Fear Type Copywriting Help User No Longer Fear

in copywriting •  5 years ago 

What kind of fear type copywriting is considered effective? Can it really stimulate users? This lesson teaches you 4 self-check lists and 3 practical operation steps.
Ask you a question: Why do people buy your products?
Have you thought about it carefully?
Actually, it’s very simple. There are two directions in essence:
What’s the advantage of buying it?
What’s the consequence of not buying?
Most of the time, we will think about what benefits or benefits users can get from buying our products, but often ignore the impact of not buying products.
If you understand a little psychology, there is an instinct in human nature called avoiding fear, pain, and danger. If you can tell him that your product can help him get rid of this fear and pain, users will instinctively be full of the desire to understand.
This is to use people’s fear psychology to write copywriting.
What kind of fear type copywriting is considered effective? Can it really stimulate users?
Four suggestions:

  1. Fear Is Going To Happen Right Now.
    It’s easy to understand that the fear you describe is what’s happening right now, not at some point in the past or in the future.
    Only when it is happening, users feel urgent and have the impulse to solve it immediately.
    For example: What is the most effective reason for persuading a young man to work hard for money?
    A: Work hard to earn money, or you will be looked down upon later!
    B: Work hard to earn money, or there will be no wife!
    Surely the second is more convincing. Why? Because option A happens in the future, users can’t feel the urgency, so they won’t take action immediately.
    But option B is different. Now you can’t marry a wife without earning money. This is happening at the moment, so if you want to marry your wife, you must act immediately.
  2. Fear Must Be True And Specific.
    Don’t over-amplify fear, it’s not true. A moderate sense of fear can lead out a person’s pain well.
    For example, if you are selling PPT paid courses, you can write as follows:
    In the days before the launch of the new product, it was a nightmare-like existence:
    “Mark, you PPT color matching is not coordinated”, “Mark, PPT is too dull, add some animation effects”, “Mark, the typesetting is not good here”. here omitted 10,000 words ******
    Working overtime every day, sleeping and dreaming are modifying PPT, physical and mental collapse ~The last thing you want to do every day is to go to work.
    Over time, you will lose your self-confidence completely, and even wonder if you are really suitable for this line of work.
    This painful experience gives users a real & specific fear, and if you can help him out of this dilemma, then he will be very happy to order.
    But if you say:
    Learn our PPT paid course, or you will lose your job soon!
    This is a bit exaggerated, and it will arouse the user’s rebellious psychology, I do not learn, to see if it will really be unemployed!
    Because there is no necessary connection between learning your course and unemployment, users feel unreal.
  3. Fear Should Be High Frequency
    What is the high frequency?
    It is the painful experience of users that you described that must happen frequently, then users have more motivation to get out of the predicament. If they only experience it once a year, users do not need to make changes.
    For example, you sell beriberi spray:
    Others can wear sandals and skirts in summer, but you can only wear pants and sneakers.
    On commutes, crowded buses and subways, but nobody does stand within 1 meter of your circle.
    In fact, the above two copywriting are all written using the fear method, but by contrast, the second one a bit better.
    For example, as I said above, “working overtime every day, modifying PPT in dreaming, fear of work, doubt about life” and so on, these are painful scenes before they change, leading to various consequences.
    Another example is that sunscreen, write like this:
    Ultraviolet radiation hides a crisis that makes you ugly and old. If you don’t repair it in time, your skin will look terrible in less than a month.
  4. User Can Get Rid Of The Pain After Using The Product
    After the first two steps, the user has been led out by you very painfully. Now even you don’t say, maybe he has to find out how to get rid of the pain himself. If you tell him you can help him at this time, he will feel that he has found “life-saving straw”.
    So what should we do?
    Still take the above PPT paid course as an example, we can tell users: there is a set of PPT courses, 0 basic learning, 3 hours learned, covering PPT color matching, PPT typesetting, PPT animation, and other practical skills, can help you save 300 hours of exploration, a day can make your boss look at you surprisingly! Say goodbye to PPT nightmare, make it a sharp tool for your career promotion, and realize the starting point of wealth freedom!
    Another example is a copywriting of an acne artifact, write like this:
    I found an artifact.
    I wiped it the first time in the morning is about 10 o’clock, the second time is more than 12 o’clock, after napping at 2 o’clock and wiping again, more than 3 o’clock, two acnes on the chin has scabbed off, and the closure on the forehead has disappeared a lot. By the end of the evening to meet customers, the big acne has also shrunk down!
    If you’re writing a push-type copywriting, you can follow steps 1, 2 and 3 in detail.
    If you write a short poster-type copywriting, you can choose one of the key points to break through, such as only talking about the pain scene, or just talking about the happiness after getting rid of the pain.
    Fear type copywriting is not to exaggerate and frighten, but to lead out the pain of the user and tell him that if he doesn’t change, he will become a bad state that he can’t accept himself, so as to stimulate the user to take action. Have you learned?
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