STACH Short Story Contest #15: 199 words.|Christmas Special, everyone wins.

in contest •  7 years ago 

Hello Everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #15, Christmas edition where every participant will win.

What is a Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:
•Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
•Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
•The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
•One entry per user.
•Contestants are permitted to post their stories in an article on their blog, so they also get upvotes.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery as determined by the selected Judge. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.

Write a 199 words story based on the title, When Christmas comes calling.


For this contest which is the Christmas Special, every participant will win once their story meets the requirements as stated in the contest rules.
Good luck guys!

Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!

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When Christmas comes calling

The harmattan breeze blew angrily, leaving chills in its trail, Chidinma knew what it brought, there was no doubting the fact that Christmas was around the corner; she could smell it in the air. This used to be her favorite part of the year. The extended family always come together for the holidays and mama played host. She made Christmas come alive; she had a way of making things happen, it was a gift. Papa used to say she was the very life of Christmas itself. From the delectable cuisines to the colourful Christmas decor, from the fun filled competitions to the carols she held, Christmas with her was an exciting experience. Because of her, when Christmas came calling, everyone responded. As Chidinma stood by her window observing, she could feel the emptiness; mama was nowhere to be found. Everything looked empty without her; the decor, the laughter, the food, the carols and the competitions. They tried to continue the tradition, but it was nothing like her's. It was like the life of the celebration was snuffed out. Since her demise, Christmas has never been the same.

Mhen, you always do this. I just love your story

Your story is lovely

Cool story, @vwovwe

If you win this time, don't forget me o, lovely story sha

@vwovwe, your story line started happy but ended sad, why did the mother have to die...

Guy, it's fresh, I like it

Cool write-up, hope it's fictitious @vwovwe, Christmas shouldn't be a season of sadness

cool story bro. hope you win

@vwovwe i like your story

Cool story @vwovwe

@vwovwe the writer, I thought you wouldn't enter for this competition

@vwovwe, your story is awesome

Well @vwovwe, your stories are nice.

OK, I like it, cook write up

She didn't have to die, your story ended on a sad note

Nice write up @vwovwe

@vwovwe, you just dey pack comments, you na celeb o, anyways your stories are always nice

You always win @vwovwe, I like your story line

Nice one @vwovwe

Fresh @vwovwe, good writeup. Happy new year

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When Christmas Comes Calling

The morning air was brisk and chill with the memory of the night before as Suzie strode down the crisp empty street. The houses were just waking, as she scurried by.

There was already a que outside the little building tucked behind the church. Gloved hands pulled worn, oversized coats close against the bitterness. Feet shuffled in the frost, stamping out the creeping cold. It was December 27th, and the small army of volunteers who had surprised her the two mornings ago, were nowhere in sight.

Suzie sighed to herself, she couldn’t resent them for it, turning up one day a year was much better than not at all, although she also couldn’t help but wish that they didn’t all have to turn up on the same few days. In the run up to christmas, donations has been flying in, tins stacked high, small mountains of coats and scarves, and the voluteneers! They came in such numbers the whole week before Christmas, arms laded with donations, hearts brimming with good will.

Christmas had come calling, and it had been so generous, but just as it came, it had also gone, and Suzie once again, manned the soup kitchen alone.

When Christmas Comes Calling
Morning. Christmas.
I was in the end. All these years and now, there was no road ahead. I had arrived final destination of the internet. Here where light doesn't shine on me anymore. What was I again? Just an empty bag in front of my screen.
Is now the moment when death angel comes and put his hand on my shoulder, saying that my time has come? Nothing. Only bright sunray shines through the curtains, dividing my room into two. Same time giving hope to me, that just maybe, there is something more behind the screens. Because however, it had to be living on the other side of windows. You could hear the voices down the streets. There can't be just me and screen and this room, that thrives me sometimes so despair.
But sometimes, particularly on that day, was darkness darker than himself. Moments like these were a screen, my savior. Matrix what saved me from the ancient evil. Only one click with the mouse and you're gone again. I was saved. God himself awaits me in front of gates of paradise and I had to choose just YES or NO.
Angellious sounds. Internal life. Nude bodies.
Of course, there was this tree and these luscious fruits in the garden what was forbidden to us. Only place. But I was following just this idea. Little worm. I wanted to take a look. Peek on the distant, that garden of forbidden. Wasn't the gate half-open then? What a tree. So big, so mighty. Branches projecting to the blue skies.
Serpent. Slithering in the branches. Idea. Sin. Take this fruit. Put it in your pocket. Red apple. I was feeling blood roar in my ears. Ancestors flickering. Paradise started to fall apart. Wind surged through a hurricane and I hit my teeth on the apple.
And here I was, sitting in front of my screen again. My computer was crashed, demanding restart...

You guys are doing wonderful job in bring more people to steemit n giving them a source of income

My Memories

When Christmas comes calling my heart is filled with the joy of sharing the holidays with my loved ones, as relatives who live in other cities visit us for these dates. The house is filled with the bustle of children and my mother prepares delicious meals for everyone.

But also when Christmas arrives I feel the nostalgia of sharing the holidays with relatives who are no longer physically with us, I especially miss my dad, who was a wonderful father and would have been a very loving grandfather. On christmas eve I pray for him to be in a good place and I thank for all the blessings received during the year, I also pray for the homeless so that they have something to eat and for their children to receive a gift from Santa Claus.

When Christmas arrives, the family is the most important thing for me, the most beautiful time of the year.

Life is Short

Fernando is a businessman, for him money is the most important thing and he spent it without measure. He bought his wife and children a huge house and everything that money could buy, but he did not have time to spend with his family; his multiple meetings and constant trips would not allow it.

