The Necessity On Being A Contrarian

in contrarian •  5 years ago 


Everybody knows that if one needs to belong and function properly in society one needs to follow the rules, narratives and ethos of their respective groups. At first glance, this might be useful since social integration is fundamental to socialization, work and building long-lasting relationships. On the long-run, this is nothing but a trap that renders the individual into a pawn within the hoard. Most people are then ready to be taken advantage and forever being manipulated without them realizing that they have been set-up all along.

The importance of being a contrarian becomes apparent in cases of finance, science, political ideologies and even religion. Most people, even if they want to preserve their individuality they do nothing more than stir the same ideas and follow the same practices as their respective cesspool. This is how we end up with the same political parties and doggy economic practices.

There is a price in being a follower. Tragically enough, life does not offer many key choices. Reversing these errors is not always easy. One has to take a step forward and become an individual thinker, even if that does not favor them in today's world. Being an original thinker (and non a re-poster) will not earn you a loyal following. It will almost always label you as an outsider, an outcast. For all intents and purposes, a contrarian essentially rejects the way of life that his or her peers chose to take. This pisses off a lot of people that have chosen a traditional path.

The hoard sees this as a direct attack to their being. What most people value as important or meaningful, is nothing more but a set of ideas that are embraced by the group. Everyone trusts more or less the banks and almost everyone stores their money in their local currency. If the going gets bad, then everyone takes the fall and they accuse some abstract entity called "bankers" or "politicians" without realizing that these are the very people who have been granted access for fulfilling their wishes.

Being a contrarian adds several layers of protection from events that affect the masses. There are economic cycles much like there are social and ideological cycles. If one follows the herd they will be often caught amidst these situations that are often impossible to escape.

In my opinion, some of the most dangerous ideas that one can be a contrarian and shield themselves from imminent catastrophe are the narratives of psychology, psychiatry, education, anything that has to do with FIAT economics, pop-science articles, newly discovered diets and exercise regimes, almost all of research in social sciences and ofcourse politics.

I am not an expert to sit here and instruct people what to do about all these situations. I periodically write pieces about these topics and express my ideas. Everyone should do their due diligence and prepare themselves accordingly based on their lifestyle.

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I'm not going to be a contrarian just cause you told me to ;)

The first step is the hardest.

Wars are propogated by rule followers.