STACH Short Story Contest #8: 199 words-10SBD prize pool!

in contest •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #8.

A Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

  • Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
  • Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
  • The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
  • One entry per user.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.



THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD prize. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.
First Prize: ----------------------5SBd
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.
Good luck guys!

Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!

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I could not move, my legs were stuck to the earth, an ocean of tears streamed down from my head to the toe, my heart pounding and beating fast as if I have run a million mile. My whole body was shivering as if currents were passing through my body. Though series of thought was on my mind, my mouth could not utter an alphabet, it was just wide open like a snare waiting to entrap someone; seeing this creature in the dark with red glooming eyes, face like that of an eagle, hands so big like that of an elephant, teeths like that of a shark, legs so tiny like that of a ant, in short this creature cannot be described. So terrified was i at the thunderous voice I heard from this creature as it echoed DEATH!!!.

Source of Image

The sewing machine

Peter arrived at the apartment of his dreams, after months of saving he found a rent that could pay and the best thing was that it was near the university.

For the first few weeks Peter noticed strange things, in the evenings he heard the faucet from the open sink and doors closing. One night I hear a sewing machine in the living room from his room.

Each day intensified the noise and began to see shadows, this frightened him so much that he began to sleep with the lights on.

Peter's nerves were broken, but he could not move, he had no money for another rent, and at the student residence he had been assigned his room to another student.

When Peter returned from studying, about midnight, I heard a deafening scream that lifted him from the frightened bed, ran to the living room and saw a figure of bloody ghostly woman sitting in front of a sewing machine, the woman looked at him and his eyes chills pierced his body.

Peter managed to run to the door and fled the apartment never to return.

The Central Hospital

In a nightclub, Tom celebrates his birthday with his friends. When they decide to leave the place, they drive drunk at full speed and collide against a wall that had a metal structure, which then falls and cuts off Tom's arm.

His friends realize that they are in front of the Central Hospital and run towards the emergency. Erick unconsciously picks up the arm of the pavement and also takes it with them.

Robert, the new intern, receives him and does everything possible to stop the bleeding but does not succeed, he asks the nurse to go to the chief doctor to help him. An old doctor with an amputated arm arrives, he helps Robert by guiding him, managing to stabilize Tom. When Robert goes to thank the old man, he is gone.

The nurse enters and informs him that the chief doctor is currently performing a surgery, but Robert tells her about the old man's visit. The nurse is astonished and tells him that that is impossible, but that there are rumors, that a ghost stalks the halls. Robert laughs at how ridiculous that sounds, but when he looks at the table, the arm is gone.

Source of the Image

Great idea, fun challenge, well thought out and clearly defined writing parameters.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi, here is my entry. Thanks. :)


Trina was devastated waking up with the news that her grandfather died. She haven't bid her farewell yet, why so sudden! She told herself while crying her heart out.

She have been hearing unknown noises for years but the death of her grandfather made her hear more of it. Trina currently at the age of 10, did not give much attention on those noises, not until a scary moment happened.

One night, she was sleeping alone in a bed placed behind their huge cabinet. Only her grandmother was in the house with her but have fallen asleep in their sofa. She suddenly hear the keys as she will usually hear it when somebody is opening the cabinet. So, she get out of the bed and thought that her grandmother opened the cabinet.

But she was shocked to see that her grandmother was still sleeping in the sofa. Trina was so scared and cannot even scream. What she did was cover herself with a big blanket while lying in their bed hoping that it will be morning already. The lights started to blink, makes her numb. She prayed hard that her grandmother will wake up and end her fear.

Photo from Pixabay.

Good initiative. Watching for the titles going forward.

great idea!! Can't wait to see the entries

When is the deadline for submission?

It can't be open indefinitely, can it?

Hi @braveheart29, please paste your entry here in the comment section.

The Intruder

Image Source: Pixabay

I crouched in the back corner of the closet, my body shaking with fear, trying to slow down my breathing to make it less audible.