For Christmas Eve he had planned a meeting with some investors and was going to spend christmas eve out of his home as it used to happen every year. The scheduled day he took the plane to Spain, the flight was fine but when the plane was arriving, there was a failure in the landing gear and the plane almost crashed into the track, there were shouts and Fernando thought he was going to die. On his mind he saw his family and for a moment he reflected on how short life is and how much he wanted to spend it with his family.

In his heart he felt the call of Christmas and immediately took the first plane home to spend the holidays with his family.

Erick's hope

It was very cold, and the streets were full of snow. Erick spent another night sleeping among cardboard for warmth, behind a dumpster in an alley in the city.

Erick went from being a guy with a lot of potential to be a great engineer, to living in the streets, because of drugs and bad decisions. Erick in less than a year became an indigent more.

His disheveled appearance, dirty and smelly, away from anyone who approached. Erick what little he got was spent on drugs, and he usually ate what he got in the garbage cans.

One day Sister Anne, saw Erick and was moved by his situation. For weeks he was in charge of talking with Erick and advising him to ask for help to detoxify from drugs.

When Christmas was coming, Erick was cleansed of drugs and little by little with the help of the church, and the sisters went back to school.

Upon graduating and getting a job, Erick every year at Christmas helps people who were like him to get their lives back. Love, kindness and generosity are the spirit of Christmas.

When Christmas Comes Calling
It is a new day where I awake with life and I give thanks for that, I go out and can only see people doing last minute shopping, food, clothing and toys are the protagonists on these December dates. I have the feeling that my family is united, I feel peace and a lot of tranquility to see my children happy. It is a moment where I want good things, good vibes, prosperity and love go with me.

The atmosphere is cheerful, children run, jump, play and live like never before. I breathe without stress, I feel the freedom and the time to enjoy every second, reflect and create new life projects. Beautiful memories come, sad, happy, of the years lived and the experiences gained.

My mind automatically shines with habits that are sometimes obscured by the bustle of day to day, habits that only the arrival of something magical nourishes them and brings them afloat. I ran and opened the door of my room immediately, and yes, it was her….. So cute, fresh and beautiful as always, Christmas!!!

tren humeante.jpg

Dream on Christmas Eve

Sitting in an old train carriage, I see through the window the enormous mountains and I see as the road shortens towards the arrival of my destiny, I leave behind my burdens and sorrows to find happiness; the desire to be with the most valuable of my life makes all the effort have sense.

Suddenly I hear in my head toc toc, - I am Morpheus, I come to take you the kingdom of dreams; in a magical act my eyes close and I fly to a world of fantasy where I find myself at a large table surrounded by banquets and candles, I see my children waiting the time for open your gifts, my wife invites me to the table, and whit tenderness tells me: - Welcome!

The clax of the locomotive announces the end of the road, the old iron wheels stop abruptly, I awake I did not have time to say goodbye to my family; I open my eyes and the first thing I see is, the person in charge of announcing the arrival, I take my bags I'm heading towards the exit and ask: - ¿What day is today? one lady replies: - It's December 24th "Merry Christmas"

Image source:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

They quarreled two days before Christmas, telling to each other a lot of unpleasant, painful words.

The first day Olga was weeping whole day, but on the second day she went out into the street.

The street was full of music, Christmas trees, lights, banners and laughing people.
They were so happy, carrying gifts, looking forward to a joyful holiday.

It hurt her especially to look at the enamored couples. How Olga wanted to be at this Christmas with David! And gifts ... David promised her a big teddy bear, as she had in her childhood ...

But Olga decided to stop suffering and tried to seem happy and behave as if there was no quarrel at all.
She bought some of the Christmas decorations and the most delicious food that David loved.

At home he cooked David's favorite special Christmas meal and made a beautiful hairstyle.

On Christmas Day Olga put on her best dress and set the table.
She was not surprised at all, when she heard the doorbell.
She knew exactly who it was!

She opened the door: David smiled guiltily on the doorstep...

He was holding flowers, bags and a big teddy bear…


There are times under the heavens. There are times when swords open flesh and causes blood of the innocent to rain. There are times when humans are carefree and less concerned about that lonely person sitting on a bus; that person in the office that has been working for years but had never been noticed. There are times when enemies seek out their pound of flesh; and hateful emotions becomes order of the day.

Yet in all of these times, there is a time when enemies become friends and friends become brothers. A time when we no longer smell the fumes of gun powder choking and seizing our breath. A time when we breathe love and happiness as it causes teary faces to smile and mouths to laugh like there is no hate in the world. A time when the rejected and neglected are embraced with the warm hands of hope and promise. A time when houses on fire are quenched by the fan of peace and unity. It is a time when strangers are welcomed into homes unknown. A time when the birth of one child sweeps away everything evil. It is a time when Christmas comes calling

The carnival of emotions

Since I was a little girl the arrival of Christmas has been for me a carnival of emotions, it is a season full of colors, laughter, gifts, lights, family togetherness and a rebirth of my illusions with the arrival of baby Jesus.

By letting my emotions fly, the first thing I do is prepare my heart to receive baby Jesus, in the days near Christmas eve, I reflect on my actions, on how I have behaved with the people around me, especially my family; and on December 25th day of the birth of Jesus I give thanks for all that I received during the year, life, love, health, the people in my life and of course the beautiful family that he has given me. That is why when I see the colored lights that illuminate the manger and the Christmas tree I resemble thousands of little pieces of paper that fall on my home blessing me and my beautiful family.

