Seeking COPD remedy by elements

in copd •  5 years ago  (edited)

This post is not meant to serve as medical advice. This is an observation by a lay-enthusist while independently learning elements. Learning how elements interact with each other is not the same as what is practiced in Traditional Chinese Medicine. What the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services defines as the botton line:
water and earth remedy.jpg
The lungs are a metal yin organ element. When the lungs are impacted from an elemental perspective, the possible scenarios include: i) water weakens metal; ii) wood insults metal; iii) fire controls metals. Possible remedy: Focus on balancing with earth element because earth generates metal. The Sheng (weakening) and Cheng (generating) Cycles explained
fire remedy.jpg

The key to calculating what element any item/object, including Proper Names, might be, the Pythagorean numerology is the tool being used. Unusual names might be specifically labeled to particular ventures and products. For instance: Microsoft totals 46, which further totals 1. One is a water element, where earth (holl0w ear th) controls water (fiat) AND water controls fire (Chur CH) AND water weakens metal (government) AND water generates wood (Bank).

This link contains counter information to what is presented for western and English-only researchers (see table in link). The lungs are a metal element and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a fire element.
C = 3; O = 6; P = 7; D = 4: 20 = 2.
Two is fire element AND fire controls metal.
fire and metal remedy2.JPG
Is the remedy found with latest pharm development? Before answering this question, take notice of the 29, which represents fire element. Thus, fire element in the in lungs (metal element) effectuates controlling cycle. AN0R0 is the pharm remedy proposed. A = 1; N = 5; O = 6; R = 9; O = 6: 26 = 8.
Eight is wood element AND wood generates fire.

Breathing is critical: To remedy lung issues, consider avoiding fire foods such as ginger, black pepper, hot petters, garlic and all salts (not including life water.

Additionally, to help lungs, earth foods generate metal, root vegetables (sweet potatoes, carrots, squash), denser fruits like mangos. Other earth foods include all grains (rice, oatmeal, wheat); however, because of the nanosaturation levels, avoiding all grains might be best considered.

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