“Enjoy the little things” - Daily Drawing Challenge #9

in cookiedrawing •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi folks...
Today I am participating on the Daily Drawing Challenge #9 hosted by @cookiespooky, theme “Enjoy the little things”


In my case, I love enjoy "raining", love that it forces you to make a pause (in the majority of the cases), so you can just relax on your comfortable clothes (the biggest sweeter you own) and drink a cup of hot chocolate watching the drops falling... and the smell after that... just unspeakable...

I don´t usually do black and white draws, but the draws that our hosted presents on the Challenge´s post really motivates me to tray it...However, I processed the image trough Photoshop Cs5, and play around with some filters..




Hope you enjoy it...
Thanks for your support.

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First of all, allow me to compliment your skill as an artist. Your drawing is really beautiful, and I feel it conveys the right mood.

I agree with you at how wonderful something so simple as the rain can be. And maybe it's because of its simplicity that it can so special.
As if when the rain started, the nature is telling us that we need to relax, let the purity of its drops wash away our stress, our worries and our overbearing thoughts, and just sit there, listening, watching and reconecting with ourselves and what is around us.
I think it helps us soothe our minds, our bodies and even our souls, to just take a moment to appreciate this little great things (which I just recalled is the idea of this artwork) and I feel you really capture that in your drawing.
Good luck on your challenge and keep up this amazing work @karenthfer!

It is such an amazing time @karenthfer. To watch the little drops falling down from the skies and how it just changes everything about your environment, mood, clothing and activities. Some thing so little but has a great influence on you. In my case, i don't only end it at enjoying the view but go further as playing under its drops. Notwithstanding, i most agree that sitting down with a cup of warm tea and enjoying the view is certainly a great sight and moment.

Thanks for your comment... it really change everything... totally agree!!

I saw this post through @danielsaori comment contest and By right, I am suppose to comment about the rain and drawing to win contest but fuck that... I had to check up your blog and Girl if there is something i love about it, its how you keep on pushing despite the low upvotes. You draw the for the love of drawing and you are not complaining about the upvotes. You are also good at writing stuffs, why dont you try making a little comic book? Yes in know its stressful but trust me, it will worth the hassle.

@sparrowbernard, thanks a lot for those kinds words… and also for your recommendation… I have to be honest; I haven’t considered the idea until you put on the table. I really love art, and Steemit has permitted me to have a full experience on that matter. I am pushing myself through each contest and post… and the idea of making a comic book…. Woo… I have always admired that kind of work… I think is so creative....

As a fun fact related to this is: once I saw the introduction of the movie “Three Men and a Baby” (I was a child ok!!  ) when you can appreciate the drawing on cartoon stile of the city and the friends… I thought:: Oh… I want to do something like that someday… and not so far away of reality, I finished as an Architect (like other of the main characters of the movie).

Maybe your comment was not about the rain, as the others on the challenge, and I have to say everyone have written beautiful things… love them all, but for me yours was The Most Inspiring, personally!!! Wish you all the luck on this great challenge hosted by @danielsaori

PD: I don't know when... but I will put on practice your suggestion.

One more piece of advice, If you really want to go far on steemit then you have to look above making posts and entering contests... They are all good but girl you have to think out of the box. Do something that people hardly see or have never see... Most successful people i know on steemit, do something that make them unique...
For me i am planing on selling animes, You have something that people want? That's your selling point, make money out it.

You are so right, and I think maybe I am trying to understand this completely... I mean this community... you have given me a lot to think about it... and a lot of work to do... thanks my friend!!!

Yes... a lot of work, just that this time you are working smart instead of working hard...

I love the concept you chose for "enjoy the little things"! Too often we live our lives, rushing from one thing to the next, and we forget to truly enjoy all those little things in between. We are like hamsters on a wheel, and I think it is so important to regularly jump off of that wheel, take stock and live with our eyes wide open, enjoying all the beauty that life has to offer...like raindrops on our window, the feeling of a cozy sweater against our skin and the smell of a steaming cup of hot chocolate :)

First of all welcome and Amazing pencil art!
you deserve an upvote!