A cold morning in the suburbs of England, Femi had received a call from Nigeria about his Father's poor health. Without wasting time, Femi called his sister who also resides in England about their father's health and they both decided they had to travel back to Nigeria.

Femi's wife and his sister's husband protested they all go together and make it a family trip to Nigeria. They both agreed with their spouses and packed their bags ready to travel to Nigeria to visit their father who had been the backbone behind their success and the reason they are in England.

Landing at Muritala Muhammad airport in Ikeja, the Adebajo's siblings breathe in the air of their motherland. They moved to visit their father before it is too late to say their goodbyes. A feeling they dreaded and haunted them, as they have not visited home for over 10years.

They got the shocker of their life, when they found out they father was hale and hearty. He then told them, "Families are suppose to Spend the Holidays together, WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES CALLING" his words making the siblings disappointed in themselves.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When Christmas Comes Calling.

I sat on our bed and folded my clothes into my travelling bag as I listened to my roommate tell me about her family's long standing tradition of slaughtering a he-goat every Christmas.
The excitement in her voice made her sound like a little girl waiting to see Santa.
We were going home the next day for the holiday. I had just come back from Vincent's place. He couldn't keep calm about going to his maternal home and swimming in the big river there.
Their excitement was almost contagious. I didn't catch the fever because I don't celebrate Christmas.

So when Christmas comes calling, for me, harmattan tags along.
That is when I bring out my thickest pajamas and socks and my laziness is activated full gear.
We just cook and eat regular food and I read all the new books I bought and watch Tyler Perry all day.

Then towards the final days of the year, we travel to my village in time to celebrate the new year with my extended family.
I'm used to the dryness my Christmas comes calling with.

nice way of writing.. excellent

Lovely story

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When Christmas comes calling...

It was Christmas night, the old couple waited anxiously for the arrival of their son and grandchildren to share that special day.

"He promised me" , she said while serving the table, he would say instead: "Do not waste your time, dear, as each year they will not come, place only two dishes" , but she ignored him and sat looking at the clock waiting the hour when the door opened to receive them with open arms and embrace them, but that never happened.

Today I regret not to enjoy Christmas with my parents, to spend it with my friends instead of with them, I have promised each year that i would go but I did not, that breaks my soul because my dear parents are not here anymore.

Today I am already old, sitting alone at the table reliving the same thing but with my children, i know, they are young and it is boring to them to spend these days with the old ones at home.

The moment i was about to eat, i heard a
thunderously grannnnddpaaaaa merry Christmasss. I quickly ran to the door, i hugged them and it was at that moment When Christmas Came Calling.

The sound of 'knockout' and children laughing woke him up, his neighbour's kids started their Christmas celebrations early that day. Christmas had come and with it came thoughts of home. James had missed his mothers cooking so much, the taste of her legendary 'egusi' soup was fast becoming a memory he couldn't hold on to anymore. He'd been in school all year long and this yuletide wasn't going to pass him by without him going home.

He sat up and glanced across the room to where his bags were, they were all packed and ready for the journey ahead. In less than an hour, he boarded a bus bound for Port Harcourt, his home town. Thoughts of his mothers cooking still danced around his mind, her jollof rice and chicken was a delicacy he could never get tired of. Christmas had come slowly and 365 days seemed like a thousand.

He arrived in Port Harcourt after a few hours and was at his mother's doorstep within minutes. He knocked on the door and his mother opened, "Hope I made it in time for lunch" he said, "Yes you did." she replied as she wrapped her loving arms around him.

After a long year of hardwork, henry was looking for a swell celebration of the end of the year with christmas. He had saved part of his salary for this time of the year, promising himself to have the best celebration ever.
As at a month to this special time of the year, he had saved up to $335 which was enough for all his plans. It was all going to be a great and fun-filled month.
When the big month came, work for the year was almost over and christmas was just five days away. Henry's girlfriend had been quiet for most of the year but that had not really bothered him because he was not ready for any of her drama that year. He was happy and contented with himself and being alone and was not going to allow a girl that asked for overly expensive gifts most times to ruin it for him especially at christmas. To him, when christmas comes calling, spending time with family, sharing good laughs with close friends, sharing food to and caring for the less privileged and having time for quality rest are the really important things that make life enjoyable.

Good one man.

I like his opinion about life. He should llearn to tolerate his girlfriend

LOL, Yeah bro. He would probably try to in the new year.

When Christmas comes calling…

The holiday is with us again. A time for deep reflection, talk about a step back to launch forward. As the saying goes, No one wins a cheese game solely by moving forward. The Christmas gives all another chance for deep reflection on strategies for success. The cold Christmas mornings reflect the chilling treatments we get from life. While the bright red colour offers the glimpse of hope in the middle of life’s uncertainties.
It is the most beautiful time of the year, friends and family are back from the year-long hustle across the globe. The Christmas gives us that rare reunion once in a year. While this can be quite challenging because of the anticipation of all the stiff competition with peers that seem to be “ahead” of us. There is still this joy that is beyond words in seeing that far-away family member sitting across the dinner table.
Christmas shows in us what has changed in the course of the year. It gives the necessary anchor we use to berth as well as lunch into the deep in the pursuit of success.
Christmas - It is the most Wonderful time of the year.

