There's a really fascinating pattern I've noticed regarding the belief or alignment with various topics, and how people migrate on them over time.
The more polarizing the topic, the more aggressive the migration.
For example, when looking at the Covid vaccines, I have found many people who originally supported them, but have since moved vehemently against them. The most prominent are Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Khoury, and Jordan Peterson.
Even Chris Cuomo of CNN fame came out this week and spoke of all the injuries from them.
It's the same pattern with other controversial topics, like 9/11, climate change, and the border crisis.
Opinions seem to migrate in only one direction, which is always away from the government crafted narrative.
I've yet to meet someone who previously disagreed with the narrative, only to come around to it over time.
It's encouraging to see the progressive awakening of parts of society and the equivalent crumbling of the machine to keep everyone in the dark.
It's also easier to withstand the pressure from the masses that buy into the narratives after being proven right so many times now for taking that stand.
Have you come across anyone whose opinions migrated the other way, toward the narrative?