🏆Steemit Quiz Contest🏆 - 💲💲 Price Pool Generation Post 💲💲

in contest •  8 years ago 


❗ Alright Steemit User, let's get ready again❗

Depending on how much this post will generate I will decide the prize pool for the next quiz contest. I hope that we can increase the price pool


Quiz Contest Winner #1 was @mcdevlin182

Link to Steem Contest Winner #1

Quiz Contest Winner #2 was @remic2005

Link to Steem Contest Winner #2


This is how it works:

I will post one Quiz a day. The question can be anything.

The first right answer will get 1 point

The first user with 3 points (=solving 3 Quizzes) will get the the 💲 price pool 💲

The Quizzes will keep going until someone reaches the 3 points.


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When it's get start

I hope that we can start tomorrow. But I will make another post tomorrow before I post the first quiz

when you will post?

Tomorrow maybe. I'll make another post tomorrow before I post the first quiz

ok i will wait

Looking forward to another set of quizzes!

I hope it goes well and brings in a nice prize pool! :)