It was five days to Christmas. We were done putting up decorations. Cindy and I had set up the Christmas tree, placed the balls and ornaments on it. Uncle Paul had inspected the re-painting of the walls of the house. There were decorations on the fence.
Daddy is at work and Tara, my little sister is busy tying up balloons to complete the decorations.
The dry harmattan breeze blew in my face as I walked back to the house on my way back from a leisure stroll with Noella, it was a little past 8am, ideally too cold to go for a stroll. I licked my lips, dry and torn, allowing my saliva to moisten them. We dragged on towards home, our feet coated with the harmattan dust.
Eventually, we were a few steps from home and right outside our gate I saw a sight that filled my gloomy morning with a lot of joy, a long silver vintage Mercecedes Benz vehicle. Pa Joe and Nana had arrived for Christmas! My awesome grandparents were in town and that, definitely, was a sign of happy times all through the yuletide season. Christmas came calling and brought along august visitors.

wow! Beautiful piece yo!

Chai! I like the ending. Good one man!

Here is my entry..... Enjoy and I hope you like it!...also upvoted and resteemed.

Christmas Kitten


When asked what he wanted for Christmas, my little brother said simply, “a kitten.” Well this seemed simple enough. Until he gave us the specifics. It had to be a female, one blue eye, one yellow eye, and it had to be white. It was like finding a needle in a haystack in a small rural town.

Christmas got closer. We asked again, “Steven what do you want for Christmas? a sled? games?” No, he still wanted the kitten. We traveled from farm to farm and hit the shelters, still no kitten. I did not know what to do, Steven was not the type to ask for extravagant presents even as a nine-year-old and if he wanted a kitten I was determined to find him one.

I then heard about a litter of white kittens in the next town. We just had to go see, the last kitten we looked at was solid white and had one blue eye and one yellow eye? I looked at my mother held my breath and lifted its tail. You would think we just struck gold! Steven's eyes lit up when he found the kitten IN the tree on Christmas morning.


*photo from a kitten wallpaper

Hi, this is my entry for this contest. Thanks. :)


As you grow older, there will be lesser family members that you will be living with or see in a usual basis. Why? Most probably they have their own lives now, own families and some might have been gone for good. When Christmas comes calling, it means a chance to get together with some of those relatives that you have not seen for a year or more.

Which is also true in Rosa's family. She felt happy every time Christmas is approaching cause it means she can see old faces again that she have loved in her life. She can also see new faces, her grandchildren. So, Rosa is busy preparing for the gifts, decorating their ancestral home and cooking some foods that they could feast on.

It is a season to be one big happy family again, Rosa told herself. You cannot keep everyone you love in one place and in one destiny, but at least you can keep them all in your heart and memories forever. So, when it is Christmas, Rosa makes sure it is something everyone could treasure and remember as they grow older.

Photo source: Pixabay

"If you can't finish that, then share it!" "Eat your eggs!" Sandy wanted them stuffed but could not watch the kids waste food.

What a morning! Woke up to a frozen pipe that broke as they thawed it. The kitchen was soon a shallow pool. Bill got the main shut off, but on Christmas morning local plumbers were not answering phones.

"Lets go out to breakfast!" Bill decreed like he was Santa, but Sandy knew that was rent money he was tapping into. They cut it tight this month, it was Christmas... and now there would be a plumbing bill, maybe a new floor. Bill was trying to make the best of it. Sandy tried to match his tone but the kids needed to clean their plates, the next hot meal could be a couple days away.

The waitress asked "You need anything else?" when she brought the check.

"No, thank you" Bill replied, and reached for the ticket. She pulled her hand away and pointed at a man walking to his car.

"He bought breakfast. He said 'Merry Christmas.'" She paused long enough to watch the look of relief on our faces, then smiled and walked away.

The Bishop had just announced that the Christmas Carol would be in the evening after church service next Sunday.

I was so happy to hear that. My happiness was not because it was Christmas. It was because Titi would be back from boarding school.

I was happy to know that I would see her beautiful face and well-rounded chicks again. She always gave me an extra sweet when I went to her mum’s shop to buy sweets. She smiled and waved at me whenever we met.

We both looked for the opportunity to see each other.

Carol Day

Titi’s dad and mum were not at mass. Something must have been wrong because Titi didn’t arrive on time.
People kept going to check if she had arrived. I hoped it was not for a bad cause.

The Arrival

Titi’s parents arrived with Titi. People in the village were happy to see them. She competed in the Queen’s Scholars’ Award and won a scholarship.

She will be going to England in January to complete her Secondary School.

I am happy for her but sad that when Christmas comes calling next year, I will not see Titi.

When Christmas Comes Calling

The house gets extremely busy when Christmas comes calling. Father although always at work before the day, never forgets to send beautiful ornaments to mother for decorating the house. Christmas is one of the best amongst all seasons of the year in my family. Personally, I love it more because I get to eat even above my satisfaction, and besides, it's that time of the year when I receive my best gifts.

It isn't rare to find mother running from one angle to the other, serving foods and drinks to friends and relatives of the family. Father doesn't rest either as he goes about shaking hands, talking and making sure the visitors are comfortable. Everything gets so perfect and few visitors often offer to help mother with her duties.

While the bustle goes on, all I get to do is eat, request for food, receive gifts from my admirers and watch everyone else work. I have always wondered why mother wouldn't let me help, because when I confront her, she keeps promising that I would when Christmas comes calling in the future! Hopefully the future isn't too far because I too want to get busy on Christmas day!

When Christmas comes calling

Every year when Christmas comes then in my country it is called as a big day. The reason behind the big day is that form that day our night hour started decreasing gradually and day hour started increasing. So it is a good day for all Indian and also for world people. Every year when Christmas comes it calls people from the world to celebrate it. People make celebration and wish to each other. Our steemit is also full of celebration people makes many posts for that some host contest to give the prize to people. Like this contest is also helpful for all person. I enjoy much while writing this submission. So this contest makes this topic name richer. Christmas comes and calls me to take gifts.

