My dream is to leave a healthy sea for our generations,

That is an excellent dream. for sure:)

Terrific imagery. Your poem almost makes the sea seem sentient.

Yes, the sea is the largest being on the planet alive. You need our help

Regards! Hope you had a great weekend. Here, my dead poem: The collar of the shirt buttoned

I feel such loneliness from these words, so much longing and regret.

You are very empathetic, @sumayyahsaido. Thank you for penetrating the lines of the poem with such sharpness.

@oneazania appreciated this comment via @poetsunit
DISCORD - @poetsunited - witness upvote

A strong desire for reading fills your spirit thirsting for letters.

A strong desire
For reading fills your spirit
Thirsting for letters.

                 - corderosiete

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Your bot has inspired poem in me ;) .

I find it interesting, usually one associates blinking with briefly closing an eye -
you have reversed it: to imply a brief opening - and thus captured most of the underlying tension your speaker grapples with here.

Also, an 'exile' - usually means to go away, not become buried deep within. Would 'gone underground' have captured the loneliness' action? or would that imply an 'activism' which is being denied? Altogether, a well-written and thought-provoking piece.

Thanks, poet! Your comment shows a careful reading, I'm flattered.

No, Poet. When words move someone so much, it is hard to silence the expression of one's interpretation. It is all due to your clever wording, not your reader's ear nor his eye. Maybe in part, his heart. But that is all. Thank you for the poem and the reply.

The blindness of loneliness blinks,
I thought, that she had gone into exile
together with the stalked intuition,
the veiled truths
and the tremor of saying them without being convinced

Those who love the deepest tend to hold on just a bit longer. Fabulous work, ZC:)

Great imagery and flow in this one

Hi, @prydefoltz. Thanks for hosting #deadpoems :-)

Hi, guys!

Here, the remains of this good boy:


Interesting paradox in last two verses. Especially given quite elaborate way this poem is presented.

Thanks, @bacus15. Perhaps memory is a two fold phenomena and has a life of its own. Who knows (I don't, just in case) ☻

memory leave
to live

man remains
though emptied ;)

I can feel the pressure to make a decision clearly in this piece.

Thank you for that insight, @sumayyahsaidso. Much appreciated ☻

I feel that the relationship of time within the poem is similar to a loop. There is uncertainty and let vu at the same time.

These are the forgotten questions
your memory keeps inquiring.

Certainly, @zeleiracordero, it's a good way to put it ☻

These, appalling children of yore.
These, howling clamors of prorogue.
These, a kid’s want of a bit more

Astounding work, Marlyn:)

Thank you so much, @prydefoltz. I thought myself these were strong lines ☻

Well penned. Time and life move on, carrying us in it’s eddies whether we will it or not.

beneath lingers
disgust for moving

It is interesting to ponder if flying ever gets old on a bird like say walking does sometimes with us. I have to tell you though, I do love walking:)

I think it would be fair to assume birds having same instincts like we have, in this respect ;) .

@prydefoltz, How about organizing contest for minimalistic poems? I think, it could be interesting :) .

#fridaypoets can't feature minimalist poetry. I personally love minimalist poetry and do not insist on 5/7/5 for haiku ... so there you go:) Lot's of space for it:)

But week is not limited to Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so maybe some other day?

Ok, nevertheless i am use to 5/7/5 for haiku, frankly :) . Restriction breeds creativity, i think.

I think you underestimate the time it takes to curate and administrate #poetryweekend, my friend. It also takes up a great deal of my votepower. I have my hands full. One must keep some time for her own art and the daily running of life. Three contest/community building events, I think is plenty:)Minimalist poetry fits with Friday or Saturday, or after a week, Sunday too:)You are free to work within restraints or outside of them:)

It is likely i do, being relatively new here. Thank you for reply :) .


This poem makes me feel that beings are pre-programmed, for lack of a better word, to do certain things, make certain movements, and yet, we, as humans, question that.

One could argue that we fail to question that exactly. Precisely because kind of uncommonly defined freedom is more important. Maybe closet radicalism would be right term to describe it?Your thoughts on that?

A different kind of duty befalls each kind. What strikes me is the success or otherwise to answer the call to duty remains voluntary. I like the way you use the word disgust, implying perhaps a force acting quite harshly against the progress of each. Each having it's own struggle, a unique force - incomperable to the other's - I walk, so a gradient bothers me - I don't swim, so tides don't affect my movement. Or perhaps I have it all wrong. Good on you for penning a wonderfully succinct set of verses.

One could argue, there is no such thing as getting poem wrong. Once released, piece of poetry is no longer fully belongs to the poet. And yet, you have rightly pointed out many possible points of this poem. Yes, exactly *possible. For beauty of poetry is in infinite details of many totally correct interpretation of one piece of work.

For my more direct autointerpretation of this piece, check my other comments in this thread. And thank you for deep, instinctive read.

Thanks and yes, I agree to an extent. ~I think the last word does belong to the writer - then again, she can say or change his last word at any time too. Thank you for the poem and reply my friend. Happy to have read your poem.

