I noticed an odd coincidence immediately following the barrage of catastrophic hurricanes that ravaged some coastal areas of the US and Puerto Rico this summer. The intensity and timing of the “natural disasters” coupled with the unscrupulously imposed debt crisis in Puerto Rico seemed to brew the perfect storm of opportunity for a disaster capitalist, according to Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine.
{The potential use of weather manipulation to steer and/or intensify the hurricanes is another topic of discussion that we all should research. A place to start: search for climate-related terminology at USTPO.gov.}
Out of curiosity, I started looking up the entities or interests may have been vying for the coastal real estate of Texas & Florida. Without expending much time or effort at all, the beneficiary prominently featured near the top of the search results was the Hyperloop One project.
Lo and behold, Texas and Florida at that time were conveniently the only two of proposed 11 US routes that had a chance of proceeding to the construction phase.
Fast forward to this week
The Washington State Amtrak derailing occurred after the first run on an upgrade costing $181 million (RT America) had nearly completed. Safety mechanisms had not been installed, and an official mentioned that such a hazard was a possibility considering the the lack of this typically standard, essential equipment. What’s more, this exorbitant expenditure not only overlooked the condition of the old, neglected (by the railroad tracks but also skirted any test runs.
Of course, multiple parties must profit for any successful disaster capitalism operation. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as surprise that in their coverage of the derailment, CBS news continually emphasized the dilapidated state of tracks with blame openly directed toward the NTSB and mainly the Federal Railroad Administration, which has automated much of the track safety inspection procedures. WSDOT also cut slack on safety inspections in 2015.
The underlying argument being public (government) agencies are unaccountable and a danger to the citizens. For profit, private corporations are incentivized to promote the public good for the general welfare of society naturally. As inane as I hope that sounds, we have to admit that it does get hammered into our heads in the US as the true American way. Letting private companies swindle, pillage, plunder here and abroad = “national security” and “individual freedom” because the hapless, wasteful government is encroaching on your liberty. Why this is a compelling argument eludes me, as it begs the question of why a government that should be representing or interests is not. Furthermore, whining about paying taxes to a detested body without openly organizing as a nation to cease paying them suggests unadulterated fascism is preferable alternative rather than a desperately needed revolution.
Quite Convenient
Evidence of Puerto Rico’s exploitation surfaced as many predicted with the blatantly corrupt Whitefish crony contract to rebuild the electrical grid. Therefore, if what counts as logic in this country prevails, somebody stands to profit from the incident in Washington. Looking up the Hyperloop project again today, it’s apparent whether coincidentally or intentionally, the third chosen route for the project is right along the site of the derailment.
It isn’t a secret either WADOT.gov has information posted on the site about a high speed rail project.
As to why such destructive measures would be taken rather than attempting to convince the public to abandon their homes in a systematic, orderly fashion comes down to sheer psychopathy and brazen greed and corruption. States feel the benefits of a major investment outweigh the displacement of a few. The matter of proper compensation from the government disappears or becomes a murky matter while completely curtailing eminent domain lawsuits and appeals, which would drag on for years. Destruction by natural cataclysmic events doesn’t require disclosure of nefarious government research endeavors and technology, precluding the much needed debate over ethicality. A myriad of industries, private businesses, and multinational corporations, speculators, bankers salivating over the prospective profits have too much to gain and every reason to suppress any hint of moral ascendency, unlikely as it may be among the myopic cabal of conspirators and despots.
Underlings that blow the whistle are categorized as insane conspiracy theorists if not a terrorist threat. The imperative to inform cannot stand up to the reality of needing an income, familial obligations, or the possibility of punitive measures with no chance of beating the rigged judicial system.
The dumbing down of America through the contaminated water or various atmospheric payloads released unbeknownst to the masses, or whatever else it may be have rendered the public too irrational, apathetic, helpless and hopeless, high, disenfranchised, depressed, unempathetic and shamelessly misinformed incapable of self-reflection or evolving out of a barbarism that completely inhibits a sense of solidarity with our fellow humans and the planet.
Because of the lack of civic engagement and poor education, a distorted understanding of history, and lack of a global perspective, as well as the oligarchy-imposed economic stranglehold that only a substandard educational system could perpetuate is the main factor behind how misanthropic profiteers and opportunists get away with their crimes all over the world, and we’re complicit. At this point, our utter stupidity is aiding and abetting the enemy, the elite power structure. That is the only exceptional thing about America.
I realize that this could all sound like the musings of a conspiracy theorist, tin-hat wearer to some, yet the current track record would suggest that it is, in fact, the widely accepted, mainstream, so called official narrative that is proving to be a cruel experiment in psychological warfare rather than anything grounded in contextually relevant historical fact.
If the world is viewed through the eyes of the psychopathic kakistocracy, the decisions our leaders make become coherent, even predictable, and the propaganda laughable if it weren’t such a crime against humanity. We just need a critical mass of awakening. A revolution is brimming.
P.S. I wonder if the Atlanta Airport Blackout was designed to sway & cement public opinion concerning Trump’s plan to privatize the FAA or create private contracts for electrical grid upgrades.
P.P.S. Same goes for the wild fires in the California: They’re clearing the area for something,. Reinbahiting the fire-stricken land is unlikely. (See 2013 map Hyperloop proposal, currently a semi-finalist in the global route competition; it kind of overlaps.)
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Curbed SF. (2017). California high-speed rail: Everything you need to know (update). [online] Available at: https://sf.curbed.com/2017/9/19/16331308/high-speed-rail-california [Accessed 20 Dec. 2017].
Hickey, W. (2017). This Map Shows Where The Hyperloop Is Going To Go. [online] Business Insider. Available at: http://www.businessinsider.com/hyperloop-route-map-2013-8 [Accessed 19 Dec. 2017].
Lambert, F. and Lambert, F. (2017). Hyperloop One reveals 11 potential routes for the high-speed transportation system in the US. [online] Electrek. Available at: https://electrek.co/2017/04/06/hyperloop-one-us-routes/ [Accessed 19 Dec. 2017].
NPR.org. (2017). Showers Aid Firefighters Hoping To Contain California Wildfire. [online] Available at: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/04/548457166/showers-aid-firefighters-hoping-to-contain-california-wildfire [Accessed 19 Dec. 2017].
Wsdot.wa.gov. (2017). WSDOT - High-Speed Rail Projects. [online] Available at: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Rail/Projects.htm [Accessed 19 Dec. 2017].