Thanks @stach for hosting the contest this helps minnows a lot which Gives a chance for grow on steemit.

I love this contest! I've never written any stories, short or long so it's awesome to have a reason to try my hand at it. It's amazing how difficult it is to fit a full story into 199 words. I really enjoy it. Thanks again for putting this on. I know it must be a lot of work and I appreciate it! Merry Christmas!!

                                 When Christmas Comes Calling

He could just hear a bell......

"Hurry Papa! We're almost ready!"

The barely contained excitement in his 7-yr-old daughter was infectious. He laughed as she dragged him into the living room.

"Look," she bubbled, "we've finished the ornaments. All that's left is the angel! Lift me!" she begged, stretching out her arms.

It seemed this ritual became better every year. The room radiated warmth and happiness as the aroma of the freshly cut tree vied for supremacy with the mouthwatering smells coming from the kitchen. Christmas music played softly from speakers placed on either side of the cozy fireplace. In the background, a bell....

"Okay, little one," he said laughing. "Up you go." Brimming with excitement she placed the angel crookedly on top.

"Yay!" she cheered as he set her back down. "It's perfect!" The bell tolled a little louder.

His wife strolled in and they stood together looking proudly at the tree as a family.

This time, the bell was real.

The dream faded into a Salvation Army ringer and the fact the store had opened. He couldn't stay here. He shuffled off in his raggedy coat as images of a past life faded into nothing.

Here is my entry:


The festive spirit was so tangible I felt I could reach out and touch it. I was going home to celebrate Christmas with my family after a year of not seeing them.
The bus trip lasted five hours so I got home early in the evening. From the gate, I could perceive the different aromas emanating from the kitchen. Trust me, my mum is so good at cooking that you get confused on which of the dishes to eat. As for me, I am going to eat everything. After a year of missing meals in school, I can't afford to let them pass me by.
Tiger, our huge Dane came bounding out of the house with my younger ones in tow. It almost dragged me to the ground with its profuse welcome. Home sweet home!
I wish I took a picture of my mum when she saw me. That smile on her face, her arms opened in embrace, that was a moment worth capturing.
Right now, I'm in the sitting room, doing justice to everything I can lay my hands on. It's so nice to be home when Christmas comes calling.

When Christmas comes calling.

It was a cold morning as expected, all foggy and dusty. The harmattan had already set in and Christmas around the corner.

Emeka couldn't wait for the day to set in. It was the last day of school for the year, and the day results would be collected.
All through the week, he kept reminding his father of the promised "top of the class" present, alongside the Christmas present that had almost become an annual ritual.

He got out of bed before anyone that day. Waking his brothers up, he rushed off to school without breakfast. All he wanted was to get back from school before his father left to hunt.

On his way back, he noticed he hadn't seen his brothers in school. "They must have skipped" he thought. It was tradition for his brothers to skip school on the last day. Their results were always bad.

Getting home, a loud wail welcomed him. His father had died that morning. He was dead even before he left for school.
It was two days to Christmas, and Emeka's world had just turned into a sorrowful one. Christmas came with an ugly call that year. The call never changed for Emeka, ever.

Jethro has always been known to work hard but this year was especially rigorous as he was on the verge of a major break through in the field of medicine. He often neglected his family but this year he was sure that he would come through for them not forgetting the fact that his marriage was on the line and he could not bare to live without her. A day to Christmas, the project was still a dud, and he was carried away by research. Lisa, his wife had called a million times but no answers. Finally, a sudden break in his concentration, he heard a faint bell, almost as if the world stopped just for him to hear it. He looked up and there it was; a group of children singing Christmas hymns. Flashbacks of Christmas in the past five years raced through his memory and tears filled his eyes. He immediately picked up his keys and got rushed home. Lisa was shocked but then he gave her a warm kiss and said, 'you can't fight the feeling when Christmas comes calling'.

When Christmas Comes Calling

Sorchima never wanted a job at Kolam’s Consulting but the statistics of job openings in Nigeria weren’t smilling. His dad Mazi Ikemefuna had went with the wave of innocence and goodwill, whispering the wishes of a father to the ears of his fellow knight at St. Paul’s Catholic church, Orlu, Imo state.

It’s been four years and Sorchi has nothing to show for the envy that comes with putting “white collar job” and “city” in the same sentence.

By chance, Ugwuanyi, his coursemate at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka is in Abuja attending a meet-up and is eager to have an evening hangout with his “gainfully employed” colleague.

It will later become an initiation into the world of cryptocurrency and with the dash of a prey taking a stride to escape his predator, Sorchi jumps at the chance of investing in steem since bitcoin has become too expensive.

Within four months, he couldn’t believe the amount of flesh the steemit blockchain was adding to his bank account. For the first time in his life, he is assured that when Christmas comes calling he won’t be a spectator to the circus show of Yahoo boys.


I am always afraid of Christmas because it frowns at me. The season changes to something known as hamarttan. Everywhere becomes dusty,cloudy and cold. I will say to mom...this season does not smile with me at all. I will cover up myself with sweater and long socks so as to make myself warm. Because of cold my chest will get stuffy to the point i cannot breathe but cry. I feel like i'm fainting i would say to mom. The cold is too much.

I meet you again i said to Christmas with smile on my face and ventolin inhaler in my hand. Let me enjoy what you have bring forth. Smile with me for just a day so that i will be happy to meet you next time. I hope my wish comes true. Christ hear me now and forever more. Amen.

