16th Daily Steemit Upvote Lottery

in contest •  7 years ago 

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The rules are easy:

  1. Upvote this post
  2. If you're new, introduce yourself
  3. Complete today's assignment: tell me the most ridiculous fact you know!

Our previous lucky winners:

1/19/2018@darkus1.97 SBDView
1/20/2018@sodasoda4.99 SBDView
1/21/2018@masqurade~1.76 SBDView
1/22/2018@drdave~1.57 SBDView
1/23/2018@felicitas~3.02 SBDView
1/24/2018@ysathewriter~4.02 SBDView
1/25/2018@circleseeker~2.74 SBDpending
1/26/2018@taudom~2.26 SBDpending
1/27/2018@starscream97~2.3 SBDpending
1/28/2018@kuminga~2.15 SBDpending
1/29/2018@reputablestone~2.25 SBDpending
1/30/2018@ecuadorhomestead~2.1 SBDpending

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Have fun everybody, and thank you for participating!

P.S. Yay, I'm getting on the plane to Italy in a few hours :)

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Hi, I am ready to win. I only have 0 SBD and the steempower given to a minnow. One ridiculous fact I know is,,,,, Drum roll please An egg comes from the same hole as chicken poop and pee. It is called a VENT!

When you think about it, that is kind of disgusting. Good luck today!

yeah it freaked me out when i found out.

Hello again, the most ridiculous fact I know is that the Federal Reserve Bank is not Federal. It is actually owned by the Private member banks that hold the stock. Mostly very old corrupt money powers. The uS people have no power over it and for the last 100 years it has completely robbed uSA of all of its wealth.

I guess it's time to decentralize the whole thing :)

It would be nice. But the reality is that the people with all the power and money will never relinquish that power. They have had the power for more than 1000 years.

The most ridiculous fact that I know is If you leave everything to the last minute, it will only take a minute

Lol, and a dubious fact at that...

Exclusively breastfeeding can burn as many as 600 calories a day, that's a great way to lose weight :)

Too bad I can't give it a try :P

When I got into the bee business thought that I was only going to get one liter of honey per harvest, but it turned out that I got five liters of honey per harvest.

Is that for one hive?

Yes, it is.

Wow that's amazing. How many hives you got?

I have two hives.

The mist ridiculous fact I know is that Elephants pass personality tests that are rarely passed by non-primates.

Very cool! Thank you for sharing!

so excited for your daily lottery and not win. lol. hahahahaa. hey, have a safe trip!

The most ridiculous fact I know is that tomato is a fruit basically because i love fruits but i hate tomato. :(

I'm sure you'll get lucky one day :)

I don’t know it’s ridiculous but you will find it strange if I say our eye never grows and remain same size from birth unlike ear which always grows.

I find that very strange indeed. Never knew that either. Thanks!

I don't remember how much it was but I think one ejaculation contains like 50gb of data.

Wow, that's cool!

Most ridiculous fact.. lol where should I start? I'd have to say that medical helicopters replace their motors every two months

Seriously? That seems a bit wasteful...

Yup they fly about 60 miles a trip and do it about 5-7 times a day. Gotta keep those choppers 100% though. can't have anything happen with a patient onboard paying several thousands of dollars to get airlifted

The finlandish drink 3 cups of coffee a day on average. Sounds fun!

You think that's a lot? Or not enough?

2 times more than the average american

Oh that's not much at all. I think we drink a lot more in the Netherlands.

I might need to take a trip there

in 2015, more people were killed from injuries caused by taking a selfie than by shark attack..

Geez, I never knew taking a selfie could be so dangerous!

that's why I avoid taking selfies haha

I guess that is not many people in 2015
Ninety-eight people were bitten by sharks that year and six were killed, but experts say it's not time to panic.

Folks keep taking your selfies!

Kopi luwak is the world's most expensive coffee. The main factor is of it's high price . It has been produced from the coffee beans which have been digested by a certain Indonesian cat-like animal called then palm civet

I saw a guy doing the same thing with coffee beans from elephant poo the other day on Nat Geo. He charged 50 USD per cup of coffee!

I am vegan from India.
The most ridiculous in steem is you got upvote in starting of first day say $10 and post payout day it shows $5. because drop in steem price. So you get less SBD's.

Yeah that sucks, but nothing to do about it...

We eat the saliva of the bee and the poop of the civet and the combination of the two with some cream is delicious.

Is that for one hive?

The most ridiculous fact I know is that wombats have square poo:


Most ridiculous fact I know is that you cannot hum while holding your nose. Try it. 😉

Lol I just tried, I really can't!

Hi, I’m Edna and I’m new to these kind of lottery. I hope I win!

The most ridiculous fact I know is that the national animal of Scotland is unicorn.

Welcome Edna and good luck! A unicorn? Seriously? I'm going to google that...

The most ridiculous fact i know is that i'm not log in facebook for 1 month now.

Because of steemit?

Safe travels!
The most ridiculous thing I know has to be that it exists a programming language called brainfuck, that uses only the following characters: ><+-.,[] . I'm not sure which is more ridiculous, if the existance of the language, or the fact I know about it and remembered it ^^".
If anyone wants to read on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck

Haha thanks for sharing! Sounds like my kind of programming language :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Before i joined in steemit, i thought that if i posted one intro post i will get $300 to $400 ( i had a plan to go summer tour with my children) For that i viewed a lot of post and videos around one month. Took very risk i prepared a intro post then posted. I got only 5 votes and $0.07.

Certainly not enough for a holiday, but every little bit adds up!


A semen contains more than 40million sperm cells but only need one sperm cell to make a baby

That is indeed a ridiculous amount!

The most ridiculous fact is that you should not be able to lick your own elbow. But a friend of mine CAN do that.

I can lick your elbow but I dont want to!

Lol, he should join the circus!

Commercial air travel is only the 2. safest mean of transportation. Escalators and elevators are on the 1. place.

Nice one :) What about moving walkways?

great thanks for sharing

Hi abuarkan, please read my post and complete the daily assignment to participate in the lottery.

Hi, I am Abner! :) You can call me Abby. I am a writer! :) Hello, Steemit! If a human being is either male of female, fungi can have up to more than 20,000 sexes. Hahah. That's too much!