Miraculously, the Corbett Report survived yesterday's YouTube purge. This latest Corbett podcast, which just dropped the past day, is informed and comprehensive… the result of a GREAT deal of research on Corbett's part. (Such a splendid geek he is!)
God bless him, in point of fact! … He’s one dedicated & persistent mofo... who has never wavered in his commitment to the truth as he synthesizes it from an abundance of sources.
In ALL he says here, I completely agree with him... that Covid, the Great Reset, 4IR, Trans-humanism, Bio-Metric Security, Technocracy, the Cashless Economy and UBI are ALL parts of a Trojan Horse that hides a ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP... overseen by a technocratic elite beholding solely to global capital and the dark robots of data - that will result in a "scientific dictatorship" (to use Huxley's term) entirely unrecognizable when compared to the dictatorships of the past.
We are in new territory here, in terms of the forms tyranny will take in an all-digital networked world. This could also help explain why so many good and intelligent people have NO context or useful reference point to imagine it, except as it might be glimpsed in the rear-view mirror, which as McLuhan reminded us, is our favored way of ignoring what is to come, until the last minute.
Alas, I fear it will not be too much longer, before this new reality of global tyranny hits those who remain distracted... like a speeding train.