Icicles hung from the porch of the cabin, fastened to the old wood by the breath of winter. Ducking beneath them, Henry scurried up the porch, his hands stiff from the cold as he reached out to open the door. A mountain man, he didn't shy from the weather easily, but today had an extra chill to it. Or maybe he was just getting old, his bones too bent for the work required of him when Christmas came calling.

Henry hadn't always lived in the mountains. When he was a young man, he lived in the city and wore a suit to work every day, but the clitter-clatter of the office forced him away from the skyscrapers and to the tranquility of nature. He enjoyed the solitude, but he was no hermit. The trees were a gift, one he wanted to share, and what better time to do so than at Christmas. With a swing of his ax, he loaded tree after tree into his truck to be delivered to the city, left on the doorsteps of those who could not afford one otherwise. Tomorrow, he would ride, the Christmas Tree Santa.


The bright lights that lit up the streets. The sounds of knock outs popularly called "Banger" surround the streets. The fire works that bring the sky alive. The red and green lightings that beautifies everyone's home. The mind blowing aroma that comes out of everyone's kitchen. The bubbling of the market place filled with livestock. The cry of chickens ready to be slaughtered in everyone's backyard. The boarding of buses of different distinctions. The only time most people visit their home town in a year. The cry of children for new clothes. The demand for outings by children. The enjoyment, smiles and laughter that feels the home. When entertainment of guest to sumptuous meals take place. The remembrance of family and friends by calling and texting to wish them good tidings. All these happen WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES CALLING


She was excited and nervous at the same time. Excited, because she got a break from her stressful reporter job at NYC Times, and nervous because.....well...
Beatrice was the first of 4 girls & she was in her early thirties. Their mom passed on 2 years ago - a year after their Dad died. All her sisters were married with kids. But Tris, as she was fondly called, wasn't into relationships. she felt ashamed that she was still single being the first child and this would have made her gone to Venice with her gay colleague and best friend, Chris, for the holidays. But Mom made them promise to spend Christmas together for as long as they would live.

As beautiful, hardworking, responsible and intelligent as she was, the only men who approached her were obviously only after her money, this made her feel it was a bad decision to acquire such wealth as a single lady..

Well...she'll enjoy the holiday for as long a it would last while hoping for the best in the coming year

The importance of Christmas is in all over the world.Christians celebrate Christmas.This celebrates in the memory of Yeshu birthday.This is told that he was a incarnation of God.
I am from india.I have heard some tells about yeshu.One of them I present here below.
There are so many tells about Christmas.It is said that in Europe the branches of Christmas tree has been planted & this is said that the ghost will not come if the branch has been planted.
Another tell is that in ancient Roam according to a branch of tree a chid has given to the schedule tribe in place of food & residence.This is regarding that child was yeshu.People may wish their good wishes to plant this Christmas tree.

When Christmas Comes Calling

Lea sat down on the lake, holding a candle. She brought some candy canes and some ornaments to decorate a tree near the lake.

Her beloved Paul had passed away last year. He went out for a swim with a couple of friends but never managed to come back.

"I asked santa to bring you back, darling, but santa is for children." Lea sighed as she decorated the tree. " I miss you sweetheart, wish you were here to celebrate with me. I'm still in love."

As she kneeled down to put a candle near the lake, a familiar face shined on the surface of the water.

"P..Paul?" She stuttered in awe. Paul's face smiled and nodded on the water. She felt an embrace from her back. She turned around, and it was her lover.

"You came back?"
"Just for today darling, it's Christmas. Guess what? I asked for the same thing too this Christmas..I wanted to see you."
Paul smiled as Lea hugged him tight, shook with gratefulness.

" We still have tonight." Lea grinned at him as she kissed him. The candle shined brighter than ever. "Indeed, sweetheart." He said kissing her eyes and lips.

When Christmas comes calling

Does anyone notice Christmas have a smell? Probably a taste too?

Solomon was promoted early this year and that has also added to his work load. He came home late again and still worked all night again sending messages and replying mails and he still had to be in the office before 7:00am.
He had also assured his wife that things will get better soon; he just need to work harder and be promoted. By then he won't have to work this much.

This is what they prayed for, to have a better life. Hence, the promotion offered them one but they didn't bargain for time away from the family.

It's been 3 days since the kids last saw their dad. By the time he steps into the house they are already asleep and before they wake up he's gone.

But today he stepped out the house, a cool breeze brought along with it that Christmas "smell" and he remembered what it meant to be a family. So today he waited for the kids to wake up before he left for work.


It comes once every year,but it comes anyways, it comes to bring joy, but I guess it simply foils, it is to celebrate, concentrate and reflect, it's all about one, but we simply make it about all.
There is this famous story, which talks about the father of this period. Then came a man with white fury bears and keeps his hair, who brought a new and different meaning to this simple white day, where all was merry and gay, the children just rejoice and play, but he brought it that children look up to him this simple day, with hopes and dreams, that they will get gay.
Little do they know, this all comes from the heart, and the simple acknowledgement that this day is not a skank, and all you do is drink,laugh,live and be merry.
The joy of the day is really to celebrate. There is someone born across the stars, beyond this horizon and over man's comprehension and He brought us peace, a reason to live and Joy.
He came beyond Man's imagination. So this day is one time in a year when we all get to say, when Christmas comes calling.

Image Source

I walked down memory's​ lane of yesteryear. How those memories rushed back. For the past 18 years when Christmas comes calling all was fair, well and fun being around the bread winner. I looked at my peers whose life was hell without a bread winner, i knew their luck was dim. I knew such luck shall not betide me. I was a happy boy for the previous 18 Christmas season.

