Alert! Required National I.D. Hidden in New 400-page Immigration Bill

in control •  7 years ago 

This is the first line of H.R. 4760: "To amend the immigration laws and the homeland security laws, and for other purposes." These "officials" are as corrupt and power-hungry as they are vague and sneaky!

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This is not the only sneaky thing here. Part of this include the wall to prevent illegal immigration, however what people don't realize that the wall to keep people out, is also the cage to keep us in.

Even the federal troops (and don't be mistaken, they are troops) are called border security...not immigration prevention.

This is a 1 , 2 combo that ties us to not be able to leave when they decide (based on whatever reasoning they can brainwash the masses with) to just put this national IDs inside us...probably up our rectum the rate this is going.

I cant believe it, yet I expect it. Things are going to start happening fast now. Keep the awareness up!

I would love to get that shirt you wore that says 'nobody for president 2020' or something similar. I assume if I just do a google search for highimpactflix I'll eventually find it. Oh no wait the link is always in the description of your youtube videos. Duh. Maybe I educated someone else. There are some great shirts and stuff there people, check it out.

Like you said give them a finger they take an arm. How many ID's do they need? If you have a phone they got all the information they ever need. The money in your pocket is a tracking device, it got a band on it they know where you are.Only if they're looking for you?Big brother is watching, everything we do got a thread to you.Again only if they're looking for you?

Brian, the implications of this "act" of Congress cannot be overstated. Harvesting of our biometric property will lead to them harvesting our DNA and claiming ownership of that as well. They are doing nothing but building a prison for us and total control is their end game along with extermination of most of the peoples of the earth. One only needs to read H.R. 645 to see what government is planning. Abandon their property and reclaim the birthright...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hate to break it to you, but if you are born in the US (or in most western countries) they already harvest your DNA right when you are a newborn. And...its their property.

" ...and for other purposes." SMH
Have an upvote and a resteem.

ugh. no seriously, just ugh. no words

Just stepping right towards that totalitarianism state... Yet we scream at the top of our lungs to the people around us who we love and want to help. But they just look at us like we're crazy... But in true reality, they are crazy for not seeing it.

What will it be, the cards or the chips. Disobey and have your money cut off... starve.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Why are you surprised. Americans have buried their heads in the sand and pretended not to see rights eroded from visitors and immigrant. Did you honestly think you would remain unaffected. Visitor to the USA have been demeaned for years (under the excuse of 9/11) having to scan all their fingers like common criminals. it was only a matter of time. Welcome to your reality.

The argument of National Security is bogus as there has been no evidence to show that scanning the fingers of the 9/11 bombers who legally entered the USA would have prevented it. It's all about manipulating people with fear.

They've been pulling these legislative tricks for forever now. Hide some tyranical junk inside another bill about something totaly different. They think they'll stand before GOD on judgment day with all their "laws" & tell HIM what they did was "ok" because they have this piece of papper that says do. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes on that day.

This is being ignored for the most part. This is just more exchanging our freedom for the illusion of security.

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So ...... can I see your papers 🧐 Vait just one minute............two hours later . 🚬 your papers seem to be in order .........uncomfortable silence can go now . Yeah I read this book before , and it doesn’t end well . I Can understand a NATIONAL I.D. , But keep my DNA out of it . A simple Drivers License with one of them bank chips should be enough to do the job . You don’t always have to have it on you and you can put it in an FRD chip resistant wallet and be done . Nice and simple , no dogs , cats , or children were hurt either . THINK . In engineering we have some funny ways to remind us of stuff and one is the KISS principle . = Keep It Simple Stupid . The simpler you build something the better it works . Less working parts usually means less maintenance and more efficiency . Same goes with government . Less is better . We don’t need a dozen agencies doing one basic job and if their job is spying on us then they don’t really have a job . That’s called political appointments and we need to end that shit right away . Hope the google police can suck on that and great video sir 👏👍✌🏼♥️👊🏻