Why Corey Feldman is not going to reveal everything, under MKULTRA, full of Illuminati Symbolism, Backmasking, truth mixed with lies

in coreyfeldman •  7 years ago  (edited)

Please watch these videos by High Impact Flix, A Call For An Uprising, Pockets Of The Future, and Truth Stream Media.
All by design by the powers that shouldn't be for NWO Agenda for depopulation agenda 21 and 2030. The Elite are a Cancer imposing their Satanic s*** on us. There are those who fall for the deception as Sheep who rejected Christ/God/Yeshua to pursue the desires of the flesh, material things, for personal gain for power, wealth at all costs without empathy nor respect to none. Then you have those who say they are a Christian, Awake, etc. turns out they are Illuminati Gatekeepers. Beware of those who say one thing and do another, they are of whom they associate with are their real friends.

As far as I am concerned High Impact Flix, Pockets Of The Future, and A Call For An Uprising are on the ball that Feldman was sexually abused, under MKULTRA too, Illuminati symbolism. They agree about the Deception that Feldman is doing as you will find out for yourself, watch the videos and decide, they are short and to the point. Again, don't jump on the bandwagon and believe every little thing without proof. Remember the eyes are the window to the soul. There's more to this than you think.

Questions to consider.
Why does he Hang around those pedophiles such as Clinton & Manson?
In fact he supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
Why is he about trying to make Hollywood great again with his Angels mirrored to Hefner with Playboy?
What Corey Haim's Mother said that Feldman has years to expose the pedophiles in Hollywood and suggested he go to the police. Problem is he did do that and that didn't work. After all, the police are owned by the Illuminati and some of the police are in it as well. That is why it's swept under the rug.
Why does he hang around the Hollywood crowd going on these programming shows such as interview and reality show programs protecting the Hollywood Industry?
Why do you think the powers that shouldn't be are allowing Feldman to speak on these Hollywood Media Programs?
Why is he doing the Illuminati symbolism and wearing the black and white esoteric duality colors?
He looks and acts like Michael Jackson doing the Illuminati Backmasking, etc. Feldman's music is Satanic and sucks as well.
Since Feldman knew this years ago, why didn't he make a video of himself telling is story in his own words with evidence without $$$ for a documentary? If he had done that, made copies and distribute everywhere, different story.
If he were really done with Hollywood, wouldn't be hanging around them.
Doesn't that tell you he's being controlled via MKULTRA?

James Woods, Stephen Sheldon, and Clint Eastwood are smart enough to know to stay away from the industry and knows it's rigged.

Since there are children and adults lives at stake there is no time for a $10 million dollar documentary. Life is important.
If he has vital information as to where they are kept for the Satanic Ritual Abuse and the locations, that would really help too. Yes, what happened to him was horrible, and there are many others in the same predicament.

That's what's heartbreaking and how does one truly break free from MKULTRA? Yes please pray to Jesus Christ/Yeshua/God to break away from the demonic forces from within. The other part is going to take people to help the person(s) under the demonic influence to break away from being brain washed as well with the help of Jesus Christ too. Jesus Christ/God/Yeshua is the way, truth, and the life, no one comes before the father except through Jesus out of this sick and evil out there. No wonder we are under Spiritual Warfare. Best to get yourself right with God while you still can and your loved ones as well. Things won't be right again until Jesus's second coming.

From what I read about Donald Marshall, he stated that there are those who are not aware of what's really going on due to MKULTRA, some are allowed to know what's going on, others are not. Why he knows, because he was allowed to and was told that no one would believe him. To read about his testimony about his story on the cloning centers, ancient technology discovered by the Nazi's with the Reptilians and more. Included information on Richard Bruce exposing the Reptilians as well, information on how to see them with slowing down the footage using a $150 camera, other links, etc.

Donald Marshall Revolution at http://donaldmarshallrevolution.com/
Richard Bruce’s site: http://www.freeourworld.org/index.html
Queen Admits She is “Not Human” and We Will “Learn to Accept Her For What She Is”

As you will see, Feldman is under the MKULTRA, wearing the Illuminati dress code and symbolism, is demonically possessed, take a good look at his eyes since they are the window to the soul, and won't reveal everything, another distraction. It's truth mixed with lies. With all of these children and adults lives at stage a $10 million dollar documentary really? When he had the time to do so, if he weren't under MKULTRA, would be a different story. After watching these videos you can decide for yourself.

IS ANYONE BUYING THIS? by A Call For An Uprising

$10 million dollars for a Hollywood Pedophilia Documentary
Distraction from real events, Could lead to Fake Killing, etc.

