Virus - The answer was there all the Time?

in corona •  5 years ago  (edited)

I have used hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash after teeth cleaning for at least twenty years, but surprise surprise, recently re-discovered it as a source of oxygen used to prevent and heal illness.

Although the mouth wash is not swallowed but spat out, I now wonder and hope, that over the years my blood has been oxygen enriched sublingually - i.e.- traces absorbed by the small salivary glands beneath the tongue?

The news that Boris Johnson was healed of the corona virus by oxygen, started thoughts to surface in my mind of oxygen therapy I'd read about and forgotten - Doh!.

Capture boris oxygen (2).JPG

On reading 'One Minute Cure', with attention now heightened and concentrated by the virus threat, I was astonished at the mountain of evidence, showing that hydrogen peroxide therapy has been used in various parts of the world by over 15,000 European doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths.

Its recorded use goes back 170 years, and has healed millions of patients of almost every disease known to man, including “the big 3,” AIDS, cancer and heart disease.

One of the most important discoveries supporting oxygen therapy occurred in 1931, when Dr. Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for proving that viruses cannot proliferate or exist in an environment with high levels of oxygen.

That’s because viruses are anaerobic, which means that they occur and thrive in the absence of oxygen.

Dr. Warburg has been quoted as saying, “Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.” He further stated that the prime cause of cancer is insufficient oxygen at the cellular level, and that cancer cells cannot survive in a high oxygen environment.

If oxygen is a cure-all for most disease, one might jump to the conclusion that deep breathing is all that is needed to create an oxygen-rich environment in the body.

But, even if our residential areas had clean air with abundant amounts of oxygen (which they don’t because of air pollution), and even if human beings remembered to breathe deeply throughout the day (which they don’t), it still wouldn’t be possible to take in as much oxygen as our bodies need, in order for healing to occur and health to be restored.

As air pollution is a factor in oxygen availability, is it one of the reasons for corona hot spot countries and hot spots within countries?

And why polluted London, has gone from the highest rate of virus infection in the UK, to the lowest, in the space of a few days?

Furthermore, simply inhaling oxygen is not enough. Only 15% of the oxygen you inhale is absorbed into the bloodstream. Oxygen must enter the blood, and the blood, in turn, needs to deliver it to the cells and tissues of the body. This, then would raise tissue oxygen levels, kill bacteria, viruses and defective tissue cells, enable healthy cells to survive and multiply more rapidly—and ultimately create a stronger immune system.

The food grade hydrogen peroxide featured in the book has many uses in food manufacturing as a bleaching agent and for disinfecting & sterilising utensils etc. So it does not come with specific instructions for oxygen therapy.

Which is why so much stress is put on reading the book for dosing instructions. Hydrogen Peroxide is a very powerful product and can be dangerous if not used as directed.

The dangers of hydrogen peroxide, tend to be highlighted, given prominence and emphasis, by pharmaceutical companies with expensive rival products.

But they too will have prescription instructions,cautions against overdosing,and side effect warnings.

I now have a bottle of 3% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide and started with a daily maintenance dose of 3 drops using a medicine eye dropper, and diluted in water.

The above is, in no way, intended to discredit doctors, medical practitioners and institutions that have genuinely good intentions of helping to heal people and eradicate disease.

It simply points to a medical system that is increasingly focused on illness, rather than wellness, that promotes medical procedures, drugs or treatments only, and never considers simple, natural, inexpensive, effective treatments or therapies that have no side effects.

See my Blog

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I'm not at all convinced that drinking Hydrogen Peroxide would have no side effects. Seems to me that it can cause chemical reactions internally that it wouldn't, if applied externally or in the mouth without swallowing.

I'm not a doctor or a chemist, but I took lots of science for my Engineering degree. All that does is help me evaluate things I read online a little better, maybe! Anyway, I find healthline to generally be reasonable and they have an article on this:

I think the way I would try to get more oxygen in my body would be just to breathe more concentrated Oxygen, since the lungs are the way our bodies are adapted to take in oxygen. I know American Football players breathe in concentrated oyxgen to energize them after exhausting plays.

