
in costofconflict •  3 years ago 

Costs to Conflict, most conflicts end in immediate loss, not too sure why these causes are reoccuring if we look at the effects they create.

chart: Bitcoin Markect Cap - Leap Year View

World War II cost $4.69 trillion at 2019 USD value.

Bitcoin is currently at $0.85 trillion / $823 Billion.

WWII cost x5.51 more than all the money / value that is currently within Bitcoin.


"1. World War II

• U.S. war spending (2019 dollars): $4.69 trillion

• Duration: 3 years, 9 months

• U.S. military deaths: 405,399

The United States spent more than $4 trillion, or 36% of its GDP, fighting World War II. More than 400,000 U.S. troops were killed in the conflict" #costofconflict


#costofwar #bitcoinrelativity

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