The secret government that operates outside the constitution or Twelvers dibs on 48

in contracting •  7 years ago  (edited)

Aristotle's Political Theory
The U.S. House Committee on Armed Services, commonly known as the House Armed Services Committee, is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives that was founded in 1946.
National Security Act of 1947

There are 48 Senior US Congressional Members whom hold the key to initiating contracts with the Defense Authorization Act, as to get to decide who gets the 'money'.

'A constitutional crisis': the CIA turns on the Senate

Representative democracy (also indirect democracy, representative republic or psephocracy) is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy.

Habeas corpus is a recourse in law challenging the reasons or conditions of a person's confinement under color of law. In United States law, the term color of law denotes the "mere semblance of legal right", the "pretense or appearance of" right; hence, an action done under color of law adjusts (colors) the law to the circumstance, yet said apparently legal action contravenes the law. Under color of authority is a legal phrase used in the US indicating that a person is claiming or implying the acts he or she is committing are related to and legitimized by his or her role as an agent of governmental power, especially if the acts are unlawful.

Lincoln's Constitutional Leadership

Technocracy is a system of governance where decision-makers are selected on the basis of their expertise in their areas of responsibility, particularly scientific knowledge.

Establishing a Federal Republic

There are 48 Senior US Congressional Members whom hold the key to initiating contracts with the Defense Authorization Act, as to get to decide who gets the 'money'. Jesuit trained Knight of Malta Council on Foreign Relations CFR as the pro-Zionist Government of Israel lobby with George Soros

Fake news, meet the Fake Catholic groups: the George Soros-funded Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United

Lobby power! Soros and Hydrocarbons: what's really behind the rohingya crisis in Myanmar

Soros bout Jew Catholics under the Bush Mockingbird mess
as to engage in

Media matters... especially in this Operation Mockingbird Pulitzer season were George Soros-funded Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United, with the State actors awards 2018 Misprision ceremony at Bohemian Grove

Bought your senators, only 48 you need to buy with CIA deep state pockets, by

Disinformation Warriors - Part II: David Brock, "Hire-A-Troll for Trillionaires"


(((Soros))) and Hydrocarbons: What's Really Behind the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar

The Shi'ah (or Shi'a) is commonly used as a synonym for "Twelvers" since this branch comprises the majority group in Shia Islam. Shia refers to a group of Muslims who believe that the succession to Muhammad must remain in his family for specific members who are designated by a divine appointment.

Kuwait - Opec: 12 oil barons who control the world's energy supply

Jacob's twelve sons (in order of birth), Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin, become the ancestors of twelve tribes, with the exception of Joseph, whose two sons Mannasseh and Ephraim, who were adopted by Jacob, become tribal eponyms (Genesis 4)

How Sectarianism Blinds the Shia to the Horrors of Syria

By 1901, Baku was supplying half the world’s oil. It became an international city overnight, and the local Azeris were soon outnumbered by Russians, Georgians, Ossetians, and others from the four corners of the earth. Between 1856 and 1910, Baku’s population grew at a faster rate than that of London, Paris, or New York. The Nobel brothers, who dominated the industry in the first decades, invented the concept of the tanker to handle the demand for Baku oil in the Far East, appropriately naming their first tanker Zoroaster. Oil Barons of Baku, 1901-1905

Shhhh, it's Top Secret aka Twelvers dibs on 48

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