Well, happiness is something that everyone is looking for, for some money is happiness, for some car, the big and the house is happiness, but let me tell you what is the real happiness, the real happiness is when you saw someone smiling and you feel happy, the real happiness is when somebody needs your help and you help him :) The real happiness is just sitting in the garden and watching flowers ( its a free happiness ). these are the real happiness in my point of view :) would love to hear your view.
Thank you :)

I love your drawing @karenthfer. You did a great job with an important topic. Well done!

It reminds me of that quote that the little things are really the big things. That's certainly been my experience.

It's such a shame that so many people go through each day worrying about the past or planning for the future and miss what they already have and what's happening right here and now.

I'm not a big fan of hot chocolate but I do love cake and often post about it on my blog. Some might say a little too often! 😁

Although it always seem to get a lot of discussion going so this particular "little thing" is seemingly enjoyed by many. 😂

I also love the rain but I'm not sure as many people would agree with that one!

yeah... some people even say that rain is a synonymous of sadness... but I SO DON'T AGREE... As everything in life... it is a thing of perspective... best of luck in the contest!

Thank you @karenthfer.

I usually find rain comforting. There's something soft about it as long as there's not a lot of cold and wind involved! 😁

I love the sound of rain on a roof too or when you're inside a tent.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I like your drawing. It is beautiful with a nice concept. I like playing in the rain when I was a kid, but my mom do caution that I may catch a cold. As an adult, I enjoy the rain when I am at home. I do enjoy the cool weather with clothes to keep me warm and hot tea. Besides cooling the environment, it supports vegetation. It is essential for farming. Though irrigation is used to provide water to crops in some areas, rain water is free.
Despite the benefits of rain, I hate to be outdoors when it rains.

We had similar mothers... and i also prefer the raining indoors, but who can say that don´t love the rain on the beach or in a camping day... of course... not a flood!! ;)
Thanks for your support!!
Best wishes on the challenge!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

wow wow wow.... i love your drawing. i actually prefer the one you drew more than the photoshop eddited. and actually, the rainy days hold lots of memories for me. i remember running in the rain with the woman i love, i remember praying in the rain, i remember crying in the rain, it sorts of feels like every drop was someone who was crying along with me, someone who feels my pain. and i love being under my blancket when it rains, with my fan turned to the highest, with the A/C on too. lol... i know am weird. i love the feeling of cold plus this soothing wormth.

and i definitely love the roars. and the cool breeze after it stops.

i love it raining on work days...lol...somedays i just want to get back into bed and sleep extra...lol

thanks for your beautiful artistic work.

I could not be more agree with you... in Spanish we call those : Days of "NO-SA" ... , "No-SAlir de la cama" (not to get up of bed)... specially with your significant other... this one can be even your pet!!

Thanks for your support! wish you good luck on the challenge!

thank you so much. wow. i think the spanish and frenchs are so great with art. and yeah, the significant one makes getting outta bed on a rainy day more tasking.

Hello and welcome to Steemit! I hope you are enjoying the community so far.

I'm running a weekly comment challenge and decided on an art theme this week. I feature one post part of the challenge and pick this one. I try to pick new Steemians for this challenge to give them an extra helping hand.

Please check out this post below to understand how it works. So please expect to get some additional comments. I hope you appreciate that and hopefully some of the visitors will turn into true followers.

I had internet problems during the weekend but, I noticed the comments, and as I said before, I felt overwhelming, so I decided that I will reply each of them!!
Thanks a lot for everyone support... and thanks again for your consideration on this challenge!!!
jajajaja I want to say::: LOVE YOUUU... jajaja
Plis keep supporting minnows... this kind of things really makes our day!!!

Our children loves the rain specially when it's their Daddy's day off. He would allow them to play in the rain with him. And that is the scene I enjoy watching. For me moments such as this are precious with our children. Letting them play and enjoy nature. And of course bonding moments as a family. 😊 My husband and I wants to enjoy our time with our girls while they are still young. When we can still gather them easily. For we know as they grow older they will also have other priorities.

