Ten major rules to avoid Coronavirus and further calamities

in coronavirus •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemians. In my two previous posts I elaborated on how corona-virus is correlated to transgression of men and nations. This post will be very short and it will only contain top rules that will assure your safety from coronavirus and even worse things.

Ten rules to overcome coronavirus and further judgments

  1. Repent from your previous sins! (especially abortions, homosexuality, tolerance to sin, sexual immorality like fornication, adultery, porn consumption, unforgiveness, attacking people - especially God's servants, etc.)
  2. Do not sin anymore! Don't promote sin! Don't tolerate sin! Don't vote for those who propagate sin!
  3. You must live constantly under blood of Jesus Christ
  4. Celebrate Lord's supper (daily if possible)
  5. Pray and fast!
  6. Have faith! It means also no fear and doubts allowed!
  7. Read and pray Psalm 51 and 91 (daily)
  8. Be kind and charitable!
  9. Be born again!
  10. Obey our Lord Jesus Christ to your best abilities until He comes.

Do it now! Otherwise there might be no tomorrow for you!

If you do it, God is faithful and merciful and will take you back and will save you!


He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
-- Psalm 91:2-4

Things above basically means you have healthy relationship with God again and therefore also that you're protected and saved (not just from the coronavirus).

Beyond that you should obey rules and regulations of authorities unless they contradict Law of God. These things I will not list because MSM media bombard you with them every day (like avoid crowds, wash hands, etc.)

Stay safe, stay saved!

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