Comments from Viewers: “I reserve judgement till he states his piece.”
“Reminds me of a crisis actor.”
“All the leaders and celebs are hosted by diabolical entities and chained into the beast hive. They are hostages to the devil and his prostitutes. It is a very wicked evil cruel force that hates us and is trying to destroy us and turn us against our nature. It is really the demons through their human vehicles that are doing the raping and all of these disgusting sinful acts. Please be warned and make things right with God and your loved ones. Be prepared to face anything. Behind all of these wickedness is a very evil demented unseen enemy that hates God and all of his children.”
“He can't name the names because he got money for not speaking he paid off.”
“What's the symbol on his hat??”
“I agree ACFAU! Like everyone here is saying, if he's gonna get killed anyway! Why not start throwing names out? He's got nothing to lose, his life is in danger anyway (probably not really)!”

THE SODA POP CLUB! by A Call For An Uprising

Corey Feldman “is just a distraction. 10 million dollars, what a piece of garbage!”

Comments from Viewers: “They just want to make pedo legal.....getting the people ready for that.” “If they pay him off again then he'll shut up again, I think that’s what’s happening.”
At the intro of the video, Corey Feldman wearing black & white sign. Illuminati symbolism
Feldman is a distraction $10 mill $$$ had years to name the Pedo'. Illuminati Agenda
Satanists want to make Pedophilia legal.
Alphy’s Soda Pop Club (Pedophiles), Alfie Hoffman. Randy Miller, co-owner of the New York Seltzer.

H. Pervstein and Why Supporting Corey Feldman is a BAD Idea! by High Impact Flix

Comment from a Viewer: “Bombards body language calls out Corey for cashing in on this
It's going to be tricky, and I appreciate the potential blow back, but what is more important? Cashing in? Or revealing the truth? He has fallen for the "mighty dollar" over his alleged principles Give me honesty over dead presidents”

If Feldman were for real, would have exposed them long ago. Find out whom they associate are their real friends. Has a Hefner Cult with his angels, etc. Why the many appearances on Fake News, Satanic Music too. Has history of doing nothing all for $$$ & attention seeker. Illuminati Backmasking.


Backmasking is recording technique in which a sound or message is recorded backward onto a track that is meant to play forward. A deliberate process, whereas a message found through a phoenic reversal maybe intentional.
Operate in Reverse. Divination is forbidden by God.
Deuteronomy 18:10 "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer.”

Comments from Viewers: “Anyone that thinks it's a coincidence that you hear these satanic messages in backmasking hasn't been paying much attention.
Music is another extremely underestimated power in this world. We take it for granted without considering how influential it truly is.
People will automatically defend these artists if you mention this topic, even though they know next to nothing about the person besides their music. That itself is proof of how powerful music is. It makes people emotionally defend someone they have never met!”

“That’s why I won’t watch any thing scary.. it brings negative energy. People say it’s just stupid scary movies but hell no. I don’t care. But now they’re not even trying to hide it! Everything is all demonic right there in our face. From kids shows to just anything really, they throw in the demonic stuff. It’s not worth watching tv.”
“Speaking of "law of reversal", did you ever see the image a woman captured on the news when she took a selfie with the tv on behind her. It's the word "KILL" backwards that must have flashed up the split second she took the pic. This has been going on a LONG TIME!”

Was Corey Haim, Corey Feldman's IllÜminati Bl00d $acrifice? Part 1/2 by PocketsOfTheFuture

“Haim was still human, Feldman isn't he has lost his humanity. Look at pics and look into their eyes....Feldman has no soul energy left and Haim did. My great grandmother always said to look into their eyes.”

Was Corey Haim, Corey Feldman's IllÜminati Bl00d $acrifice? Part 2/2 by PocketsOfTheFuture

Comments from Viewers: "He looks like Cedric the Entertainer." Hahahaha
“That performance was cringefest” “This was a humiliation ritual.”
“This is looney. Obviously, something is going on here if he got a chance to go on the Today show. Like they don’t have other more reputable or serious musical acts? Bizarre.”
“Satanic to the core. They are fallen angel demonically possessed evil illuminati freemason warlocks”
“The angels have more talent and they're playing air guitars.”
“Demonically angelic, his hoodie looks like its made of snake skin. On top of the snake on the side of his hoodie, like its whispering in his ear”
10 years on an album cant’ sing. Billy Bush had pic’s of Feldman on his wall when he was 13 years old.

Maybe Corey Feldman can get $ from pals Bill Clinton & Marilyn Manson!!! by PocketsOfTheFuture

Corey Feldmen's video is trending on YT & He is raising about $2000 an Hour!! by PocketsOfTheFuture

Comment from Viewers: “Corey seems narcissistic for sure.”
“Great find. How the hell can this be trending? I just received my second Community Guidelines Strike in a month for talking the truth and this Hollywood Shill is on his way to the bank. Hollywood is still using this MK Ultra Male Sex Slave.”
“Omg man... I'm sick to my stomach... Yeah well now it's official.. when it's trending it's wanted to be seen.. somethings going on... just like that Harvey being hung out to dry.. they have something planned for this..”