"I know you are in here somewhere. Come out so I can see you. It's time to play!" boomed the stranger in a deep, threatening voice.

I could hear the sound of blades scraping together, as he moved throughout my first-floor apartment. I held my hands tightly over my mouth, trying to be quiet, hoping the intruder would just take what he wanted and leave.

"Sara, SARA, Sara!", said the man in a mocking tone,

I hear the sounds of blades, this time much closer. "How the hell, does he know my name?" I wonder.

"Times up Sara!" as the masked figure threw open the closet door. Gloved hands reached for my throat, and I feel a sharp pinch at the back of my neck, then nothing.

The next moment, I find myself on a table in a brightly lit room.

"Doctor, I think she might be waking up," a woman says.

"Doesn't matter," said the doctor "I've already got the liver and the kidneys. Now time for the heart."

Wow....horror, will be looking forward to read entries. Though am no fan of

This post has been resteemed by @msp-africa courtesy of @ejemai from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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It is for Halloween right? Hahaha gonna try make up something better this time :)


My entry

Buried Alive
4 minutes ago
promisengr 38 in content
It all start on a rainy weekend, with the usual confrontation of the two step brothers John and Adams, over the rite to inherit their late father’s properties .Things soon got out of hands and threats were promised. As the story goes, John decided to take matters into his hand, and took over the said properties. Adams won’t have it, sprayed John with curare powder with causes prolonged paralysis which was mistaken for actual death.

After the hastened burial, the undertakers were said to have heard finds scratching and thumping sounds which they ignored as animal sounds. Barely a week after the burial, there was a reported failed grave robbery at the site. buried-sf.jpg

Then the horrible sited of the now properly deceased John, who has visibly clawed at the coffin after regaining motor functions had his fingernails pulled off and hands in a horrific pose as his last attempts to claw out were futile. The horror was magnified as it was observed that his entrails were hanging out and part of his gentiles nibbled away by rodents. What’s more, he was actually alive through this but couldn’t reach those part of his body due to the coffin enclosure!!!!!!

Image reference

@promisengr.. This story sounds like one of the episodes from 'a thousand ways to die' good one nonetheless..

Michael's fingers glided along the keys. Sipping hot black coffee he admired his work. He was building a website for a non-profit that had hired him on a whim; he was spending long hours perfecting it. He scratched his neck. The itching had gotten worse over the last few days. Some kind of growth he dismissed but now couldn’t ignore. Michael went to the bathroom and rubbed ointment on the spot. Looking at it in the mirror it appeared twice as big as yesterday. Back at the computer, he took a deep breath and brought up Steemit.

“Just a quick break and I’ll make a doctor’s appointment.”

Upvoting his favourite authors, suddenly his right arm went rigid. He tried to move the mouse; grabbing his right arm with his left, he couldn’t budge it. The growth on his neck started to pulsate. The itching was spreading. His left arm went rigid, then his feet. Involuntarily, his right hand began to move the mouse.

“No, not that post!” Michael screamed with the last of his free will.

As his vision dimmed, he heard a click and saw a blue arrow light up. Then everything went dark.

Got my vote!

Thank you @agbona :)

This post received a 20% vote by @msp-africa courtesy of @ejemai from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.


This is great, I'm new here and I hope I enjoy my experience

Source of Image

The sewing machine

Peter arrived at the apartment of his dreams, after months of saving he found a rent that could pay and the best thing was that it was near the university.

For the first few weeks Peter noticed strange things, in the evenings he heard the faucet from the open sink and doors closing. One night I hear a sewing machine in the living room from his room.

Each day intensified the noise and began to see shadows, this frightened him so much that he began to sleep with the lights on.

Peter's nerves were broken, but he could not move, he had no money for another rent, and at the student residence he had been assigned his room to another student.

When Peter returned from studying, about midnight, I heard a deafening scream that lifted him from the frightened bed, ran to the living room and saw a figure of bloody ghostly woman sitting in front of a sewing machine, the woman looked at him and his eyes chills pierced his body.

