Do you know that situation when somebody hands you over a contract and he wants you to sign it. You feel like – I don’t want to sign something that I don’t understand, but at the same time I don’t want to read this entire 28 page contract.
This happens to me all the time and I absolutely hate contracts.
Sadly, when you are starting a business there are lots of situations that require contracts, right?
Well, I found a system that works better than some legal documents. I call it the Micro Deal System or MDS for short.
I use it for contractors and freelancers I am working with.
I use it with business partners and even with clients. It is a system that brings all the advantages that contracts have (security, a definition of responsibilities, rules, etc.) but without being so complicated and scary.
Signing contracts sucks but not having any kind of agreement is risky and often leads to misunderstandings. That’s why the Micro Deal System is the best solution for every business owner and freelancer out there!
Check out today’s video: F*ck Contracts - Here is a Mind-blowing New System on how to Make Agreements.