Andrea Tinianow discusses the impact of Delaware Blockchain Initiative on corporate governance in the US.
Our guest in this episode is Andrea Tinianow, a lawyer and consultant who conceived, along with a number other well known blockchain lawyers, the Delaware Blockchain Initiative (DBI) in 2016. Since then, Andrea has transitioned into the consulting role with Global Kompass, where she helps companies break into the blockchain world.
What is Delaware Blockchain Initiative?
Delaware Blockchain Initiative is a project which aims to bring a plan to enable blockchain-based corporate governance in the State of Delaware. In the summer of 2017 DBI was successful in effecting changes of policy, known as “Blockchain Amendments” to Delaware’s General Corporation Law. These amendments expressly authorize corporations to issue and maintain the records of their stock shares on a blockchain.
The Impact of Delaware Blockchain Initiative
As Andrea explains, when DBI was launched its role was to explore possibilities of blockchain technology to improve certain practices of state governance like managing public archives, storing documents and integrating corporate registration data.With companies in Delaware now being able to register their legal information on a distributed ledger, this policy paves way to the legitimization of blockchain technology on an institutional level. Andrea also gives us some ideas for the future applications of blockchain in corporate governance (sales tax payments, real estate transfers, creditors’ security etc.)