Peter managed to run to the door and fled the apartment never to return.

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The air stopped blowing, heat started radiating as this "half soul" creature came through the vents holding a head drooping with fresh blood in its right hand which is bigger than the left hand holding its unsheated glowing sword; the sword radiates more than the sun with both edges so sharp than a lion's teeth. The creature was without a leg, it wore sack clothing its body which was almost decayed. Its ears so long that it almost covered its face, the mouth was filled with blood like a vampire.
Many bullets were shot at it but none penetrated. Everyone ran "helter skelter" hoping to get away from this creature which was moving so fast at random. Shouts of agony filled the air. I watched from afar saying some "Hail Mary" cos I needed a miraculous disappearance from this terrific stage of horror.

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The air stopped blowing, heat started radiating as this "half soul" creature came through the vents holding a head drooping with fresh blood in its right hand which is bigger than the left hand holding its unsheated glowing sword; the sword radiates more than the sun with both edges so sharp than a lion's teeth. The creature was without a leg, it wore sack clothing its body which was almost decayed. Its ears so long that it almost covered its face, the mouth was filled with blood like a vampire.
Many bullets were shot at it but none penetrated. Everyone ran "helter skelter" hoping to get away from this creature which was moving so fast at random. Shouts of agony filled the air. I watched from afar saying some "Hail Mary" cos I needed a miraculous disappearance from this terrific stage of horror.


The only choice it seemed was to run, and I really thought I did though it felt like I ran on a thread mill - the farther, the nearer. I ran hurriedly through the dense jungle panting heavily and gasping for breath all the way as I prayed for help. Momentarily looking back to see how far behind he was only brought him steps closer. Could this day be my last? I wondered. I had never been that scared and hopeless.

Was I wrong to have gone alone? What human has face without eyes, ears, nose and mouth? My life drained quickly as these billion thoughts drenched my mind. It was a flash of death.

A mile ahead came a flickering torch light. Just like a runner approaching the finish I reached for the source as though my salvation was nigh. Help me please, he's got no eyes, ears, nose and mouth, save me! I said kneeling down and holding on to the stranger who replied - like this? - holding up the torch to his face. Alas! I was face to face with a greater evil. He was headless.

my entry titled, "I'm coming back for you"

I've heard several stories of people dying, I wished Dad's own was one and not true. This morning he was buried.

I was alone in my room thinking of everything that has happened. Rain was pouring heavily outside and flashes of lightning occasionally lit the room. Dogs were also howling outside. Mum once told me its a sign that they've seen a ghost.
I tried severally not to think of it until the wind blew the curtain of my room and left it flying so high it almost touched the ceiling. Each flash of lightning after that sent a shiver down my spine.
I saw a dark figure walking towards me with its arms stretched forward. I wished to scream but lost my voice. I would have take to my heels but my legs suddenly became heavy.

I buried my face in my palm and I felt someone hug me so tight. "It's gonna be okay," mum said, "I heard you scream from outside." I opened my eyes and it was just my mum

Then I saw this figure again, this time, waving me good bye and saying words like, "I'm coming back for you."


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I woke up in a hardwood floor. I'm inside the cabin.
The only light it has is coming from a candle.
I don't know where i am or what happened to me.
I slowly got out of the door.
I look around me, the cabin is in a forest.
I got scared when i heard of crashing noises inside the cabin.
I run towards the forest when a man called me
"Cassy!" Anger is evident in unfamiliar voice of a man
I run and run. He's running towards me
"I'll kill you!" He shouted.
I stumbled on a rock and everything blacked out.

I woke up, my heart was pounding. I look around me
And i got relieved when i saw i'm in my room. I was just dreaming.
I went out of my room to get some water.

I dropped the glass when i saw a silhouette of a man carrying a large knife
"I found you" he said with his deep voice.
