in coronatest •  3 years ago  (edited)


Note: The tasting / sniffing technique is explained by a senior doctor on duty in Quarantine.

How to find out if you have coronary heart disease or common illness at home:

Modern medical research has shown that 70% of Corona sufferers lose their sense of taste and smell. And when they recover, their senses are restored.

Doctors are calling this sign a divine blessing.

Simply put, if you don't know the taste of sweet or sour (such as salt, pepper or a bitter pill) or don't smell perfume / scent, this is proof that you should Even if you do not have any outward symptoms, immediately separate yourself from everyone in the house and go to the nearest quarantine senior so that your life can be saved with timely treatment.

And if you have all the symptoms of corona (such as fever, cold, flu, headache) but still your sense of taste and ability is working fine then congratulations to you not corona virus but Is a seasonal disease.

According to doctors, it is a blessing from God to find the victims ........ we should take advantage of it.

Please stop being afraid of Karuna from today,

Don't treat yourself with a mild cold or flu.

If you still have doubts, first check your sense of smell and taste at home, put salt, pepper, or a bitter pill in your mouth at home to see if it tastes good, and a scent or perfume. Or sniff another scent to see if it feels. If all goes well, then don't worry, don't leave the house, you can take your fever off the panadol at home, if you have a cold, leave it, it will heal on its own.

If you still have a problem, call the government's helpline 1166 and let them know about your situation. They will reassure you and explain everything.

Even in quarantine seniors, the patient is first checked by taking a bitter pill to see if he is feeling the taste. According to the doctors, many patients came to the quarantine thinking that they were affected by the common fever and sent them back saying goodbye. Given that congratulations you don't have to cry.

But for God's sake, don't take your own life for fear of Karuna, don't commit suicide, remember that life and death are in the hands of Allah and not Karuna. So stop being scared and keep checking yourself according to the instructions given above. If possible, go through the experience of tasting and smelling the whole house and make sure that everyone is fine or not. Remember, the only cure for coronavirus at this time is precaution,
so be careful yourself and keep checking the family members too, because if even one person in the house is affected by corona, then there is a strong possibility that the whole house will be affected.

Be careful and just be careful
Never leave home
Check everyone's sense of taste and smell in the morning and evening.

Finally remember Karuna is not greater than Allah. It cannot be done without the command of Allah and no power in the world can save him whom Allah has decided to affect, so put your trust in Allah and live a peaceful life.


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