Honestly guys I’m not the biggest fall person. But one of my favorite squash comes out at this time
Butternut squash!
Today I made a butternut squash chili
I used pinto beans my process is usually
Soak 12 hours
Boil on stove for 1 hour
cock pot until tender ( about 3 hours)
I grilled up
2 butternut squash
2 onion
And turkey bacon on the grill
Honestly I would eat this on its own but I’m trying to make it last so I put it ina chili
Since the butternut squash taste kind of sweet I added in these sweeteners
Just a little bit of each
Then I stick them all in the crockpot
It came out pretty good!
Only things I would have done differtly is one more squash and ground beef/turkey
It’s super yummy though
Out and im salt as you go Type. I continuously salt in until it taste just right!