If I was going to experiment, I'd go with concentrated oxygen breathing rather than drinking peroxide. But that's just my opinion.

Stay safe and stay healthy!

Thank you kenny. It is good to differ, so long as we respect each other's view - which I'm sure we do.

I am familiar with Healthline, but I have looked again at the article in your link.

Fair play - I was expecting to find their own product suggestion as an alternative - but no,it gave it's honest opinion,which I respect.

But I could point out similar hazards with synthetic drugs.Our hospitals have a high percentage of patients with drug side effects.

Opioid crisis?

I'm pleased there is a 3% food grade.I would not have the patience with all the diluting down from 35%.

I am on the preventative dose, 3 drops of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, in twice the amount of water,per day.

Yes, of course we respect each other's views. :)

You make a valid point. There certainly are big risks with treatments from the medical field, especially from drugs and other conventional treatments; Iatrogenesis is a real thing.

Iatrogenesis (from the Greek for "brought forth by the healer") refers to any effect on a person, resulting from any activity of one or more other persons acting as healthcare professionals or promoting products or services as beneficial to health, which does not support a goal of the person affected.

I try to stay away from doctors and hospitals as much as possible. An alternate approach is worth considering, with due diligence.

Wishing you all the best on your preventative dose of hydrogen peroxide!

Thank you kenny. Similar here. My last visit to my doctor was September 2017, with a frightening outbreak of blisters on upper thighs and forearms, on which my natural remedies made no effect. Was eventually diagnosed as Bullous pemphigoid.Cause unknown.As I say.there is a place for both approaches.

Iatrogenesis (from the Greek for "brought forth by the healer") refers to any effect on a person, resulting from any activity of one or more other persons acting as healthcare professionals or promoting products or services as beneficial to health, which does not support a goal of the person affected.While some have advocated using the term to refer to all "events caused by the health care delivery team", whether "positive or negative", consensus limits use of iatrogenesis to adverse effects, including (in the broadest sense) all adverse unforeseen outcomes as well as foreseen outcomes from medication or other medical treatment or intervention. Some iatrogenic effects are clearly defined and easily recognized, such as a complication following a surgical procedure (e.g., lymphedema as a result of breast cancer surgery); less obvious ones, such as complex drug interactions, may require significant investigation to identify.
Cases of iatrogenesis may include:

complications arising from a medical procedure or treatment
side effects of possible drug interactions
medical errors
use of contaminated instruments
anxiety or annoyance in the patient, physician or treatment provider in relation to medical procedures or treatments
unnecessary medical treatment resulting from a physician's decisionUnlike an adverse event, an iatrogenic effect is not always harmful. For example, a scar created by surgery is said to be iatrogenic even though it does not represent improper care and may not be troublesome.

For long time I haven't been here. Your post is the first one I read and I like it very much. Yes oxygen is the key. Perhaps you have also heard about Wim Hof's breathing method.
He emphasizes that by breathing, we’re mostly unaware of its tremendous potential. Heightened oxygen levels through a specialized breathing technique shows more energy-reduced stress levels and an augmented immune response that swiftly deals with pathogens.
The huge numer of covit 19- mortality in Italy has to do also with air polution of this special region. Not to mention the bad hospitals over there.

By the way focussing on wellness instead of illness is the best respons to that Panic Flu. Yesterday I found a reasonable voice from your country concerning the spread of fear and panic:

Stay healthy my friend!

Thank you johano. Good to hear from you. Dramatic happenings in the meantime, that no one could have foreseen. There had been warnings that a Pandemic was due, but not, I suspect, on the world wide devastating scale of this. Lord Sumption makes some good observations, most of which I have sympathy with. But it seems that our old fashioned views and values are just that. They don't apply to this age of entitlement. What is the reality?I think we will find out soon.

Soon? How long will it be? Something is in the air for sure.