Weddings are fun! It is super exciting and fun to attend the wedding of someone you love and cherish, be it your friend or your favorite cousin. You get to meet your close friends and so many relatives. You even get to enjoy great food, and the best part is wedding games. One of the many wedding games people play at weddings is the wedding cornhole game. The wedding cornhole game is a complete package of fun and excitement. In this post, we are going to discuss this amazing game to help you learn more about it. So, let’s go!
Wedding cornhole game
Cornhole is a lawn game that never fails to impress people with its entertainment factor. One thing is for sure, you can never get bored of this game because it is simply amazing. People used to play cornhole in the backyards or lawns of their houses. But since this game is so much fun to play, it made its way into weddings and became a must-play wedding game. Among many other wedding games, cornhole stands out as the best one. Why? Well, there are multiple reasons, and here are some of those:
•The rules of this game are super easy to understand, and that’s why even newcomers can learn how to play cornhole in just a few minutes.
•It is very easy to set up the game. All you need to do is place the wedding cornhole boards on the ground and you are ready to go.
•This game does not require aggressive body movement, and that’s why, from a child to an older adult, anyone can play this game.
Truly, this game is sensational and is winning the hearts of countless people.
How to play the cornhole game?
Before we dive deeper into this game, it is important to learn the basics, which means it is time to learn the Cornhole rulesCornhole rules of this game. So, let’s go!
Cornhole rules
We can’t talk about the rules without also talking about the equipment, right? You will need two wedding cornhole boards and two sets of cornhole bags, each set of a different color.
The rules are as below:
•First, keep the boards 27’ apart from each other.
•Flip a coin to choose the team that goes first.
•A player from each team will be selected, and both of them will stand at the same board with a cornhole bag set of four bags, a different color set for each player.
•The throws are made alternatively towards the opposite board.
•Once all the bags are thrown, the scoring is done.
The scoring criteria
•If the bag remains on the board, 1 point is given.
•A bag that lands inside the hole gives 3 points to the player.
•Determine the total score of each team. Subtract the low point team’s score from the score of the higher point team. The team point winner of that turn starts the next turn. If there’s a tie, the previous winner goes first.
There you go! These are the rules of the wedding cornhole game. We know they are super simple and easy, and that’s why this game can be played by everyone. And since it is clear it is a family game, it has become an integral part of weddings these days.
Since this game can be played between two teams, it is perfect for weddings. One team can be the groom’s family and the other team can be the bride’s family.
Wait, there’s more about Wedding Cornhole Boards!
There is one more interesting thing about wedding cornhole boards that you may not know. A wedding cornhole game is not just for the purpose of entertaining wedding guests. Do you know that wedding cornhole boards make a great wedding gift? Yes! You can even gift cornhole boards to the newly married couple, and they are going to love them. Furthermore, you can get the boards customized with the names and photos of the bride and groom. Do you know why it would be a nice gift for them? Well, it is something they could actually use. We all know how many wedding gifts end up in the storage room. But not this one. The couple will use these wedding cornhole boards to play the game and create fun memories. This would be a great thing to give as it will bring both of them closer and make them feel happy.
Let’s conclude
The wedding cornhole game is indeed a fun and exciting game that no one can resist. This game has been winning the hearts of people and can entertain wedding guests for a long time. Both families can take part in this game to have a super amazing time. Now that you know so much about this game, we would like to recommend an online destination where you can buy top-quality wedding cornhole boards. Visit the website of Cornhole Game if you want to buy stylish and high-quality wedding cornhole boards. It is a trusted and reliable store that offers high-quality products at the guaranteed best price.