10 reasons to quit facebook

in correctness •  8 years ago  (edited)

Maybe steemit is actually a very good reason to quit facebook, that I didn't get into, I am very glad that now we have a very good alternative. Anyway, hello to all, I am just starting here, this is my first post here and I have written it before my account was approved, intending to post it after approval . As my account was being approved, unfortunately, the Barcelona terrorist attack took place. One of the reasons to quit facebook that I had written at number 7 was actually the fact that facebook banned me for 24 hours for a post written in English in the night of the London Bridge terrorist attack (3rd of June 2017) on the facebook page of a German publisher, in disapproval of the Islamic invasion in Europe, as the Rock am Ring festival had been evacuated the night before (June 2nd) “due to a concrete terror threat”. That’s just one of the problems with facebook, freedom of speech has been replaced by political correctness and having your own (sane) views against things such as Islamic terrorism can get you censored and banned. People are being killed in Europe yet facebook is busy banning people for disapproving of that. Unfair and good enough of a reason to quit this biased dictatorial platform.
Rest in peace to the people that keep dying in these terrorist attacks.

The post that I had written:

What is facebook?
To me, facebook, just like Google, is a website with strong links to the CIA that tries to get people to share personal preferences and information and to centralize them by having them go through its servers. For that, it also merges services together or acquires them (Instagram, WhatApp, etc. ) the way Google did with Youtube, Panoramio, Picasa, Gmail, in order to have access to as much personal data as possible about people. This data is not collected by surveillance for no reason, it is collected to make statistics based on which some people can make political changes to the world, in the interests of the globalist elites that want to know as much as possible about the world, in order to eventually rule it. And people do share that personal data.

1. Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t have fallen for facebook’s invasion of privacy

What did Mark Zuckerberg say to a friend at Harvard the first time when he realized that people would just share tons of personal information?

'' Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Friend]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it.
Zuck: I don't know why.
Zuck: They "trust me"
Zuck: Dumb fucks ''

While gathering tons of information about a billion people, he actually even applies masking tape over his laptop’s mic and camera.

2. Facebook is the ultimate surveillance tool, a sort of CIA profiler with a fancy visual interface

You don’t see this in iOS when installing the app but in Android, if you download the facebook or facebook messenger apps, Androidt says “This app requires no special permissions” and it just installs. But if you download a permission information app such as Advanced Permission Manager, surprise surprise, that “special” word sure weighs a lot more… Because Android installs the app which you believe hasn’t received any permission, yet when you check the manager app, boom, actually these apps have access to pretty much everything on your phone – phone calls, messages, contacts, camera, microphone, GPS location etc. etc. , you name it, it actually gets dozens of privacy-invading permissions that you aren’t even asked about.

This video was supposed to be a joke at the time, but it certainly is no joke. It’s kind of like John Carpenter’s “They Live” movie in a way, it strongly depicts the reality, in fact.

3. It is a huge waste of time for the most part.

Even if you have the option of choosing the content you get in your news feed, I still feel like it’s dumbing everybody down. You just scroll through all sorts of worthless stuff and you’re presented with all sorts of useless ads from which facebook makes money, every few posts there’s another ad in your newsfeed. You get nothing in any way, while facebook makes billions off of its users. Productivity is also affected by facebook’s relative uselessness.

4. It is bad for your real world social life just like pornography is bad for your real world sex life

I have heard about facebook from around 2009, knew people addicted to it in 2010 when I’ve been told “If you’re not on facebook you don’t exist” yet I’ve reZisted it until late 2011. I existed just fine until facebook appeared and actually my social life in reality was much better until joining facebook than after it. On facebook you get all sorts of useless virtual socializations to the detriment of useful ones in real life. People that you would’ve seen talking to other people in real life, you now see staring into their phones. It is an illusion of socialization that is detrimental to real world socialization.

5. It is a dumbing down tool, just like TV

Before facebook, the online conversations took place on forums and they were constructive, people would discuss and brainstorm about things, forums had a sort of arborescent structure that allowed you to debate all sorts of subjects.
Facebook brought people over from forums and still has no structure, just a scrollable news feed and timeline stuctured in a way that can only be useful to law enforcement that can easily check who did what and when, not to brainstorming on subjects.
In the cryptocurrency world, there’s the Bitcointalk forum but it’s not ideal. On any forum, if the admins want to make money off of the forum, this comes to the detriment of the forum. The fact that users get paid for flashing ad signatures makes them fill the forum with worthless "junk" posts just to automatically make some money that way. I haven’t joined the forum but I suppose that this is how its reward system works.

