Total truth! She truly is central to all things. Without her the wheel of life wouldn't spin the same, perhaps it wouldn't even spin at all.
Although I am not familiar with the Indiana Jones movies, from what I gather, demonising Kali is common and adds to a lot of false truths being passed on about her. Objectivity is vital when speaking on her, one which inspires and drives one to have a personal encounter with her. Only then can one truly grasp her and her ways. Perhaps, and this is solely coming from my understanding, when one sees Kali in a so-called negative light, portrayed demonically and what not, she laughs behind the scenes, revealing herself in ways unfathomable to us, either seducing our interest and luring us in, or pushing us away completely, at least for the time being. It truly does take time and effort to work with Kali, but it's a ride worth taking.
She is undoubtably a source of immense strength and power in women all over the globe. Women who encounter her and let her work through them are walking embodiments of her true nature which is change. And as we all can clearly see and feel, the world needs change. It is time for women to step in, hand-in-hand with Kali, shining a brand new light onto the world.
Embrace her!