This year, when Christmas came calling, i was not that happy boy of yesteryear. The warmth of our family has become cold as snow. Alas! My father is dead. The fun we had together when Christmas comes calling are now sweet memories found in my mind's diary.

Now i have left that lane of memories into a pathway of unmerited love from Christ planted with roses as Christmas comes calling.

© Victor Essien

Interested in this one

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


When Christmas comes calling, the first thing i think about is my safety and that of my family, in my country Christmas comes calling with desperate mindset to oppress others and leads to all sorts of crimes and that was how Mrs Helen and her three kids decided to travel to her village for the Christmas celebration, they got home safely, family and friends were happy to see her and her kids.

She went out with her kids the next day which was Christmas day, unknowingly, she boarded the taxi of an armed robber and a kidnapper, before getting to their destination the driver brought out a gun and threatened to shoot her kids if she screamed. He collected her bag and told her to come down from the taxi which she did, as she was about to pull her kids out he slammed the door and drove off. Mrs Helen shouted at the top of her voice but it was too late, her kids were gone already.

So when Christmas comes calling, I think happiness and sadness at the same time, I have learnt to live with both.

  Around comes Christmas for the down-casted.

With the time of year changing with atmospheric conditions. Happenings around this Christmas came with a prize and a ribbon on it. Prior to Christmas I wasn't feeling delighted, but an angel brought me a rose. I have just being struck by a friendly fire from a family member.

 He proposed we venture into the sale of petroleum products, a popular business in our area. After my analysis it appeared nice, but the guy nursed other plans. He got me defrauded and I was heartbroken.  Saddle with nothing, a burden I carried for a while prior to Christmas. But when Christmas came calling, the tide turned. A friend of mine, who traveled oversea, came around and planned to build a few structures,

   knowing I am an Architect, called.  

  What a call from Christmas, judging that, if it weren't for Christmas, maybe he wouldn't have come to town. And his calls change everything. My financial tempest subsided and I was back on the mainstream.  

Glued to my computer,   



wishing Christmas stays-on; checking,   

gate-crashing into this contest only Christmas can bring judging from the title. 

What’s more? 

 ………When Christmas comes calling...............  

It's a day before this so called 'Christmas day,' Adrenaline kept pumping in...the joy and excitement was in the air. Bahlul just couldn't get why there was so much excitement. He had seen stuffs online about the Christmas thingy. He had read stuffs about this Christ, whom was being celebrated but he just couldn't get the hang of it.

A few hours to Christmas

He got out to his balcony to take a look on what was going on outside, that was when he heard the song 'Silent night' he was drawn to the song. He listened to it to the end. He was amazed at the excitement but couldn't get why. He sat there enjoying the Christmas melodies that gradually put him to sleep in his balcony.

The season of joy - Christmas

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
He could hear his neighbors shout it to one another. Wishes were everywhere! Gifts were shared. Oh! What a day of joy it was for everyone but Bahlul. He had to sit all alone in his balcony and watch everyone enjoy Christmas. He couldn't celebrate Christmas because Christmas isn't celebrated where he is from.

Mr. Tosin my neighbour, has a poultry but all through the year he does not seem to look after his chicken. Suddenly, He starts looking after his livestock watching every single step they make and I wondered why the change in behaviour.

On the other hand is Chucks. Chucks is my Igbo friend that sells neatly used clothes down the road. Yesterday, Chucks sold a shirt thrice the amount He told me He bought it. He confidently increased the price of all his clothes.

Finally, I cannot leave the house without applying body cream heavily on my body as the winds are cold and the Sun burns like its just metres away from the roofs. It is "Nigeria's winter" - Harmattan.

In Nigeria, when people act like Mr. Tosin and Emeka and you also experience harmattan, then you know CHRISTMAS IS CALLING

On a cold December morning, the harmattan breeze was blowing furiously without mercy, Kufre laid under the bridge in a foetal position under layers of rags. This has been his home for over three years. Exactly this time four years ago, he was thrown out from his home. Four Christmases ago, his family had invited a prophetess to the house. It was their last resort; misfortune seemed to hover around the family. After much prayer and fasting, she decided he was the cause of the family's misfortunes, she advised them to throw him out, if they wanted to be free. Without a second thought, his parents threw him out. He cried, begged, promised to always obey their every command, but they didn't listen.

For four years, he had been homeless; sleeping in front of people's shops, under flyovers and bridges. He had hawked on the streets, stolen and picked pocket, all in the bid to feed himself. It was Christmas season again, to him; there was nothing special about the season. When Christmas comes calling, it carries with it memories he wouldn't want to have. Christmas reminded him of how lonely and empty his life was.

Uche was happy, it was Christmas again. Christmas to him meant new clothes, good food, traveling and getting to see Ngozi. As was the tradition, his family would travel to the village on December 23rd. It was a tradition, not only in his family, but in the families of every clan in his village. His uncle called it the seasonal migration of the Igbos.
He couldn't wait for December 23rd; he had packaged a gift for Ngozi. If he gave her the gift, at least she'd allow him touch her breasts. He had been fantasizing about that moment for three weeks. Grandpa would be happy to see him, last year, they both went palm wine tapping together and grandpa showed him how to tap the wine. Uche wondered what new things his grandpa would teach him that year. Bathing in the stream was something he was looking forward to, not that he liked the coolness of the water, but because he liked watching young girls bath. When Christmas comes calling, Uche can't stop his excitement. To him, Christmas avails him the opportunity to indulge in his cravings and to learn new things,

Amina never really got to celebrate Christmas, she was from a Muslim home. Her father had given her in marriage to Alhaji Usman. Since she got married, she had never been happy. Alhaji made a sex slave out of her, from the tender age of thirteen he had been sleeping with her. Amina couldn't take it anymore, she had to run away. She finally got her opportunity on a Christmas day. She left Alhaji's house without knowing where she was going. It's been five years now, she looked back in time and smiled, happy to have made that decision. When Christmas comes calling, Amina knew it wasn't just the celebration of the birth of the Christian saviour but for her it was the celebration of her freedom from slavery. Everything about Christmas made her happy, the love of the season, the carols, the parties etc. She was a Muslim, but she celebrated Christmas with her friends and colleagues. Most people of her faith, had asked her to stop celebrating, but If they knew her reason, they'd probably let her be.

