RE: Daily Brain Games 59 - how witty are you?

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Daily Brain Games 59 - how witty are you?

in contest •  6 years ago 

I agree with you that the rules aren't always clear until you see the correct answer. Like # 56. I entered a correct unbroken loop, but upon seeing the answer I realised a closed loop was the object. Probably due to English not being ksolymosi's first language. Same here, where I assumed/guessed that each region was to be connected with itself (a nonomino so). But it is not to be found in the text at all. This can be frustrating if you miss ksolymosi's intention. P.S. I like your answer; creative!

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Thanks for that :D

It just reminds me of DBG #35, where @doughtaker "invented" another possible solution. In that one, the rules were not quite clear, yet @doughtaker 's solution was accepted...

Yeah, I agree. Why was that one ok and not this one? Right? Especially since the rules were followed in this case.

I see 36 regions in ur solutions instead of I am not sure if it can be considered a correct answer. But @doughtaker's solution was a valid one confirming the rules of that puzzle

Just my opinion, @ksolymosi is the one to decide :-)

In my head, because the corners touch, it’s together, hense 4 regions. But I guess if other people don’t see it that way than it would be 36 regions and not right. So good point.

@mchandra If we start to dissect the rules, then I refer you to DBG #46 where @ksolymosi says to start in a corner. Unfortunately for me, our definitions of a corner varied, so I did not have a successful answer for that one, even though I thought I really did.

This comes down to definition... but the grid has been divided into four regions of exactly the same size and shape.

I do agree some questions are not straight forward and it comes to how we understand the question. I had the same doubt but whichever i choose as the corner, the answer to the puzzle was still either start at 2 or at 3 based on what you consider as the corner.

I understood the running race puzzle in a different way and assumed that my solution was correct. But @ksolymosi said that the clues were to be understood differently.

End of the day, these daily brain games give a good workout to my brain and any rewards I get along is an added bonus. So, lets enjoy and solve more puzzles. :-)

Actually, for the 'corner' puzzle, you can obtain an answer of 14, if you start at the corner 2 (see image below).

Ultimately, @ksolymosi said to me regarding her wording for that DBG: "probably it was misleading".

Which is fine. Like you said, this is fun, still :)

Wow, nice! I like your answer better than mine. I assumed no repeat junctions, so hadn't thought about this solution. My answer was actually: "15. "Corner" is a bit confusing, but here it doesn't matter. Either go from the top right 3 (edge of diagram) to 5, 2, 4, 1 or 5, 1, 4, 2. Or go from top left 2 (place at which two converging lines or surfaces meet) to 5, 1, 4, 3." This was because I too was unsure about what ksolymosi meant with "corner". Luckily, it was accepted.

Thanks for the kudos :D
At least you got your answer accepted - that seems to be the hardest part of the DBG series lol

the regions in your solution are not well defined...those small squares touch each other at a point...if you consider them still part of same region...the cells B and D also touch each other the same way...just that u have coloured them differently.

I personally don't agree that your solution has 4 regions...I consider them as 36 regions...eventually its not my decision that matters :-)

Yeah, true. I am starting to see it that way too now.

I totally agree with you :-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I didn’t know English was not her first language, but most of the puzzles are worded well. I think we should be allowed to ask questions for clarification sometimes.

I also didn’t do a closed loop at first but I re-read the puzzle and re-submitted my answer. So you missed a part of the rule in 56.
According to the rules of the last puzzle, I think my answer is still correct.

No, an "unbroken loop" is not the same as a "closed loop". Although the latter can have two different explanations, an "unbroken loop" does not dictate the start- and endpoint to be the same. In fact, that would be weird in real life (take the Hyperloop for example). With a loop (in travel) you can traverse in both directions, that's all. I regarded that puzzle as a snake game.

So after seeing the correct (accepted) answer, I understood what the intention was. But that was too late for me, obviously. Asking a question was not in my mind, as I hadn't realized that ksolymosi might think of a loop in a different way. Also, I kinda agree that allowing questions clutters and takes away part of the fun (in other words - getting what is meant is part of it).

Having said that. It still can be frustrating when that happens. In any case, I wholeheartedly agree with the notion that ksolymosi decides no matter what.

Your explanation of loop just went over my head there. LoL.

Sure. Questions do clutter a bit but getting a clear understanding is more beneficial to the fun and the game in my opinion. Also, I think more people might participate if they have a better understanding of the puzzle at hand.

Yeah, I agree that no matter what it is ksolymosi’s decision since it is her game and her rules. She puts in all the hard work for creating the fun for us.

Well, your points are noted, I'll try to do my best to improve my explanations on the instructions... :-)