Great art work by the way. 😊 thank you for sharing it.

Oh what an amazing drawing!.. I think black and white are more than amazing to transmit feelings. Specially the feel of warm, sweetness and peace that is brought when you are feeling cousy on a rainy day.. I think my favorite feeling in the world is that sensation when you are very cold and you get a blanket and then you feel like the perfect temperature. Just like relaxing in a cloud!... It deletes bad days and anxiety for sure... Btw, I read an article that said that black and white were amazing to promote the creative function of the brain for babies and grown ups! Haha I know this comment doesnt has too much to do with your current drawing but keep the good work and create more greatness with this colors! Thanks for your lovely post.

Karen I think you may be selling your self short by not doing black & whites. I also think had this been done in color it would not have been so powerful. We have all heard that we should “Stop to Smell the Roses” , now thanks to you I now have a better understanding of that. Typically I view the rain as a nuisance, or hindering me from achieving the task of the day, but no longer. So Thank you!
BTW I think the simple squared off jaw line is stunning.

I mean every word I said. I’m glad I’m in the contest, otherwise I would have never seen your work.

well i am also the biggest fan of rain
rain brings peace within me .Watching raindrops fills your heart with happiness and to experience all this while having a cup of hot chocolate or coffee adds its taste further.
well you have given your drawing a real touch
it seems like you are enjoying this moment right now with that cup in hand enjoying every sip of it while watching these rain drops
i can feel this as i said i too love the rain!
bdw your drawing is spot on!

The rain, a hug, among others, are those things that we must learn to enjoy, in opportunities we want to live so fast that we never make that pause that you mention @karenthfer and let pass the moments and only when we no longer have them is that we realize how important and appreciated they were. In my case I like to see the stars, I really find them beautiful and rarely do we realize that they are there.

Nice image, thanks for reminding us to appreciate those little things.

I could remember when we were little and it rained ,we sang a song that was totally an irony of how we felt , because we ended up playing in the rain. The song goes thus;

Rain Rain Go Away
Come Again Another Day
Little Children wants To Play

It's a beautiful thing watching the droplet of rain falling from the sky, balls of water, dropping like string of beads on the windowpane, at the same time causing an exciting mood and producing a striking balance mood for relaxation, one could listen the birds and insects softly chirping from their hideout, cool breeze sanitizing the air, as the trees sways beautifully to the rythym of the whistling breeze. It's a one of natures beauty that we human have to behold.

Your drawing is so detailed and it beautiful, I wish you goodluck in your contest. Thumbs up.

There is that pleasureable feeling you get when you watch rain fall through your window with a nice cup of hot drink in your hands. You are comfortable and dry, enjoying the nice cool weather.
This drawing portrays reality as the girl stares out watching raindrops. I do wonder what is going on through her mind. Could she be missing someone or thinking of her future? Perhaps she is longing to go play in the rain like we did as children.
A lot of ideas are running through my mind, maybe i would write a story based on your drawing. I hope you won't mind.

Black and white can be tough to convey what we want to say. However, art is art whether subjective or not. I honestly cannot tell you are talking about rain just by looking at the drawing maybe because it is in black and white or because I am no artist lol! Reading your description of it helped me realize and appreciate the drawing better.

I enjoy the sound of rain and the smell of the earth. Rain open up your senses and it can bring you sadness or gratefulness. More often I find it relaxing because of the hypnotic sound it brings. We need rain to appreciate the importance of the sun and heat. Rain comes to nourish the earth and refreshes the earth.

Wow, you draw very well. Rain can be so relaxing.
I love it when it pours. I am thinking of getting a metal roof
but I am debating on if hearing the dinks when the rain hits
the roof will annoy me or relax me. I guess there is no way
to find out unless I put a metal roof on my house. Sometimes
when it rains ( if lucky ) we get to see some of natures
fireworks at the same time.


I like the theme " enjoy the little things " as well. sometimes our lives get so busy that we forget to do just that.