Show me a snap of your life contest Win a Steemit bottle opener and $5 SBD

in contest •  6 years ago  (edited)

Show me a snap of your life contest is back

It has been a few weeks since I have held a show me a snap of your life contest. Life has been busy of the last few weeks so I decided to hold of on them till life calmed down some. And since it has calmed down some it is time for me to hold the next show me a snap of your life contest. Winner will receive $5 SBD and a Social Media Done Right Blog 4 Crypto Bottle Opener.

bottle opener.PNG

What is the Show me a snap of your life contest

If you are new to my blog it is a regular contest I do where I ask my readers to show me something in their life. It changes each contest. In the past I have asked to see your parks, waterways, selfies, favorite chair, ect.. I find it is a fun way to get to know my readers a little bit along with promoting my favorite site, it also allows me to steem swag all over the world with these contests and giveaways I do. That I hope will help grow the platform that I love.

This weeks I want to see a snap of your pet.

If you don't have a pet, you can use any animal you can capture a photo of. Key word is animal, not insects this time I just want to see the animals you live with or that live in your area. So if you don't have a pet, get a photo of a stray or a bird or a cow or any other animal.

Insects do not count.

Example photos

This is one of my cat Slim Jim aka Slimmy example photo 1

This is one of my dogs Buddy example photo 2

This is Esme one of our other dogs example photo 3

This is an example of local deer in our area

How to enter

  1. Post a photo that you took in the comments below (All images are googled imaged searched stolen images will be FLAGGED)
  2. Tell me about the animal in the photo

How to get a flag

  1. There always seems to be someone who thinks they can get past the rules of using your own photo and someone enters a stolen image. I will Flag all stolen images 100% and will check your blog to see if you have other stolen content and flag appropriately. I hate to do that but it seems to be necessary to help prevent stolen content from being spread like it is original. I am a photographer by trade, and stolen images kind of piss disappoints photographers off.
  2. Spamming comments with links
  3. Asking for upvotes, follows or resteems

You do not have to upvote resteem or follow me to enter this contest

All Valid entries will receive an upvote

Winner will be picked at the payout of this post

Winners have 30 days to claim their prize or it will be awarded to a 2nd place winner. You will need to send me your mailing address if you win through a Direct message. I can be reach privately on, discord and twitter with the same user names as I use here check your spelling if you don't find me there is no h in my screen name tecnosgirl. With Discord you will also need my 4 digit tag so you will want to put in tecnosgirl#7681


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Great contest!! You also get to see the animal lovers which in my opinion is usually a good judge of character!!

Here we go from left to right.

Kitano is my 13 year old Wolfamute! He’s been through a massive stroke and just had his kidney removed. He’s such a sweetheart and loves to play as he’s still so puppy.

Bandit was my first boy and first true responsibility. He was a HUGE Malamute. I got him in 2003 and immediately bonded with me. He was the Alpha of the pup pack and their leader. He protected all of us when a stray tried to attack. He suffered through Osteosarcoma and had to get his front leg amputated but owned it. He was thriving and overcoming his new disability when a freak case of Bloat took him from me in February of 2015. He would be 15. Losing him was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to go through and his absence is something I’ll never get used to. My heart is forever fractured.

Maya is my youngest girl at 9. She’s a pure white Siberian Husky and is by far the most vocal of the group. She speaks to me daily...usually when I’m on the phone or busy. Lol. She gets into trouble constantly by digging and getting into things she shouldn’t. She makes us laugh daily and keeps the rest of the pack young.

Bindi was the second addition and is also a white Husky like her sister Maya. She has one blue eye and one green eye that turned brown when she was a few years old. She was Bandit’s shadow and followed him everywhere. She is currently 14 and marches to the beat of her own drum. She’s happy and loves sleeping, eating, ignoring our commands.

They complete me and are my absolute world. I’d be lost without them.



He is ridiculously hard to see but I snapped a picture of him a few days ago! Not sure what his name is yet but he seems like a chill fun dude!

Look it is Franklin... LOL you are around my oldest childs age you might remember that cartoon

This hen and others is what I see as my pets. I have many of them but this very one in the picture is always found around the house while others will have gone far away.


What a perfect oppurtunity to show you by best friend that died 4 months ago.
Her name was brano..
Killed by a poison by a hater.

I will still send in the bird that always peck the window glance in my house.
They wake me up every morning when they come to see themselves in the mirrow.
But unknown to them i see them from inside.

Good luck everyone😊



This is Damon. She's my gorgeous child who was gifted to me in August of 2011. Her mother's name was Majesta and her father was Aura so I always joke that she's a majestic aura with all her gorgeous colors. Her mother was my everything but she passed away only a week after having Damon. Damon was the only surviving kitten in the litter. We had to bottle feed her until she could eat on her own, so she is literally the most spoiled cat in the world. She makes my life a better place and is always around me. She comes running whenever she hears me pull out my guitar and sing. And playful? She loves to play but don't spend your money on toys. Wrestling with my hand is the best and she adores qtips for gods know why. That's my babe for ya.

We have another cat who likes to play fetch with candy wrappers. And the orange one I posted loves hair, I think he thinks he is a dog, cause he likes his belly rubbed like our dogs do. LOL Beautiful kitty you have.