4 Ways to Make Conversation with Anyone

in conversation •  8 years ago 

Conversations are like links and each time we have conversation it becomes stronger. In a single day, a person encounter hundreds of people that may include the grocery guy, receptionist, a person travelling beside you and more. With every new conversation we build new links some are stronger and some are just for the time being. Conversation is a very important tool to express yourself, attract others and let the others know what you have always wanted them to know about yourself. 

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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1. First Word  

When we want to interact with a person for the first time, the words just stuck in our neck. Sometimes we really want to make the interaction but couldn’t get the word out. If you want to make a new connection just let the first word out like saying “Hi”. Once you have said the first word then the conversation just flows. It is just like removing a barrier to the pressurised water.

2. Avoid Small Talk

If you are starting a conversation just try to avoid small talks like “How are you?”, “What’s up” and more. It can give you a really formal interaction that you have not wanted. Just cut the small talks and move to personal questions. It may seem awkward to ask personal question directly with a stranger but you know what people love to answer these kind of questions. You will be surprised to see a much stronger link forming.  

The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard.
William Hazlitt

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3. Find Common Things and Give Unique Compliments

It is really hard to make conversation when the other person starts opposing you and starts debating. You need to find the areas where you and the other person have the same thinking. People start developing immunity to common compliment words like “You are funny”, “You are beautiful” and more. Try to think really about the person and present it in a unique way that the opposite person remembers it for at least a month.

4. Ask For a Opinion and Be Present

If you really wanted to create a stronger link and have a better interaction then ask about its opinions on different common things like “What do you think about The Fast and Furious movies?”. It can be anything but it should be common and the other person must be aware of it. It is really important to be present in the current moment and actually listen the other person. 

Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well.
-Mark Haddon

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I like this post! Good advice!

Thank you!

Some interesting things to think about!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Yeah! Thanks for your words

Great post. Worth to test it.

Thanks and yeah! You should try and it will work!

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