NH: Anti-police-militarization demonstration August 8

in cops •  8 years ago  (edited)

New Hampshire's Federal overlords are attempting to arm every Laconia police officer with a rifle. While most of us might personally like the NH cops we know...and while most could agree that police in the "free state" tend to be some of the most benign in the U.S., there is a reason for that. And it's not militarization or Feds.

They're more benign because we still have some Mayberry left and because the people at least try to peaceably keep their powers and capabilities limited. Toward this end, activists from Thanks But No Tanks have called a demonstration to occur at 6 p.m., before the public hearing at Laconia City Hall. You can find details at NHexit.com, although that is a separate organization.

Why exactly does Washington need to be involved in Laconia affairs, especially when this particular involvement isn't aimed at curbing police abuses? Safety against crime...comes from armed and vigilant citizens, not central governments who torture people. Safety against such faroff governments comes from a more independent New Hampshire. We have a chance to demonstrate that independence on a personal level Monday...by expressing our opposition to this escalation and thus helping to deter the next one.

Dave Ridley

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Is this the Dave Ridley of the Ridley Report, freekeene, etc???

something like that LOL

Always felt I didn't have good places to post text and get it seen...or rather...had to post to many different places. Didn't like wordpress or livejournal. Maybe this can become the one stop shop.

Hey would you be willing to do a verify video so people don't accuse this account of being fake and riding on Daves's work?? I'd say a pic would satisfy but you're too well known so people would claim photoshop.

Or am I the only one here who's been watching your work for the last several years??

What would I need to do for it to be considered a verify video?

LOL a conspiracy theory about me...that's the kind of problem I want to have.

Having seen a lot of your work, I'm pretty convinced it's you by your replies haha. I think you'd do well to make an introductory post, check out the #introduceyourself tag.

But a simple video of you saying hi and why you're coming to Steemit would be more than enough, since you have a very public profile already. At least to those of us watching New Hampshire

Okay! Be on the lookout for a conspiracy theory post about you. I hope you enjoy reptilians, haarp, and the trilateral commission.

Edit: Also, if you're ever into the idea, I'd really enjoy asking you a ton of questions about a range of subject matter that's all kinds of in your wheelhouse. We could even do a google hangout, record it, and present it for the community. I'm very happy to see you on Steemit.

it would have to be by phone probably, computer mic problem

Thanks whoever that was!

If you have iphone headphones or any headphones with a mic, you could always use that through the computer. My old rig had a busted mic and that's how I got around it. But skype on smartphone can work too.