“Stop calling it the flu” pleads doctor

in coronavirus •  5 years ago 

Today the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, and Trump banned travel between Europe and the USA.

This week a doctor in Italy wrote a chilling post about what it’s like in hospitals there at the moment. Coronavirus moved slowly at first and then suddenly it overwhelmed hospitals in the blink of an eye. There aren’t enough beds. People are treated in the hallways and some people aren’t be treated at all. Doctors in Italy currently have to choose who to treat depending on their chance of survival. Doctors and nurses there no longer have shifts or schedules or departments: it’s just all hands on deck treating corona patient after corona patient. These medical practitioners have been isolated for months, and have been weeks without seeing their families. Many break down from exhaustion, some have died.

Yet despite testimonials like this from medical practitioners all over the world, people still have their heads in the sand and say “it’s no worse than the flu”.
As the Italian doctor said, “tell me which flu virus causes such a rapid tragedy … Let's stop saying it's a bad flu”

The only way to help the situation is to make sure that we slow the spread of the virus to a level where medical facilities can keep up. That means keeping as many people home as possible, The sooner you self-quarantine, the more lives you’ll save.

Some people are upset because their holiday has been ruined, or their workout routine interrupted. But doctors around the world are pleading: “Try to have mercy on that myriad of older people you could exterminate. It is not your fault, I know. It is the fault of those who put it in your head that you are exaggerating. And even this testimony may seem just an exaggeration for those who are far from the epidemic, but please, listen to us, try to leave the house only to indispensable things.”

2:47 - 9:04:
Doctor's full testimonial

Excellent map for tracking cases:

Article with graphs and statistics about fatalities:

Companies in Silicon Valley encouraging working from home:

Study of effectiveness of face masks:

Original testimonial from Italian doctor:

Another great article:

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the elderly population is the most represented in our country. there you go
minute 5:30 - the West is basically too old. As far as i know death rate for younger people is like 0,2%.

I think corona is just a scapegoat to shut down or stimulate markets that were about to collapse anyway in the next 2 years.

South Korean quaranteened the whole country, for what pric?! (note: in SK there are NO public BTC ATMs, that tells you something about digital freedoms they have there.)

Medical professionals are beginning to question the WHO/CDC line on viruses.

This is the CDC web page refered to in the video https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html