Corey Feldman, His Angels on Wife$wap!!! by PocketsOfTheFuture

“Shame on Feldman for not fully exposing these demons in Hollywood... Smh he is still wanting $$$$$$ he reminds me of Charley Sheen abit!”

Corey Feldman's Corey's Angels-Is he a Junior Pimp-A Slimier Hugh Hefner? by PocketsOfTheFuture

Comment from Viewers: “He has no depth in his eyes. Like he has one or two expressions and that's it. A lot of celebrities have this kind of skin deep presence. Like they have the act and nothing else.”

“Let's see: Cory Feldman Harvey/Bob Weinstein Woody Allen (Konigsberg). Jeffrey Epstein. All highly questionable individuals. Anyone noticing a trend?”

I Simply don't Trust Corey Feldman!!! by PocketsOfTheFuture

Attention Seeker. 6 Names! His video was an acting performance.
Either way, the system will collapse on it's own.

Comment from Viewers: “Uggghhh!!!! Ive been so mad at those saying they don’t believe him or trust his motives. Maybe thats exactly why they are letting him speak out. They know that the public has laughed him off once and will probably do so again. HE HAS COME OUT BEFORE AND NO ONE GAVE A CRAP. maybe now he feels its a safer time. Maybe he has a shitty person whispering into his ear to go public when it really will just do more harm to the movement.”
“As soon as I heard he wanted money, I was suspicious. There are good people out there that would be happy to help, for free...I do believe he was abused, but don't talk, tell.”

I Really Hope Corey Feldman Does Expose Hollywood (It's About Damn Time Someone Did) by TruthStream Media

Don’t agree with her supporting Feldman who had years to expose without a Documentary. Never gets into much of Whom he associates with are the Clintons, Mansons, etc. He’s Throwing Illuminati symbolism black & white, 666 hand gestures, Satanic music, & Hefner cult with his Angels living with him.
Agree with others that should stand up against the system, but they don’t due to fear, power, wealth, & AntiChrist Spirit (Demons in them too). Sold their souls for fame.

Corey Feldman Murder Attempt! Must Release Now! http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/10/corey-feldman-murder-attempt-send-viral-3566230.html


"He is still letting them control him. He needs to name names and save others from being molested instead of pimping girls out of his house for money. He was charging people money to party with the girls that he calls his "Angels" right out of his home in Hollywood. I feel bad for him and what he went thru as a child I just wish he had the courage to call those Sicko's out."

Corey Feldman Names Names! by Pockets Of The Future

Marty Weiss and John Grissom named so far. All about the Names and status as well. These two mentioned are not really the big names.
Reflects on Spirituality and Redemption.
Two types of Hell. One on making amends for all that you’ve done., the other is really lost, haunting Earth. Believes Feldman would have to come back making amends.
Demons who hide it well that make it difficult. God never punishes.
Success in spiritually? Who you are on the inside is everything.
We punish ourselves filled with guilt and shame. Corrupt System. Don’t deserve to be loved.
Wealth and Power for material success for those Monsters connected to Evil and don’t want to face God. Depict God as Punisher.

Comments from Viewers: “So where do these satanist/handlers believe they are going..?” “They believe in reincarnation. They come back as somebody different. In other words the devil makes them immortal. Type in John Todd. He was in the illuminati turned born again Christian Powerful testimony!!!”
“They're just controlling the narrative. Everything they show us is what they want us to see.”

Corey Feldman Names Names! by Pockets Of The Future

Marty Weiss and John Grissom named so far. All about the Names and status as well. These two mentioned are not really the big names.
Reflects on Spirituality and Redemption.
Two types of Hell. One on making amends for all that you’ve done., the other is really lost, haunting Earth. Believes Feldman would have to come back making amends.
Demons who hide it well that make it difficult. God never punishes.
Success in spiritually? Who you are on the inside is everything.
We punish ourselves filled with guilt and shame. Corrupt System. Don’t deserve to be loved.
Wealth and Power for material success for those Monsters connected to Evil and don’t want to face God. Depict God as Punisher.

Comments from Viewers: “So where do these satanist/handlers believe they are going..?” “They believe in reincarnation. They come back as somebody different. In other words the devil makes them immortal. Type in John Todd. He was in the illuminati turned born again Christian Powerful testimony!!!”
“They're just controlling the narrative. Everything they show us is what they want us to see.”

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