Coverage 6 Awards is the annual event Liputan 6 as a news program that became a place of appreciation for ordinary people who do extraordinary for the environment. Year 2018 becomes the 9th year Liputan 6 Awards present for viewers. Ahead of a decade Liputan 6 Awards will be present in a new face, not only inspired through the work of journalism combined with a documentary style. In 2018, Coverage 6 Awards provides an opportunity for people throughout Indonesia to actively participate in Liputan 6 Awards - Local Heroes Video Competition to bring inspirational figures to the screen. The coverage of Liputan 6 Awards will start from February 2018 until the peak awarding on Sunday, May 20, 2018 coincided with the anniversary of Liputan 6 to 22 years.
1. Contest Period: 20 February - 20 April 2018
2. Winners will get Rewards:
Best Video: 40 million
Best Director: 10 million
Best Editing: 10 million
Best Pictures: 10 million
Best Story: 10 Million
Appreciation Figure 1: 20 million
Appreciation Figure 2: 20 million
Appreciation Figure 3: 20 million
Appreciation Figure 4: 20 million
Appreciation Figure 5: 20 million
Appreciation Figure 6: 20 million
1. Team up to 5 people
2. The video contains stories of inspirational figures that have far-reaching impacts on society and the environment
3. The video is semi-documentary, colored (not black and white), produced in 2018 with the theme "Real Impact"
4. Video is original and has never won an award
5. Videos that use foreign / regional languages are required to have subtitles (subtitles)Indonesia
6. Mencantumkan Logo Liputan 6 Awards di bagian depan (Bumper In) dan di bagian belakang (Bumper Out). Bumper bisa diunggah di
7. Ada judul, narasi/ VO (Voice Over)
8. Peserta harus membuat 2 video:
a. Full video: Durasi maksimal 4 menit
b. Trailer: Durasi maksimal 1 menit
9. Full video di upload di kanal kontes dengan ketentuan:
- Format Judul video :2018 (spasi) #Liputan6Awards (spasi) Judul Video (spasi) Kota
10. Video trailer di upload di akun Instagram masing – masing dengan ketentuan :
- Caption berupa sinopsis video
- Menggunakan hastag #Liputan6Awards, #Indosiar & #LocalHeroes
- Mention IG @liputan6
- Mention 5 orang teman
*- Follow Steemit
11. Jika video sudah di upload, Isi Form Registrasi pada
12. Periode pengumpulan video: 20 Februari 2018 pukul 00.00 WIB hingga 20 April 2018 pukul 23.59 WIB. Video yang diberikan setelah tanggal tersebut tidak akan diikut sertakan ke dalam kontes & penjurian.
13. Seluruh video yang didaftarkan adalah hak milik Liputan 6 SCTV. Video pendek yang didaftarkan ke Liputan 6 Awards akan menjadi bagian dari database panitia festival yang akan disimpan oleh panitia Liputan 6 Awards dan boleh dipergunakan untuk ditayangkan di SCTV, dan media lain yang menjadi afiliasi SCTV di wilayah Indonesia maupun di luar wilayah Indonesia tanpa menerima imbalan apapun dari SCTV atau dari pihak yang menayangkan video tersebut. Selain itu dengan mendaftar LIPUTAN 6 AWARDS LOCAL HEROES VIDEO COMPETITION berarti memberikan ijin kepada panitia untuk menggunakan video pendek demi kepentingan promosi, publikasi festival atau materi promosi penayangan di media yang tersebut di atas.
14. All registered videos are not plagiarized or that infringe the copyrights of others' works. Registrants are responsible for any copyright, talent, music, sound, sound, image, and clip issues related to the creation and ownership of registered videos.
15. All fees and submission process of video material that is registered to the committee is the responsibility of the registrant.
16. Prizes and awards will be awarded to the winners at the 2010 Liputan 6 Summit coverage on 20 May 2018 and broadcast on SCTV.
17. These Terms and Conditions may change from time to time.