Hysterics are usually wrong

in coronavirus •  5 years ago 

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When one side of an issue is hysterical or panicked and the other side isn't too upset, the side that's not hysterical is almost always correct.

This is true even if I'm the hysterical one.

There will be rare times which are the exception. You won't know ahead of time-- or even during the event-- whether this time is the exception or not. How's that for a nice bit of news?

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There is one place where this doesn't hold true.

A narcissist (sociopath) and their gas-lit victim.

The narcissist will appear completely in control
While the victim will appear extremely emotional, unsure of anything and as jumpy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

The victim has been living in a world where they are told up is down and left is right. They are being driven insane.

The way to really tell if someone is a narcissist is to find several of their acquaintances and try to corroborate stories. The narcissist tells each one a different lie.

That's why I say "usually". And, yeah, I have experience with a narcissist. Not fun!