RE: Win 150 STEEM and a Ledger Nano S - Writing Contest!

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Win 150 STEEM and a Ledger Nano S - Writing Contest!

in contest •  6 years ago 

Hey @sczed as you can see by my posting activity, or more specifically the lack of it, I've noot been able to post recently and for that and the delay I apologize. The results should be posted in a couple of days.

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Okay no problem! I hope you'll have the time to post it.

Hi @runicar

I just visited your profile to check out if you posted anything interesting lately, just to realize that you didn't publish anything in a long while.
Hope youa are well and didn't give up on steemit yet.

Cheers, Piotr

Hey buddy,

nah, i haven't given up. Life just got in the way, temporarily. I've been stacking up Steem like a madman ever since I stopped posting. Still very bullish on Steem..

Will be back in the coming months.


Hi again @runicar

Life just got in the way, temporarily. I've been stacking up Steem like a madman ever since I stopped posting. Still very bullish on Steem..

Are you still bullish buddy? Or did situation with Justin and Witnesses change your mind?

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

Bro just randomly thought of you cause I havent seem ya in a while, this is good to hear!