Christmas was the best part of the year, as Pat walked into the orphanage she saw gifts, foodstuff and all other supplies piled up at the reception. She was happy and relieved, some days ago she didn't know how she'd raise the money to buy foodstuffs and clothing for the children, but here they where, piled up, just waiting for her arrival. This wasn't the first time with was happening. People felt the need to give on Christmas which made her wish everyday was Christmas. The children looked forward to the Christmas season, because they knew the consequences. When Christmas comes calling, it brought with it gifts and supplies to carry them for two months. That wasn't bad, it was a well deserved break from the tasking job of soliciting for funds for the orphanage. Christmas was her best time of the year, if not for anything, the love that flies around which compels people to give to the less privileged was good enough for her. She heard the laughter that erupted from the dorms and smiled. The spirit of Christmas had come visiting.

It was December again, Christmas was around the corner. The coldness and dryness was undeniable. Tega went with his mother to the market, there'd be a lot of people shopping for Christmas, so she needed an extra hand. Tega's mother had a big clothing shop in the heart of Igbudu Market. He knew he had to help out, not because he liked it, but because he didn't want her to lose money. When Christmas comes calling, it comes with a lot of customers and Tega wasn't going to let them go with their money. He worked all day; explaining to customers why they should buy a material, convincing customers that the prices were more than fair, and writing receipts upon receipts. This was the most busiest time of the year, and Tega didn't like the stress it came with, he had no choice, helping his mother was his way of saying thank you for all she'd been doing for him. What better time to appreciate her efforts and sacrifices, if not the Christmas season. It is the season to show love and he was going to show his love by helping his mother.

Amadi was very excited, Christmas was around the corner, he knew what that meant. Amadi was a butcher in Ariaria market in Aba. Before now he had been struggling to make ends meet. It wasn't that money was elusive, he just didn't know how he spent it. He had resolved in his heart to cut down on his spending, but he needed a big break. Christmas offered that break, he was going to kill and sell three cows this Christmas season. But he needed money to buy the cows, he was already neck deep in debts. How would he get the money. He thought for a long time and smiled to himself. When Christmas comes calling, it brought with it the spirit of benevolence. He knew he could get the money. He'd make thrice of what he got, if not more. He sat down trying to calculate the amount of he'd make. Christmas brought a lot of opportunities with it. Not just any opportunity, money making opportunities. By the new year, he should have settled all his debts. He couldn't wait for the season, to fully set in.

Bella was upset, it was Christmas again. She didn't understand what the fuss was all about. To her Christmas was like every other day. Her mom had gone shopping, she declined her mom's plea to accompany her. She wasn't going to join in the madness or so she thought. On Christmas Eve she woke up very excited, she didn't know why. When her sisters asked her to accompany them to go make their hair for Christmas, she didn't object. She was surprised, on a normal day she would have declined. She ended up making her hair too. Bella was in high spirit, this surprised everybody. She even prepared the traditional Christmas fried rice and chicken. This surprised everyone but her mum. "When Christmas comes calling, everybody has to obey, regardless of what you feel or not" her mother said. "Well, her mother wasn't entirely wrong" she thought. For Bella her dislike for Christmas, changed very drastically. This made her believe the spirit of Christmas was still very much alive, for it had visited her.

It was very stressful for Bose, she had walked a long distance, trying to sell off her goods. She needed to raise money for her mom. It was the Christmas season and she couldn't give any excuse. Her mom had tried for her; she had made much sacrifices for her, it was now her turn to repay the efforts of her mom. She knew she was going to sell her goods, but so far, she hadn't sold anything. She was thirsty, tired and couldn't walk any further. Christmas season was supposed to be stress free, but why was she going through all these stress. When Christmas comes calling, it's supposed to bring goodness with it. So far, she hadn't seen any goodness, but it wasn't supposed to be this way. Since the beginning of December, her sales had dropped. The month was still young, she believed that before the end of the month she'd have sold off all her goods. Christmas brought good luck, she could feel it in her gut.


Teresa was a student at the Stanford University, I was madly in love with him Literature Professor Arturo, who held a relationship with his teacher of Biology, Anais. Teresa had every minute to see his platonic love, to go to school with him, ignored his explanation, because his mind was flying with just hearing his acute and harmonious voice, he imagined his hands caressing your skin, that he whispered in my ear how much he wanted her, her breathing near the neck, rubbing her body snuggling with her, while Anais watched all of this with tears in his eyes, shattered , humiliated and she staring back at him with an air of grandeur and a sarcastic smile, his twisted fantasy. But at that precise moment where their lips would touch she heard a voice in the distance that said: I hope for you! Since it was Anais Promised Land of Arthur, and it was in that moment where Teresa returned to the real world, it dawned on him that Arthur was an impossible for her, just daydreamed, that look and smile that I imagine mocking Anais was returned by the teacher, because he knew of his attraction to Arthur

Wow. I am ready. Thanks @stach for making steemit fun.