6. Facebook is becoming more and more a brainwashing tool.

You have the ability to customize some parts of it but not everything. The reactions for posts appeared at a certain time, I said to myself “Good, sometimes you need more than the Like button”. But it didn’t take long until it became a way of brainwashing people through propaganda. All of a sudden, of all things, the sexual minorities flag appeared, as an extra reaction. So even though so many countries are largely against homosexuality and in support of the normal family (not “traditional”, that is a politically correct term invented to make it look like the normal family can be outdated), facebook decided to make homosexuality propaganda all over the planet. I even got LGBT related ads in my news feed even though I never visit any such page.
Birth rate is such a big problem in the Western world nowadays yet some people support anything that brings the birth rate even lower, then pushing for immigration from different continents. These world politics manipulators are clearly enemies of the indigenous populations.

7. Facebook decides jurisdiction on its own free will

On the night of the London Bridge Islamic terrorist attack, I was banned by facebook for a comment against the Islamic invasion written in English on the facebook page of a German publisher, after the Rock am Ring which had been evacuated THE NIGHT BEFORE due to a “concrete terror threat”.
I suspect that the decision was made due to the fact that the current German “Minister of Censorship” (as he is named by Identitaere Bewegung) Heiko Maas has warned facebook to delete all comments against the far left regime’s ideology. I see this as an abuse from facebook however, as: I do not reside in Germany and was not in Germany at the time, neither am I a German citizen. Also, English is not an official language in Germany nor where I was, nor did I have citizenship in any German or English speaking country, so why would facebook have the right to ban me for a comment made from my country in English on an American website due to Germany’s abusive laws?

8. It has joined the “We decide for you which pages are fake news” frenzy, deciding for you what will be visible to you

It even went as far as erasing the follower base even of humour-intended-fake-news pages such as Romanian “Times New Roman” satire page, a sort of Romanian “Onion” that actually only publishes real news on April Fools Day. Way to go, facebook!

9. Dictators and manipulators are the people that need such a spying/ surveillance infrastructure

Facebook reminds me of Romanian dictator Ceausescu communist regime’s Securitatea surveillance department in times when you weren’t allowed to say anything against the regime and the population was under strict surveillance and censorship.
In the minds of Romanian people, Securitatea (The Security, short for “Departamentul Securitatii Statului” , The Department of State Securtiy) is a very dark memory. There was no Internet at the time but facebook has things in common with the way Securitatea was monitoring people.
Securitatea had undercover informers everywhere, which colaborated with it and denounced those that were against the regime, people which could have been arrested, jailed, tortured and even killed in the basements where they would be brought by the Militia. An undercover informer could have been anybody – a neighbor, a “friend”, a coworker etc. Phone lines were sometimes wired in pairs so that a neighbor could pick up the receiver and listen to your conversation. Walls were built thin so that neighbors could listen to each other’s conversations. The system was made in a way in which you could socialize and in which you could be heard by an informer even when you wanted to have a private conversation with somebody else.
Ceausescu would’ve killed to have something like facebook for surveillance, I can imagine how he would’ve been like a kid in a candy store to see how much information about people and how easily such a service could collect.

10. Compared to Youtube, Facebook is much more of a control freak

Both Google, which owns Youtube, as well as facebook clearly have strong links to CIA/ NSA.
However, on Youtube, even if some “controversial” content is demonetized, it is allowed to remain there, for years. Facebook on the other side, apart from the fact that it is a privacy invader by design, will delete “controversial” content, some right-wing stuff that is not deleted by Youtube would be deleted by Facebook in no time.
Also, while Youtube presents you with recommended content related to what you had already searched for, facebook presents you recommended content based on its agenda more than about your activity.

Some final thoughts about this

I really hope that Mark Zuckerberg has no chance whatsoever to US presidency. He would be in a monumental conflict of interests, he is clearly one of the biggest and most dangerous globalists, he would make the US a surveillance state like the world had never seen before and the American global political manipulators would have powers never before seen.

I have quit facebook for the most part and it feels good to have done so, quitting it gives you one of those releaving feelings that you get when you quit doing something that was bad for you, it was without a doubt the right thing to do!

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