Poem that raises a reality, the movement of life is its own. Each one will do with his life as best he can, but there are also other influential factors.

And other paradoxes too. Btw, check poems of Krystyna Miłobędzka and Tymoteusz Karpowicz. They had and continue to how influence, though not decisive, on my poetical thinking :).

The fear of change is a normal condition of the human being. It is up to us to be in balance with ourselves.

Not just up to us, not exclusively up to us, i would say. For beings need to be reactive by definition, at all possible level. Also, there is also thirst of change in all of us. Yes, i just hope that this poem is somehow iluminative voice in this broad discussion.

Interesting turns of phrase in your words. I never thought of it, but maybe other creatures besides humans just get tired having to do the things life drives us to.

Thank you. Approaching it from other corner, i would say psychology of other creatures is a field in which we are barely scratching the surface, really.


Well, here's my first poem (and there's a 2nd one at the end of the post) on Steemit ... it's in my Intro-Post.

If anyone ought to appreciate it, it's poets. Enjoy.


Oh man, how do you do it! When I read your poems, I count myself as one of those others in

Others, they'll write the prose.

Please say something comforting, like: it took you a few weeks of re-drafting and attention to details to achieve this! Please, even if you must lie ;-)


I took me 17 years to write that poem. I probably rewrote it 1,000 times. I was checked into a mental hospital on 3 occasions where, I'm told, I would often been seen rocking back and forth, mumbling, "Be Legend In Your Time. Be Legend In Your Time."

Verse is a harsh mistress. And ... so is Pryde Foltz.

I must run. I've got to go write a rebuttal to my latest "Daily Spanking." Wish me luck. She has a very sharp pen.



Wonderful mastery in rhyme, meter and stress:)


Pryde, you're my Simon Cowell. When I get a compliment about verse from you ... I pee in my pants from joy.


A great write extolling the virtue of writing for it’s own sake, and of letting your creative voice be your guide.

she would rather
burn the bridge between you
and drown
in the river below
than climb
and meet you
across the chasm
that splits
your bed

A powerful and real write. Setting oneself free of the grip of a sociopath is no easy task. Strength and truth:)

Thank you.

Sad, intense, courageous. Raw, maddening, and, in this dramatic madness, fresh.

Thank you.


Powerful writing that reveals a very strong negative emotional state. Talk about separation, rescue, salvation. Describe a situation with the woman who has resumed the properties of her life with the courage necessary to cross that street, any woman who has lived a divorce identifies herself in the poem.
Excellent work of connection between writing and life.

Thank you.

Good writing expresses a woman's courage against domestic abuse. The woman must value herself and jump the obstacles with faith.

Thank you.


A powerful look at the struggle to survive and overcome an abusive relationship. I’ve never been in an abusive romantic relationship. But, I have suffered abuse in familial situations, from both men and women kin. I never contemplated violence against those kin, but I did want to die myself at times. I also feared becoming the very kind of person I feared. I saw my own peers among my kin become no different from the abusers by whom we were being raised – and go on to themselves raise the next generation the same way.

These words really echoed how I often felt in those long gone bad old days

she would rather
burn the bridge between you
and drown
in the river below

These acts of Love Light and Music
performed before my tear-filled eyes
my regretting heart,
poorly fathomed by my cluttered mind
By Grace, out of all this, grows such as You
that when another Act is cued,
You will remember this Light

That just about made me cry. A child's love is so pure and remarkable. Bravo:)

You are so correct. Even as they become teenagers, that love still shows (though they try hard to hide it ;-) we know it is there. Thank you for your kind praise and for reading my verses.


Beautifully written, brother.

I've got a beautiful 17-year-old daughter and she is the love of my life. I am, quite literally ... possessed.

It's nice to see I've got company.


Thank you, my fellow possessed brother. :-)

Fantastic writing that reveals a feeling of unconditional love towards that improved extension of ourselves, our children, whom we always see small. There is so much excitement and appreciation for the reunion of all family members in the home that jump and fill us of that. Powerful writing makes us participants in the delivery and reflection of love.
Excellent work, @trumanity!

I'm happy you felt as though you participated in this. Your words are so kind. I'm flattered, thank you.

The unconditional love of a child… that perfect reflection of our best selves.

For this week’s submission, I’ve chosen an onomatopoeic poem entitled, “Blurble, Glarf.” I leave you to figure out what the poem is about.

Hello dear @momzillanc. I do not know if I am right, but your dead poem this week leads me to the recreation of a natural moment of all living beings as it is the expulsion of excreta in a funny way, with twists of mocking and onomatopoeic language.

You are correct. LOL. Thanks for reading.

Haha ... Denise:)

The theme of poetry is not clear to me. My context is different from yours Some words do not have a Spanish translation.

In this poem, many of the words don’t have any language. The poem is onomatopoeic – which means words formed to represent the sounds of something the word is about (like “sizzle” for frying, or “tweet” for birdsong, or “whoosh” for wind). The sound-words describe the action or the thing.

Dear @rensoul17,

On behalf of last week's contributors, I would like to thank you for having sponsored last week's "Dead Poems" contest.

From Lannie.

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