Opposing Powers Complicit to Hide Crop Losses from Both Societies

in corn •  5 years ago 

This video was originally published 6/8/2019

This has been the distracting story of the week, “Markets tumble after Beijing suspends US Agri-imports.” This after Beijing ordered all of China’s state-run agricultural firms to suspend purchases of anything that is American farm good related. This poses an interesting question, where is China going to get food from? China has just lost 35% of its corn crop due to an Army Worm outbreak. On top of that, swine flu destroyed their pigs and pork industry, agriculture in general is down due to the Grand Solar Minimum with losses in Heilongjiang and the northern part of China. So, they rely on the United States for their major food imports, although in 2019 they have not stockpiled that much, as evidenced by state media reports saying that they are just at the cusp of carryover stocks to get through this year.

Other interesting news coming from China again, “Chinese duck farmers become overnight millionaires as half of China’s pigs die” but in reality, it is closer to 70%. So, China has stepped up pork imports this last month because they cannot raise enough pigs to supply the country’s needs, and as a result, pork prices have increased 62% over last year.

Now duck farmers are quacking all the way to the bank for 2019, if you will. The total herd losses exceed 50% in China, so demands for ducks are expected to soar.

Duck prices are nearly tripling, so I guess this is a good time to be a duck farmer in China.

In addition to this, I have also seen reports regarding pig farmers bankrupted by the swine flu, who cannot bring pigs back into that same area for 3 years, now central the government offered them capital and start-up loans if they install fish farms. So, in my opinion, China is going for smaller animal proteins now, like fish, ducks and chickens, and they have given up on pigs or anything bigger. I think they are looking for more bang for the buck and a faster animal to raise for protein resource.

A quest for possible protein sources is now underway, and China is looking for insects as animal feed. They are enabling faster growth for insects, and as of 2018, an estimated US$ 267.9 million was spent for the animal feed market. Then in 2019, they are considering insect meal for birds and eggs.

They are definitely trying to push insect proteins rather than importing plant protein sources. Thus, when you see insect farms in China being funded by the state, that is the transition point for the Grand Solar Minimum. You should start asking yourself, what transition point for crop substitution can be considered?

Ynsect was awarded € 20 million grant from the European Commission, and an additional € 3.7 billion to build the insect production facilities. € 3.5 million for insect project as well, was given in the Netherlands to take insect management courses.

Aquafeed is following the examples of the Chinese farmers replacing pork production with fish farms. This seems to be the game as we move forward. Everybody kind of understands that cows and pigs are taking too much space and food, and since we are now in a limited grain yield world, this is going to be the transition point.

Especially when you see this report from agriCENSUS of the decline in wheat and corn exports as well as the wilting of French corn due to the droughts.

These are the report on the exact numbers: corn crop got crushed from 75% down to 67% due to wilting and dehydration. This is going to cause the entire country’s corn production to be cut 2 million metric tons. This same thing also happened in Bulgaria and Romania, and their production is going to be cut 30%. Take note, these are the top 2 corn producing regions in the EU, and do not forget that the US and China are down to record low levels as well.

Again, where will China get import for all their food from? They are trying to pretend that this is some kind of trade war with America, but the reality is America has the most food to sell. This news is absurd, and this is nothing more than a distraction.

Moreover, Russia is going to slash their 6.2 million ton wheat exports and chose to keep the supplies internally. So, what do the Russians know about the Grand Solar Minimum?

Do you still remember Dr. Abdussamatov?

What about Valentina Zharkova? They could give you a glimpse as to what is about to happen with a timeline to global food insecurity.

Pulkovo Observatory has data regarding this too. So, it seems that Russians are well informed of the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum.

Meanwhile, along with the bad conditions across North America, Canadian wheat crops were slashed by 5%.

Back to American corn silking progress, can you see what that red line represents? Red might mean happy and prosperous for the Chinese culture, but that red line at the middle of this chart is bad for America. That line means lowest corn silking progress since 1938. Do you think there is a need for the USDA to update their forecasts and the bogus numbers they put out in their June report?

Sadly, the US corn conditions, represented by that red line, are somehow not making the media, whereas these other side stories about switching to insect proteins or smaller animals for protein source are being talked about.

Maybe we should attach some numbers on that line, because graphs are one thing, and numbers are another. So, 42% of the crop will not be mature by September 28. That is almost half of the American corn crop. China lost 35% of their corn crop as well, where do we get corn from?

You might reconsider ethanol production, or you can try to switch crops. Also, in the article, it says that if there is an early freeze in October, which by all accounts is possible due to the intensifying Grand Solar Minimum and the weather patterns that were seen 3rd year in a row, crop growth seems to be a big problem. So now, the USDA finally admits that their June report did not reflect the actual conditions in the field.

Which means the USDA lied or put out a bogus report due to pressure from someone else to prevent spooking the markets, as well as the global public about the possibility of indefinite food price rises from this year forward. Can you still trust the USDA will put out an accurate report now?

This is among the reasons why I wrote the book Climate Revolution about the true state of our climate going into this Grand Solar Minimum. Please be vigilant and take a step to inform yourselves because the governments across the planet will not tell you the true state of things. They can only use the media to distract you, and it seems that these opposing powers are complicit to keep our societies in the dark.

Climate Revolution is a ‘must read’ for the understanding of our Sun driven climate as we progress deeper into the new Eddy Grand Solar Minimum. Weather extremes leading to Global food scarcity and high food prices are here now, and this book describes the expected changes, how to survive & thrive during future challenging times with practical preparations.

NEW ADAPT 2030 Climate Revolution



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(MIAC #242) Alarm Bells: Forecasting Food Prices Divide & Conquer Right Now


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Chinese Duck Farmers Become Overnight Millionaires As Half Of China’s Pigs Die


New Insect Feed


Agri Census OPINION: The US Corn Crop’s Race to Finish


Global Markets Tumble After Beijing Suspends US Agri Imports


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i do not know what China's game plan is.

The first problem is understand that there are two Americas
There is America, and there is The US.
One is a country and one is a global dominance organization.

And, i believe China is saying no to one, while seeing if the other has the strength to survive the coup.

Further, i feel that China may be thinking of killing off a ⅓ of its population... but they need the proper story so they don't get everybody uprising.

Soooo, at least China is trying to do something... America is still asleep to its corn crop failure.